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recursion loop

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Posts posted by recursion loop

  1. Finally had the chance to listen. 


    That's excellent if you ask me. The triplets, cheesy indian singing samples, minimal psy-tech beats, oriental melodies - this all perfectly works together and creates a very captivating atmosphere.  Maybe not exactly what goa purists would expect from a goa album but very good in itself.


    If I had to criticize something it would be the production - some of the tracks sound somehow blurred and subdued, the sound lacks energy and impact. 

  2. Can't say I liked all tracks but it is one of the most imaginative and interesting releases I've ever heard in psytrance. Great melodies, I mean really great, very well executed muscially, and lots of variation in sounds and textures. Highly psychedelic and very emotional at the same time.


    I don't quite get why it is classified by the reviewer as goa. I think it is kind of freeform psytrance. It does have some goaish melodies here and there but not much of them. The track structure and the overal atmosphere is something very different from goa standards.

  3. Shit, that's so good! Excellent contrast between the darkish stuff, relentless energy and big euphoric melodies.


    Laughed at the samples in Chatlane, they are from the Russian movie Kindzadza (apparently it is very influential to our psytrance makers   :)

  4. In theory this may be very promising. Reason has its own thrid party plugin format deeply integrated into its modular strcutre, to much more extent than a normal VST is inegrated into a normal DAW. It may be good to have both major VSTs and these unique Reason plugins at hand.


    In practice I guess there will be crapload of issues with various plugin frameworks, multi-out VSTs, resizable VST GUIs, VSTs with unique MIDI learn and preset handling systems and shit. 


    Anyway if it turns out to be workable I may buy a basic version of Reason someday, it does have some kind of appeal.

  5. If you want more randomness, try Dblue Glitch. It is an insert effect like Beat Repeat, with its own internal sequenser. You may program it so that "something" should happen at cretain point, but what exactly will happen will be left to the discretion of a randomizer.


    The Finger is also an insert controlled by its own midi channel, when I use it I play the processed part in a loop, hit random keys and record what is happening.


    I totally admire Marian Arts technical skills and I feel that his husic is not a random mess of farts and glitches but very carefully arranged. It requires some special mood to appreciate though. I listened to some samples from this album, maybe someday I'll dive deeper into it.

    • Like 1
  6. Cosmosis: It may be just very short notes with almost zero amp env release (if you mean the TB-like synth, e.g., at 2:12-2:14). Try paiting few notes in a row in a piano roll aligned to 1/32 grid, then shorten the note lenths (not changing the note start position) so that there would be a little gap between the notes.


    Martian Arts: Idk, some space-time manipulation in a modular hardware, probably invloving some extraterrestial technologies, hope Nectarios will tell what he did here. 


    Iirc your Ableton should have a plugin called Beat Repeater or something, try it for stuttery effects. Also there is a plugin called Dblue Glitch (the first verison is free but Windows 32 bit only). I use a Reaktor based plugin called The Finger for that. 


    Also if you have enough time and patience, you can bounce an audio and do it manually on the audio track.

    • Like 2
  7. For me this album is split into two parts not connected to each other.


    Tracks 1-7 are morning goa, and goa of pretty subpar kind mainly because of the lead melodies, most of them are very simplistic, repetitive and unidimensional, instead of etnrancing me they just sound annoying. Which is a shame because the production and the sound design are really good. The track starts with nice acid sequences, hypnotic and edgy, elegantly progresses to a climax and instead of the climax we have a very simple 4 note pattern playing during the next 32 bars without any change. Which track? Most of them. 


    Though in some cases it does work, Perception has exactly the same stucture but somehow this time the melodies and the way how the track progresses are really captivating.


    Suddenly near the end the album totally changes the direction. The last three tracks basically are mid 00's euphoric full-on style (like Protoculture, Ephedrix and stuff) which I personally love (mostly for nostalgic reasons), and for me these are the best tracks of the album and I think they are actually quite good per se. Not because of full-on vs goa thing but because i think they are better arranged, have good melodic development and sound more mature overall.

  8. It's the closest thing to my definition of a perfect newschool goa album I've heard so far. Spacey, warm, melodious in a good way, diverse but still consistent. I really like the work on the melodies, for me they hit the right spot being catchy and memorable but still trancey, hypnotic and not overly cheesy. At first I thought that it may be lacking some peak moments but then I realised that the "peak moments" of the kind I love in other music may totally ruin the flow here, and frankly a melody or an acid line which plays a secondary role in any of the tracks from here could be a peak moment in a track of even a whole album by some other artists. 


    Beyond Lightspeed may be the weakest track here (to much newschool cliches of the kind I don't like) but still decent in itself, and the last two minutes totally save it. 


    Not recommeded to people looking for evil, acidic monsters, but for me its the long awaited positive answer to a question "can goa made in 2010's be as good as classic Astral Projection"


    My overall rating: 6/6.

    • Like 1
  9. That Liquid Flow track  :wub:


    I understand why someone may consider music like this empty or cheesy, but it really resonates with me. Everything in the right propostions - furious acid and dreaming melodies. It takes me to the same places as the best Astral Projection tracks do. 


    Most other tracks are also quite nice, actually I didn't like only the last three. I even enjoyed the Filteria track. 

  10. 1 - I think Onvimoon has much better tracks. The only thing I can say about this one "it sounds like goa". Very un-memorable.

    2 and 5 - Not exactly a fan of this kind of goa but these ones are clearly very well made. People who like darker stuff with dissonant melodies and rampant 303s will appreciate it. Very good production.

    3-4 - Not for me, I guess many people here appreciate such stuff but I'm not the one of them.

    6 - The melodies here heavily use dissonant inetrvals. This is fine but then it should resolve into something following more traditional scales, otherwise it feels like having sex without cumming. FM synths which start at 4:00 are epic and the supersaw leads later on are also very nice. Should this track have more pleasant melodies in some parts I could rate it very highly but unfortunately it doesn't and therefore it creates the sence of never resolved tension.

    7 - This one is just simply good. Not the very best I've heard from Mindsphere and not especially outstanding per se but definitely a good track in Mindsphere style. Not too keen on the melody starting at 6:33 though.  4/6

    8 - I have kinda love-hate relationships with Crossing Mind music because of his tendency to put both very good melodies and almost unlistenable parts into the same tracks but here the great melodies definitely overweight. 6/6

    9 - Dangerously close to uplifting trance territory at times and could do without the singing, but nice captivating melodies and great spaced out euphoric atmosphere. 5/6.


    I rated only those tracks to which I can relate somehow.


    Is seems that the purpose of this compilation was to present all shades of goa trance but I wonder whether there is anybody who actually liked all tracks from here.

  11. Thanks! The Abyss compilation looks very interesting. I remember that Opera track by Cass & Slide from many ears ago. 


    Listening rignt now from discogs, yeah, sounds good :) Spacey, futuristic vibe which is not often found in modern progressive releases.

  12. I occasionally broke the review thread of Akshan - The Rise of Atlantis (2013). Posted something here and now the thread doesn't load. Have no idea how I did this  :blush:

    Now I can't open the "Bluetech- lead into gold" thread in General Psytrance. It seems that when someone answers in a thread that has something other than letters and other basic symbols in the title the thread becomes not accessible (the page keeps loading forewer)


    EDIT: The thread works again now  :unsure:

  13. to  use your ears instead of spectrum analysers and to not overthing technicalities but instead spend more time focusing on the actual music ;)

    Fair enough, especially today when psytrance is often made like that: 2 months to make a perfect kbbb, then 2 hours to drop random farts, squelches and drug talk samples on top of it and then it is ready to be signed to Nano or Iono.


    I like making kbbbs as much as I like washing my dishes and cleaning my kitchen. But it needs to be done therefore i'm constantly looking for some shortcuts. Seems that the best shortcut here is to get the actual understanding of the process.

    • Like 2
  14. This Aes Dana track is pretty much spot on


    Actually I'm looking for music more or less symilar to progressive (psy)trance but with less focus on being danceable and more deep, atmospheric and mysterious feel. Actually it shoudn't even necessarily have kbbb or other kind of straight 4 on the floor beat, some breakbeats will also do. 


    An example with broken beat but with similar atmosphere


  15. On the one hand, it's very good. Great production, great melodies, great atmosphere.


    On the other hand, these epic strings, cinematic drums, ethnic samples, everything polished to perfection turn the whole thing into something resembling a Disney movie soundtrack.  :unsure:

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