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Posts posted by Manuser

  1. Well, what to say? Album of the year? Anyway it is definitely my favorite, from what I have listened to in 2016, any electronic music genre included. I don't like the word masterpiece when it comes to psytrance but I have to make an exception with 5 billions stars.


    I had never heard about Loud before and I did not read any review about it so what a surprise when I listened to the first two tracks...

    This album is exactly what the scene needed, back to the roots of the underground goa scene, but without the melodies and of course with a great modern approach.

    This album should be regarded not as psytrance, progressive etc. but simply as electronic music, made to entrance the listener. It is difficult for me to say how happy I am that such a different album was released. Apart from a repetitive sample in track 2, I find this album to be the most accomplished and genuine I have heard in a long time, in all electronic genre. I also hear some kind of similarity with Shpongle, not about the sound but more about the spirit of the music.


    And for the first time (maybe ever), it saddens me to read so many negative reviews about it, when in the meantime we see praises about the flattest uninspired goa trance out there.


    An essential of 2016 for me, if you buy only 1 CD this year you should consider this one.

    • Like 2
  2. The Skullblower track is interesting, I like the concept. It is a shame it sounds so noisy (distortion?), it ruins the track a bit but the concept is good.


    Another all time favorite of mine: Brain 13 - Acid machines. I loved that track so much years ago when I bought Sound of acid core vol 4.


    And a fun track, The Apex - Kunda :D epic intro!

  3. Indeed MdK, can't disagree with your review. Not a memorable album. But I share most opinions about The Morning Song. It smells and stinks cheese but I just can't dislike it, quite the opposite it must be one of my favorite of all time when it comes to cheesy tracks.

    Listen to it and you'll see what I mean!

  4. Do you happen to know which track?



    I don't. It is the first time I hear this track but surely if I noticed the similarities with TE many other listeners probably did as well, nobody ever contacted the TE guys to ask? Or it may be by someone who composed a real good imitation? :)
  5. Anything Delerium. Especially

    This is from Spheres II

    I have no bloody idea what label it gets as a genre.


    I like Spheres I most, on a whole.

    Awesome :o This track really reminds me J Daniel - To Eden, it is a track I had in a commercial techno compilation (Ultra Techno 4) bought when I was a teenager (find the track on Youtube and you'll see what I mean). But the track you posted is much better, thanks for posting it.

  6. Contrary to what you said Rain, the ambient track (4) is an excellent idea. Generally I don't like when minimal/progressive artists make an ambient track for the end of their album, but this one is good for a break, and I kinda like it. In this way, you don't get tired of a bunch of 140 bpm tracks at a stretch, which is sometimes the problem in some progressive or minimal albums.


    For the rest, I found this album quite unique, you feel like calling it minimal for its repetitiveness, but there is a lot of sounds in the tracks, and there is a kinda progression in each track also. 07 Caugama is the weakest here (sounds too old and simple). 03 Corrosive juices is one of my favourites. You can find some tracks monotonous but I tend to like them after a few minutes. Bad point: a lil lack of power, of energy. On the whole, unique sound, listen to it before a possible purchase.


    I give it a 7/10.

    My brother's review, 10 years ago when we were still living in the same bedroom :)

    Still agree with it, last time I listened to this album was about 6 months and I still find it very catchy, aged well no doubt.

  7. Told you so Anu :)

    Starkraver it is good.

    psych chik amazing!


    I injured my back earlier this month (pull ups), then caught a bad cold... #excusesexcuses

    was approaching 3 minutes... but don't think i would get over 4 minutes anyway. Or maybe next year.

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  8. Unfortunately I find this album uninteresting for the most part, with very conventional melodies and indeed a very clubby approach. Sonic Algebra had more surprises and better melodies IMO, this one does not do for me. Hopefully the next album will be more creative.

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