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Everything posted by GaySatanicHippie

  1. Due to working all weekend long and other reasons im so goddamn stressed out you cant fucking believe, ive been in a pissy mood since for days, i wanted to kill everyone i see etc. Anyways, so there i was in my shitty mood, browsing through my music library, and i put on LSG - Netherworld. It starts building and then that epic melody comes on VOOOM Its like a rush of ecstasy is flooding through my body. The hair on my neck stands up, i get goosebumps, even watery eyes. I have never experienced something like this in my life without any drugs or alcohol or weed or being at a party, just pure music sensation here in my bed through my Sennheiser Headphones. Maybe its because im usually a pretty happy person, so im not used to these moodswings. But its like that melody pumped all my lifeforce back into me, it makes me feel so strong and invicible, so fragile yet so powerful. I always loved that track since back in the day, but this time it hit me straight in the heart for some weird reason, even though it is so cheesy and simple. anyways, i just wanted to share that with somebody.
  2. Probably, that thread is even better marketing than creating a fake personality, I never heard of Psy-Nina before, but now Im very curious to at least download a track to see what its all about.
  3. i dislike darkpsy even morethan full-on, i dont even know what newschool is. from the psyscene i only listen to prog, but proggy stuff with rolling basslinbes such as yotopia i also dont like. for example, that song chicken shaker from the ticon album i thoroughly dislike cause of the bassline, so i skip that song because every time.
  4. I hereby proudly announce my full-on bashing ways. The GaySatanicHippie does not approve of full-on in any sense whatsoever and gets an instant gag-reflex when subjected to rolling basslines. \\well said naiman, i dont know e.v.p., but i dont think i want to
  5. There certainly is, my son. But there are some physical requirements that cannot be taught. In oder for a perfect clean delivery, it is of advantage to have an extremely small member, just like I do. It should not exceed 1 cm diameter and 8cm length!!
  6. Oh they do, no sweating, no moaning, they dont even have to fix their hair afterwards, just one clean shot, and they have the bun in the oven! Perfect for lunch breaks or in between a busy schedule!!!
  7. you dont need a new sperm bank, im already a sperm bank, "insta-sperm", I only take 10-15 seconds at most, and Voila: Grade A aryan sperm!!!
  8. i care for mixes, i never visit music making, because mixes have nothing to do at all with the other stuff going on in there. Mixes are for made for consumation by the end user, i. e. me and you, the music making section is for producers to ask for know-how and gear related question. IMHO, make it a subsection of general, or maybe artists/promotional, but I really do think nobody will listen to them in the music making.
  9. i would make it a subsection of the general, because nobody ever checks the music making section except the producers/gearnerds, ive been in there 2 or 3 times at most since i joined this forum. it would be a shame to let all these mixes go to waste in there.
  10. I dont wanna seem like a tight-ass, but this doesnt have anything to do with psytrance and really belongs in the off-topic! And you as a modderator should know that!!!!!! just kidding, CONGRATULATIONS NEMO!!!! He looks just like his father, what a handsome young man!!!
  11. private collection had some good tracks amongst the shit, same with the one after that. The new one is the biggest piece of garbage ive ever seen, however.
  12. i also definetly prefer the slow freq, and this track im talking about is very slow and grooving, with that typical nice thick freq bassline, very cool "ëarly atmos style" breakbeat percussion, youll all see...
  13. that was still very early, right after we got there, remember when we werestanding at the bar and i went to ask the DJ for the trackname. anyeways, that track has been poppibg uo in my head ever since vthat night, its awesome, freq can never be wrong.!
  14. Last Saturday I went to a party here in Berlin and Montagu&Golkonda, the guys behind Symphonix, were playing an awesome tune that I heard at all the summer festivals. So I went up to them to ask what it was, and they said "Its new Freq". And I still have that track in my head, its slow, groving, pounding, typical freqstyle production and synths, if its any indication of Freqs new album (maybe its not even from the album, but some other new freq), we really have something to look forward to. I cant wait!!!
  15. It pains me to read the bad reviews of this album on this site, and therefore I dug out my old review from Isratrance and ill repost it here, because back then I didnt post here. Its probably the most enthusiastic review i've ever written, and ill admit, I have always been an "Atmos Whore" since the very beginning. Anyways, here we go: Ladies and Gentlemen, I've had this piece of audioart for quite some time now and I still havent't written a review. There are many reasons to explain this, my new job which takes up all of my waking hours, the heap of other great releases that are begging for my attention or the fact that behind the facade of the working man im still the same lazy-ass stoner I always was. However, these are just excuses. The real reason this review took so long is that I was not able to find words that will do Atmos justice. This is maybe the tenth attempt at a review, but I always deleted everything because it just wasn't right. I tried the "play-by-play" analysis and described every song in detail and I tried to technically analyze the progression of the Atmos sound over the last years, but I wasn't satisfied. How can One describe and analyze something that cannot be put in words, something that just "IS", or in other words, feels like the heart or bassline of all existence. (I know this sounds strange, but I shall elaborate) I finally found a hook to start writing a review when I remembered the comments for Atmos's first album, "Headcleaner", on the old psynews.org site. People were talking about the Atmos frequency, that some people understood or just didn't. And after all it is exactly that makes Atmos music stand out and that makes it so hard for me to put his music into words. I've known Atmos since his very first release on EVE records, I bought "Rebirth of Cavanough" and listened to it almost every day for years and the same goes for Headcleaner and other Atmos releases. Thus the Atmos Frequency became the bassline of my live, the eternal soundtrack in my head, or to quote the master himself, "THE DRUMS DON"T STOP". Now, like everyone else has mentioned here, Atmos changed his style, his beats became a lot more techy and housey, the songs arent as boucey and long anymore, and where Atmos used to play with the empty spaces between the carefully crafted sounds on Headcleaner, he now creates soundscapes that are a lot more dense and thick. Its like Headcleaner decompressed time while 2nd brigade compresses time. For example the kicks on Headcleaner where long and synthetic while on 2nd Brigade they are a clear thump in the face. The percussion on Headcleaner were Atmos trademark laidback breakbeat snares while 2nd brigade uses mostly techno hi-hats that create a very dense driving feeling. But above all it is still there, the Atmos frequency. There is something about his "sound architecture" and arrangement, the effortless skill and precision with which he constructs his tracks that make them more then music, they become part of the background and the fabric of the world around us. Listen to Metro Deluxe or Raumwelt Signal and feel how they just "are", there is no way of describing them, every sound makes sense, the soul immerses itself with the music. There are tracks on 2nd Brigade that I would put in this category, tracks that just "are", namely Raumwelt Signal, Al Bummer, Metro Deluxe and Umbau. And then there is the second category, the goosebumps tracks that lift the spirit to new heights and unheardof ease, just beatiful without the slightest hint of cheese, KNS, Ordinary weekend and the standout hit Transmission in Vain that reminds me so much of my first encounter with Atmos "Rebirth of Cavanough". During the last 3 years i had not heard much new of Atmos, but only now do I realize how much I missed him. This has been the best year for progressive psy in years, but sorry Son Kite, Freq, Kooler or Vision and CAnedy, you all are great, but you dont connect to me the way Atmos does. Probably because you dont have the Atmos frequency... Thank you very much.
  16. i wasnt around psynews at the time, but on isra it was heavily praised, i remember that, and i wrote the most positive review of my life, maybe i gotta copy it and repost it here.
  17. I dont think its underrated at all, everyone I know is fully aware of its greatness.
  18. indeed an awesome track!!!! they are very talented, thats out of the question, the problem is what they choose to do with their talent.
  19. :wub: Very true, my favorite track of last year, perfect in every sense, good to listen to at home, works wonders on the floor, awesome sample, sounds very unique, and that weird singing or whatever it is just sticks in your head for days and days and days!!!!!!! When I first got that track i listened to it on endless loops, and it never gets old, even though its such an easily recognizable track. :wub:
  20. i will record mine, I figuredout how to do it last friday, but on Sunday me and Fluffy are definitely gonna record a very special GaySatanicHippies Mix (if we dont get too drunk too soon...)!!
  21. I just saw that theres a compi out to celebrate Albert Hoffmanns 100 birthday, and apprently the whole thing was written on LSD and is dedicated to that. The whole thing is 148+ darkpsy. Also Goa Gil, and all the other darkpsy afficionados, are always talking about LSD and tripping all the time. I wonder, whats the connection between lsd and aNd 150bpm audio sodomization? when im tripping i need something nice and trippy and fluffy, like psychill or something very melodic. for example, i heard lish while tripping very hard, that was awesome. and ive been to festivals where i tripped and was subjected to darkpsy, that was awful, i hate darkpsy anyways, but on acid it was just fucking scary and even more obnoxious. is it because the digifarts sound more real, can you actually smell them on acid?
  22. cool, you must have a whole wall of records. its always nice to have for when you are retired as well. anyways, what is a rock club like? ive only been to rock concerts. do you beatmatch, probably not, right. do people dance like at electronic parties, or do they juist listen or do they mosh? im interested...
  23. i was gonna ask you this before, you get so many new cds evey week, do you actually have the time to really listen to all of that? i usually need a week to really listen to an album, to actually understand it and appreciate it.
  24. my first time was listening robert miles children, so whenever i hear that song, i think of it. now, i guess barry manilow would be cool, there are lots of eastern german girls called mandy, i might have to pick one of them up, to make love to her in style while barry screams her name.
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