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Everything posted by HolyLight

  1. Listening to this and reading the beautiful Bhagavad Gita. 🌸
  2. Excellent, a movie you say? Hollywood must be salivating right now. And probably P-Diddy too.😅Nothing but pure respect for your jingle bells Goa project.
  3. When is the grand wedding between Psynina and NHJO taking place?

  4. Yeah I feel ya, some similar observations over here regarding social media. I mean I really loved and love the focus this forum had and continues to have to some degree on everything Psytrance. Like you say, the social media platforms are like a barrage of "offtopic" constantly vying for one's attentions, so it a rather different experience for sure. And besides the algos there are very much working against whatever preferences one might have, I have followed soo many interesting artist pages there, interesting creative brands etc etc, still it serves me stuff I have no interest in. So yeah, this type of forum, is much more of a deliberate experience, more like reading a dedicated Psytrance newspaper/gossip, as opposed to the social media experience which is more akin to beeing inside a TV-commercial. As for the different styles popular here, I've always felt it had a bit of everything, I met lots of people here before who were into all kinds of Psy styles I had no clue about, and it was interesting for sure. Going to DarkPsy events, Swedish Forest music, some Suomi stuff, etc, Prog Trance, Full-On events, Neo Goa events sprinkled with some retro Goa as well. But yeah that was quite some time ago now. I'm sure the lurkers here represent a wider variety of styles. But I understand your impression, after all this forum was somewhat managed before by Suntrip peepuz, so it probably attracted a lot of Goa heads so to say. And Belgians overall seem very into Goa. I think there was quite a few of those here.
  5. Was it bootlegged or featured on a proper release? Link please if it's on the legal platforms Youtube/Spotify etc Gotta hear what all this fuzz was about. Better be epic.
  6. Sure I can see both sides of the issue. You know I wouldn't mind hearing it in good quality for sure, and yeah as you say one day he'll be gone, so why not leave something more for his own legacy? Still, in the end it's his choice, his life. On the other hand, if I try to put myself into his shoes, and try to see what he could benefit from it. I mean there isn't much besides you know for the fans. As for everything else, we all know there aren't that many that purchase this kind of music sadly, so most of it will likely be pirated. And perhaps he feels at ease, knowing full well that he achieved what he might've wanted already with his music, IMO. And btw on a side-note regarding his musical output after the 90's era, did he release something I should check out? I haven't kept tabs on his music besides his classic album. Could give some ideas as to the quality/style of the new remix.
  7. So what's your favourite "Angelic" or you know just very uplifting heavenly euphoric Trance for the spirit? And I don't mean in terms of the tracks needing to have an angelic thematic for the track name. Just you know the general feeling it evokes. I'll start with these:
  8. So to chime in, out of curiousity. The remix in question, is it a relatively new remix or from the golden olden age? Or perhaps from the full-on 00's era? I really love the original track and the remix from the Goa Head era. As for Juan keeping the track to himself/for his live audience. I mean can't blame him, his own property. I think it's quite common, to have a something a little extra special for the live sets. I even think Hallucinogen had that when I saw him live. I'm not sure, but I think he played some remix of Gamma Goblins.
  9. Indeed I agree. If for example Psynews had a huge active user base, then the private could make some more sense perhaps. But alas it doesn't so yeah that's that. Either way one flips the coin, the inevitable reality of changed internet behaviours/trends, the effects of the generational shifts, is plainly visible for us.
  10. My first poll here so bear with me, I can add more details surely. With private I mean as in, members have to login to see the contents of the forum. Which could perhaps make the lurkers step out of the shadows? Maybe just wishful thinking on my part. Many forums have like a mixed setting. In which some content is only visible to logged in users. And some is visible to lurkers too. In such a scenario I think the news section would be a good contender to keep public. Which is a kind of smart option, because it tends to incentivize, the joining of a forum/participation. Reddit is a bit like that, and yeah facebook, is to some small degree. The down-side to this closed approach is that, threads would get less exposure/views overall on Psynews I think. And also so that the AI search engines like Bing still gets Psynews relevant search results etc. The closed options were those that RTP proposed, I.E: closing the forum permanently (kinda like deleting it from the internet I suppose?). Or archiving it, meaning it's still visible but not open for participation. Like a Psynews museum if you will.
  11. So I just wanted to check what our dear forum members think, I don't hold the fate of the forum in my hands obviously. That's the admin/mod teams/owners decision. But I thought it would be interesting to see what the opinions are. With a little poll/survey. The poll is anonymous.
  12. Indeed, anyways you gotta admit, he's been very consistent in his spam over the years. It's like Pavel invented this theme, and then stuck to it. I think NHJO have been posting these things for around 15 years or so on Psynews, maybe more even. So yeah it has become a bit of a tradition, many people came and went since then. But NHJO is eternal no doubt.
  13. @MikroMakro Yeah I mean that's one thing that has been quite noticeable over the years on the forum. The absence of the artists themselves. And when there were artists here, many were drama queens anyways. And got booted, so maybe that scared some away. Thinking it could affect their, reputation. One thing many of those who were on the dramatic side here had in common was how thin-skinned they seemed. So obviously that often lead to some drama, when this forum housed some pretty strong opinions/critique on albums. On the other hand, maybe it was a wise decision, after all. Better focusing on making music then risking beeing involved in some meaningless online drama. But it's still a bit intriguing, seeing that many of the Psy/Goa artists are quite active on social media posting memes and political blablabla and conspiracy theories. But yeah personally I think we should either close the forum down, or make it private. So the lurkers would have to login too. And I am all for embracing new technology, we could employ bots to ignite the news section. And yeah the bots could boot/mute people as well. No need for many active mods in that sense, more than to check what mess/wrong decisions the bots might've made every once in a while. We could set up some strict filters. So everyone would be banned in the end. Cursing? Boom banned, wrong opinion on a classic album? Boom banned. Nah just kidding, that would be like Instagrammy or Faceduck.
  14. My suspicion is that there are more lurkers here than one might think, if only we could entice those to participate somehow? Maybe some free cookies and soda? And yeah maybe unban some people. I mean a life time ban seems a rather strict measure? Some drama and popcorn could be necessary sometimes.
  15. This thing sounds sick! What a squidgy filter, a pure liquid acid machine. Should be quite easy to get some Hallucinogen Deranger type leads out of this in tandem with Dune3.
  16. I agree with pretty much all of your acute observations. And yeah it's both fascinating and kinda uninspiring at the same time, the trajectory of this genre. It's constantly changing/morphing, not always for the best of everyones preferences of course, but ultimately it's the commercial success of the front-runners that will shape a large portion of what will define the style. Anyways as with all other genres. And as you've pointed out, the change of mediums/platforms and ways in which people consume and distribute music always have a huge impact on the shape of the music itself. As we can see right now due to TikTok and Instagram, with electronic music getting shorter tracks, due to the song lenght limits on those platforms. And yeah probably due to shorter attentions spans too. I hope that the underground aspects of Psytrance always will continue to work, as a counter-balance to the genres most commercial aspirations. So that it doesn't completely lose it's original message and unique identity. Because sadly much of what I originally fell in love with in this genre, has changed quite drastically. Buy yeah it goes back and forth, some trends come and go, there's always somekind of new revivalist movement on the not too far away horizon, when people get bored. And start to look back in time for inspiration.
  17. @RTP I'm thinking that the most logical thing to do, would be to create a poll. With the options you suggested, kinda like: Keep the forum, close the forum, archive it etc. The participation rate to such a poll, would in itself give an idea as to if the forum is game over. (As if the statistics RTP mentioned, weren't enough of an indication.) The way I see it, if there's less then 10 active forum members, then perhaps it's nothing more than a little chat group. And as such, a forum with all it's associated costs to run it, perhaps becomes quite a bit redundant? The forum is stagnating any way one chooses to view it, the grumpy old male energy is quite noticeable. And that is obviously what happens, when there's no active female forum members. Either way, the forum had a good long run. And as all good things, they have to end sometime. What originally constituted the forum, I.E the users/potential new members, have gone with their favorite labels to the other platforms obviously. And the labels gained the most from that, they cut the middle-man so to speak. Anyways I miss the good old days, when Psytrance and Goa was all one would get in places like this forum, the Isratrance forum and other places. The new platforms obviously offer a lot more unrelated noise, and not enough quality content to be engaging for Psy/Goa for me. The labels own dedicated groups on facebook, I think suffer from a bit of a too narrow scope. And yeah it's mostly just links to music on youtube, and neverending praises. It becomes a bit fanboyish/cult-like. And not much in terms of nuanced discussions, or anything near the in-depth reviews that once flourished on Psynews and similar forums/portals. Maybe people still do that on Bandcamp? I don't feel like investing in that platform tho, it feels like the next myspace, to fade away. On the other hand, this trend with artists/labels having their own dedicated channels, was somewhat starting back in the days too, particularly with Infected Mushroom's and Hallucinogen's own forums. My two cents.
  18. Maybe who knows, the whole world seems bipolar/depressed atm. But yeah sometimes or probably very often, good music comes from such states of minds. Kinda like Vinnie Paz. Eminem's music always seemed like that to me as well, you know either really dark or very very too much happy/manic. But yeah difficult to know what's what, with the excessive substance abuse issues Eminem had. Could be the psychedelic influence or the MDMA. Btw Erez had a side project/alias called I-Zen. I think maybe only one track made under that alias, but very nice nonetheless, "Into the Matrix" maybe it was Duvdev ft I-Zen, have to check later. *found it:
  19. I mean you never know, but my guess would be that's just his personality style. Since he is like that in every studio blog I've seen. Not that one thing excludes another so to say, but yeah speaking from my own experience, I am like that too. I speak very fast,think fast, move fast. Maybe that is the secret Ying and Yang recipe of Infected Mushroom? Erez seems very calm in comparison.
  20. Thanks for clarifying! Since they use the same or at least similar font, as the DG-compilations I assumed some relationship. Besides the name of the podcast as well, anyways a little hommage perhaps?
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