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Posts posted by Proxeeus

  1. I think some of ur fustration stems from the fact that once people get past the rootamentary stages of learning music production there is a lot of trial and error. Once you understand the fundimental concepts you need to extrpolate a greater understanding from the individual elements. Also once individuals begin to achieve worthy outcomes they tend to gravitate towards being more secrative with their creative processes and reliable techniques. My suggestion is to just keep at it and develop your own "voice" so to speak.


    I completely agree with this post - past the basics, unfortunately, besides keeping at it day after day while trying stuff out, I don't think there's more to it than doing just that.


    Getting into the habit of "finishing" a track (by finishing I mean that even if you think it blows, is too repetitive, or last only 3 minutes, or is too basic, or whatever, call it complete), moving in, and starting a new one, actually puts in place a sense of "progress", so to speak. You may not see it right away going from track A to track B, but 6 months later when you're at track ZXW, and you compare it with good ole track A... Yeah, you'll be surprised !


    I know it's not "technical" advice, but I found keeping this in mind helps a lot!

  2. Oh my, that x0x .. :wub::wub: *heavy breathing*




    Yea thanks. I feel like if I got a ableton push, novation launch pad, or you know those kind of stuff, then I would be a whole lot more interested in doing some midi on Ableton.

    From the little I've toyed with the Push controller, it looks like it'll be a fun instrument to sketch ideas with. I didn't have enough time to do some proper jams with it yet, but it's very high on my to-do list.


    It's automatically setup to work out of the box with Live plugins (obviously), so no configuration is needed if you stick with Live instruments -- but for 3rd party VSTs (which is my main use), you have to do quite a bit of setup in order to have correct mapping for MIDI controls, plugin browsing via Push, that kind of stuff. Once that is done, it's back to the "Plug n Play" aspect though, and setting up the basis of a track is done in a matter of seconds.


    I really can't wait to clear myself some time so that I can get back to experimenting with it and can I have that x0x please?

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