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Digital Psyence

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Posts posted by Digital Psyence

  1. Well As I mentioned I just spent last night on it. If you have ever been into production im sure you know that nothing is ever done. So I will probably move onto other things. Thanks for the feedback though;)




    Oh yeah, tell me about it, completing a track 100% can really take some time :-)


    but after some breaks and other productions i always return to my "almost finished" ones and give them the final touch B)

  2. Hi all,


    have u any experiences with A-station. Is it good for modeling sound like psytrance basses?


    Or what hardware synth in this category has good sound, I have only experiences with softsynths.




    Hi there,


    Well A-station does not impress me very much. You want a hardware synth good for bass? then i would recommend Roland V-SynthXT (my pic) but its pretty expensive. Nordlead's and the Virus series is also very good for bass. i'd say go to your local synth-dealer and listen to some of them :)

  3. Aye ;) But then you'd have to have some basic knowledge of cubase (cause that's what you'd wanna use), which I do not. And besides, it drains your CPU like a bitch! So I think I'll just switch to cubase instead in that case  B)


    Rewire is the bomb!


    Belive me, Reason is the perfect drum-machine to use with Cubase.


    I get good results :-)

  4. What's wrong with Logic?


    (And it would be alright to do that, I'm inexperienced and need to know about music technology!)


    well if you own a mac, then just stick to Logic. i heard that cubase doesnt work very well on mac's.


    i guess the biggest difference between cubase and logic is probably the GUI (Graphic user interface). but if you already have logic then don't worry, im shure you'll figure out thats the software for you. i did with Cubase :-)

  5. I know about Apple, but this saves a bit of money (separately the Fast Track and Mic come to about £110)


    Money isn't the point here. I just need a decent quality microphone or two to record percussion, piano and vocals and a decent audio interface. I was just wondering if this would be a good buy for that kind of stuff.  :)


    I dont really know this mic, probabaly because its sennheiser, you should go for an AKG, Shure, RØDE, or some of those brands. i am considering buying a Audio-Technica At 4040 or 4033 i dont remeber, but check siome reviews out of that sennheiser mic before buying it :)

  6. Wow!! :blink:


    this is a long thread, so i just think im gonna jump in here without spending hours reading all the other post's


    I understand we are going to make a contest, so is this just small-talk or very serious, because if it's serious im in, that's 4 sure ! :D


    i dont expect you guys to give me the short edition off this topic (because im sure its long) so i'll just make a suggestion for the contest.


    Last year on www.musikplaneten.dk (the music planet) there was a contest, the rules were: here is 10 samples use them, and only them in your contest-track. No synths, percs, drums or other things than the samples. the samples may be F'cked totally up with any effects, reversed, pitched - you name it.


    very though contest but some nice stuff came out of it, thinking about that the samples were: toilets flushing, thunders and similar stuff.


    Just idea :)

  7. if your bass makes the peakmeter (master) or on the single track go in red, then you should first try to turn the volume a bit down to make it sound natural. then open a eg-plugin, if not available just use the one's on your mixer (assuming you work in cubase or similar). then remove the lowest freq's (0-100 hertz). you should experiment a bit with this while playing both the bass and the kick.


    if this solves your problem then just turn the bass up again

    (as you prefer off course) :)


    btw, i like your beat ;)

  8. hey i like you style, a bit special, but very nice! I must admit its the same and same through the track, you should focus more on variations!


    This is probably something im never gonna dance to, because its way to slow. I think the theme is very chillout a-like, maybe you should try to slow it more down and get a nice chillout out of it!?!

  9. sounds very good, but for a track this quality i would like to hear more intense & catchy hooklines if u know what i mean!? im sure you can do much better, because youre on the right track, no doubt about that :)


    I think u should focus much on huge build-ups and maybe play some more with different hihats instead of using the same ones all the way through.


    I like the beat :) keep it up

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