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Everything posted by Sarrsari

  1. oki, jävligt mörkt här vid denna årstid :) men mörker är nice hehe

  2. I think the bottle was half empty, but I was fully drunk :)

  3. Indeed. I love this track and I play it almost EVERY night before I sleep. Infected was the beginning for me so I have some tracks I never grow out of but still get boring when you listen to them 500 times in a row but that's how it is with all music that you like.. you like it too much and for too long but when you dont listen to it for a long time it just gets so much better when you hear it again. :posford: On Topic: Sesto Sento - Cookie Stealer I love the funky darkness kind of feeling to this track
  4. I am chilling right now with Dancing With Kadafi.. That track would suit the worlds end, if it would be the last thing you heard before it all went boom. either that or the birth of a world. Dont know it's just fucking epic that song.
  5. Wanna have a poster of it? :P:D

  6. Spoiler alert!!! Well I say crowd this forum. I take up so much space that everyone around me will increase their total posts
  7. Hey Goa Trancer you wanna race to 3000 posts?
  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    yes. now I know.

  9. Eh, hello, Mr. Charmer! But how comes comments have 400 characters max and personal statements only 300??? OK, it doesn't really matter and I don't think I'll try to reach 400 characters now because, you know, it will be alot of text. So anyway, enjoy your sessions on SFA3 and give us more 1337 screenshots. Oh, and BTW, thanks for your help with the Kawaks thing. And enjoy the Swed

  10. I am not familiar with any of Gaudiums work 'cept for this, and I loved it. Especially So Called Life. It's just amazing. :posford: I am completely sold. This is worth putting my money on.
  11. I love purple PURPLE HAZEY DAZEY!
  12. im sure psytones isnt lying!

  13. I suggest, Gemini Trance. The split personality kind of music!
  14. psytonio LOL .. Well, don't ley my sexy image confuse you, I'm pretty ugly in real life B)

    1 comment.

  15. Do you know what these songs are called?
  16. Ok I'll go ahead and post link anyway, BE WARNED it contains pornographic images. http://youporn.com/watch/65428 There are two songs in this video, and I really would like to know what they are called
  17. Hey.. There are two great tracks that are played in some homemade porn video on youporn.. Dunno if it is all right to post it here so people can name the song ;P. Lemme know if it is safe to post.
  18. Wow.. I never knew Dali was a woman.. and yes, Vibe Tribe.. GMS... very cheesy. But still good every now and then.
  19. Is that what that word means or are you just saying?
  20. Umummmmm.... I forgot, what's melancholic? Anywho, can't think of any songs that make me cry. Although I have cried why just listening to music, unspecificly.
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