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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. So Transwave. Where are people getting this from? Someones wishful thinking or does this have any truth to it?
  2. Wow! I just saw this. Great news! I was just listening to 'Initiated' last night at ear splitting volume, thinking 'when are we going to get more theme releases'. Glory be to RA
  3. Yeah. Well it doesn't bother me really if they prefer to discuss pottery and carpentry, but they don't know a damn thing about archeology. Thats what I will not stand for!! ----Off Topic----
  4. I wish there was some way that you could tell how serious the other bidders are. For example I'll see an item with one or two bids and give it a try only to jack their price way up and still not win. I've thought about this but still can't come up with a solution. Maybe some voluntary 5 star rating that you could enter with your bid, 1 if you just casually wanted & 5 if you'd kill for it. I'm sure everyone would always put 5 though. I don't know something would be nice though. Obviously ebay is tipped to benefit the seller.
  5. Excellent analogy, because I'd much rather listen to cows mooing than listen to full on.
  6. Great, thanks people! Syb unity, darshan, I was thinking along those lines ... All good suggestions!! I'll get back to my research now!! tee hee mwahaHaha!!
  7. carlo & andrea that is
  8. No, they would be doing battle with the forces of full-on!!!
  9. Sun Trip - http://www.discogs.com/release/165473 I have sun trip third phase & really like it and wouldn't mind having the first. But wouldn't pay more than $15-20US for it, as I have most of the tracks on it already. Wonder why that series kept switching lables. cammo-playdoe-lyrical robot. I've seen Black Rhino go for around 38US I think.
  10. cool. so anyway, tracks people I neeeeed more tracks!!
  11. lol, I'll take that under advisement niobum. Fluorostani eh, If I can find it. I know its around here somewhere! Oh hey thanks for the shipment, I actually haven't been home to see it yet. But I'm excited! hehe
  12. Carlo & Andrea are back!?! Wow! If this is true... Do you know what this means!! Do you have any idea the implications! No of course you don't you fool! Wow I always had dreams that maybe if they couldn't get back together, (maybe they don't get along or one of them has horrible body odor/bad breath or something), that maybe instead they could join up with Richard Trevor, Neil Cowley & Matt Coldrick of Green Nuns. We'd call the new full-on fighting force...hmm Pleianundians...! Green Nuns of the Pleiades...
  13. Thanks! Good suggestions. I was trying out shakta earlier today, and I also got Arsim recently but haven't listened to it yet. pleaidians: jungle trax sort of works too but then I've got two etnica tracks in a row. but hey its etnica!
  14. I'm looking for just one to follow full mental jackpot.
  15. I'm always making my own set/compilations whatever you want to call it. Trying constantly to figure out what tracks etc & the ordering they would work best. Anyway I dug these up a month or two ago & have been stuck on them ever since. I love the energy of both especially played back to back. Green Nuns of the Revolution: Two Vindaloos and an Onion Bhagee Crop Circles: Full Mental Jackpot I'm trying to figure out what would be the perfect compliment to come after Crop Circles. I usually throw in lunar civilization & then some transwave, anahata or flamycogire etc but still seems like the puzzle piece that almost fits. This is entirely a matter of taste, but just wanted some suggestions. Something with that exact same energy/vibe.. Theres something about some of these old tracks that feels like a flights initial lift off, sudden surge of power as the engines whine to max rpm. Then the eventual lull as the first stage burn is done, then the tension builds before the booster rockets fire & the G-forces double & then triple. Until finally cruising elevation/orbit is reached. I've always thought that was the secret to good psy. Particularly that winding up, tension like a spring building before the next phase.
  16. Your avatar cracks me up Reger.
  17. I just hate to bug them about it, I usually assume that people are busy & I try to be patient. He did send me an email about 4 weeks after saying he was waiting on new inserts & cases etc. That was in late January. No replies to my emails.
  18. Yeah but you can sell a car without fear of being sued for what the next owner does with it. If this mp3 watermarking thing goes into effect they won't just be killing music downloads they'll be killing half the music market too. You'd be scared to loan someone a CD for fear they'd rip it & pass it around. No one would dare sell a CD bought after Jan '07 for example. It sounds idiotic & I doubt it will actually be implemented. I heard about it from this site www.lazlow.com go to audio archives article titled "mps tracked to you" Feb 22.
  19. Yeah, I've heard that some of the big recording labels if they could have it their way would ban second hand music sales. They don't like places like ebay etc.. They want you to only send money their way. No other trade allowed. Imagine if when you sold a car that the automaker demanded a fee so that the person who buys your car isn't driving around scot free! Supposedly new technology is being devised that is encoded onto a disc that registers the CD to you. Either when you buy it or when you rip it. So when you buy a disc you're stuck with it. Who would want to risk selling to someone. Just wait until this happens if you want to see all time lows in record sales. Anti free-market forces unite!
  20. Yes this happened to me a few weeks ago! Luckily I still had them, but I had to re-rip almost my whole collection. Double & triple back-ups my friend. I think I'd be sad if there were just empy shelves where my current collection sits. I'd enjoy still having the music but it'd just be a ghost of what used to be there. <sniff> I'd probably start buying again. Anyway I like to have the actual disc & have it in digital format too.
  21. All I'm saying is that downloading has caused everyone I know to spend more, not less and broaden their musical taste. I never would've have gotten into this genre if it weren't for a few mp3s. I understand though that there are also people who only download, but I think they are the same people who don't have any money anyway. I just don't think it should be seen as a threat, because it helps the consumer know whether they're getting a quality release, and the people with no money weren't going to buy it anyway. Mostly what people are after are releases they can't buy anymore anyway. The fact is that technology is advancing so much faster than the marketplace can handle that some people panic instead of figuring out how to roll with it. Pretty soon DVD is going to be the new format. I love my CDs but I have to take all of them & convert them into digital & then burn them onto a DVD so I can listen to them while I drive. I can fit roughly 40-50 albums on one disc, but its a pain to have to convert every one of them. I like owning the flawless quality of a CD but hate the painstaking conversion process. In the future it'll be different, I won't have to do all this crap.
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