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Posts posted by Proxeeus

  1. Teah TW3 looks amazing, wasn't a big fan of the 2nd (I always prefered the 1st one and its grittier, darker atmosphere, even with its stupid combat system). Only problem is the required specs..no way my PC is capable of handling that hahah.

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  2. No worries, just selling my audio interface and some pedals since I'm gonna need a mixer or at least an interface with tons more inputs (my current one only has two which is extremely annoying). I also might get a sequencer/sampler (been thinking of an mpc 1000, heard lots of good stuff about them but still doing research regarding that. I just don't want to spend too much time sequencing on ableton or at least have a tool that makes my life easier).


    Regarding your comment on the track, thanks! I was waiting for a cord since the power supply for my EMX died so I decided to do some laid back drone/ambient stuff with my Bass Station 2. Had the synth go through the Behringer EM600 doing some delays (which I got recently and enjoy quite a lot, I actually have 6 of them since I accidentally ordered a package of them but it was a real cheap deal on ebay), then it went to ableton where it went through some interesting effects packs I found on the web, but the main ones included a plate reverb, another effect which sort of colored some of the sounds, and then finally another delay at the end of all of that with a very small amount of reverb. It's always fun to see what kind of sounds you can get with just effects and one synth. But I definitely should start doing more psy/goa stuff, just gotta finish this last week of college and I'm "free" for this summer. I still have lots of work to do with my skills, need to polish my compositions, etc.


    Been listening to some recent releases of NeoGoa and somewhat recent stuff from Zion604 along with older records from the 90s, just trying to see what works well and what doesn't (I just loved Radical Distortion's newest album though, that album just rocks!).


    [sorry about the blog-type post]


    Speaking of hardware delays -- could you please enlighten a noob and "sell" me on the concept? I'm starting to play more & more with hardware synths, but I'm still pretty limited on the hardware effects side of things (I have one distortion/saturation pedal and...that's about it) -- for all the rest, delays, reverbs, distos (on VSTs) etc, I use software. Would going hardware radically "change stuff"?

  3. Not really an insane studio equipment, but a very nice 303-esque synth was announced. Can do 303 sounds but also other sounds especially with the customization waveform option.




    Sounds nice, but also looks quite small, which is very appealing, since space is starting to get quite rare around here.


    Price-tag is another debate, though...

  4. Oh Ornstein & Smough, what a fun bunch, hahah. What I figured is to take the fight slowly, don't rush. I usually go for Smough first then Ornstein, usually for the armor.


    Even if I didn't rush things, I'd eventually make a tiny mistake and they would then proceed to gangbang me thoroughly. I tried lots of different weapons & movesets, tried to get Smough first, Ornstein first, using pillars, tried naked runs for fast-rolls. I think I spent in total all my evenings the past week trying to get past them.


    Then I had enough -- I summoned Solaire and "sacrificed" him on the first phase of the fight. It allowed me to deal with only one boss quickly and then engage phase 2 at 100% life / 10 estus. Which eventually gave me victory.


    I swear by the end of that fight my hands were shaking and my heart rate went through the roof. Been a loooong time since a video game did me that.


    Well in my case I'm not the label owner, I already wrote that couple of times I think :) ...Timewarp label is my idea and all but owner is Geomagnetic.tv ...


    Well, I learned something today! I could have sworn you were the owner of Timewarp Recs.

  6. Oh yea, the first time playing is hard but so much fun. I remember so many good moments where I was stuck at a boss for hours or days. Sen's Fortress was probably the worst spot for me, got lost there far too many times.


    Yeah, at first I thought Sen's Fortress would be the moment I'd finally go "you know what...fuck that game". But it was actually quite easy & the golem boss was a cakewalk (for me, at least).


    And then.......then I got into Anor fucking Londo. And I met Ornstein & Smough.



  7. E-Mantra. The love of my life.


    That sums it up pretty well.


    I won't really be able to nominate one track, because I'm such a fanboy, but if I had to narrow it down:


    - Radiant Vision

    - Perihelion

    - Praying Forest (seriously, it has Treebeard's sample from LOTR The Two Towers, right before the Ents lead the attack on Isengard. This movie scene should have this very track playing at that moment. And Ents should be replaced by giant Mechwarriors. And instead of throwing rocks, they should have rocket launchers. And lasers. And bears. Lots of bears. Oh yes.)

    - Valley of the Kings

    - Ayahuasca

    - War of the Hierophants


    I'll stop here, or I'll actually list everything.


    Damn it.

  8. I see them 106 pop up on craiglist and similar sites once in a while for a cheap price from 300-600 average. They are nice synths, but I personally would rather go for a Waldorf Blofeld (keyboard version). Real nice sound engine and heard that the keybed is real nice.


    Thanks for mentioning Craigslist, never thought a french version existed. Another place to watch :D

  9. Now iam playing cities:skylines.


    But iam a fan of point and click adventures since 1993! :-)

    Day of the Tentacle for life ! :D


    I'm being totally butchered by bloodborne at the moment. It's a mystifying experience tough, and probably atmosphere-wise one of the very best games I have ever played. It's tough as nails (I haven't played any of the dark or demon souls games yet, though dark souls 2 is coming to ps4 as well), but it's so addictive, it really sinks it's teeth in you, deep.




    Man, I wish I had a PS4 for that title... I still have Dark Souls 1 / 2 & Demon's Souls to beat, but Bloodborne oozes such an atmosphere... I must not give in to temptation :P


    Oh boy, if you have the game on pc you should try out the pure black run. It's pretty much New Game +7, Aggressive Mod (which changes how the enemies react, they can detect you from further range and they will kick your ass on ng+7), and the self-gravelording mod which adds red phantom enemies in the game which usually only appear if you get gravelorded by other players. Overall, it's tons of fun and frustration. Still haven't beaten it yet because the game got very glitchy when I tried to do co-oping to get help with the 4 kings.


    Here's a funny and good video series on the run:




    Funny you mention that -- a buddy of mine just suggested me the very same thing a couple of days ago (aggro mod + perma gravelord). But to give you a rough picture of my overall suckyness, I'm still on my first run ever, getting owned by the Stray Demon in the Asylum part II (never thought I'd go back there!)


    Still, I'll keep that in mind :D

  11. I second that, I started playing Pillars recently, and it's nice to have a Baldur's Gate-like title after all these years.


    Other than that, these days I'm getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter with Dark Souls 1. Fun times, fun times.

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