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Posts posted by SkeletonMan

  1. 650 euros  :o  :o  :o That's too much! Is the music that good or is it just a collector's piece?


    It's this good, of course :D


    Yup - 3 known cases this year.


    The one Skelly bought off Discogs.

    The extra copy Draeke got for Endah

    The one Zoltar bought off Ebay for $1 from some complete n00b.


    There is still hope for all us infidels still in need of a copy...




    No. No. That's it. No more copies left. :P


    Btw I didn't buy if of discogs. Seller is danish like myself and a mutual danish friend made the connection. Sheer coincidence. But, yes, it is the discogs copy I bought, of course.

  2. Yep, Yannis is the man. He even sent me the package before I paypal'ed him, because he didn't want to delay sending but didn't know the freight to DK.




    Very reasonable deal and cds/booklets in okay shape (and nothing else promised!).


    I'll gladly deal with Yannis again!


    Thanks man!

  3. Nice with a heavily debated release :) Here's my two cents.


    The most vivid image in my mind of the psychedelic trance festivals I’ve attended is approaching mainstage on a sunny afternoon with a pocket full of money, no commitments whatsoever, and a mainstage ahead of me that seems to jump with every beat. Parts of Silence In Action could very well be the OST to that movie.


    When opening track Mind Of God takes off at 1:39 any objections that this is of the shelf psytrance can’t reach me – I’ll be too busy dancing my ass off. Track 5 Super Position belongs to the same category, with EU’s self titled track 7, Solar Storm, and Future Excursions trying the same only less accomplished. Thus, the above reference to my experiences from psychedelic trance festivals. This music has a *huge* crowd and is easily able to keep a party going.


    Having said that I have several issues with Boris Blenn’s take on psytrance this time around. One major objection is his choice of samples that are simply too cheesy for my ears. Even the amazing opener is haunted by an annoying sample and only makes a homerun because of its’ relentless energy. Tune Up is not this lucky which is a shame since I enjoy large parts of it. But I just can’t see past the sample and so constantly I'm waiting for the next sample section to combat. One sample even ends ”Listen to the white noise in your ears ... it fades away” and then the voice fades away with a delay effect!! Could I ask for something a little more challenging!? Or some UV-pants, at least.


    Moreover, many of the tracks doesn’t identify themselves strongly enough which makes a full listen of SIA tiresome after a number of listens. Well, track 6 Science and track 8 The Bomb certainly identifies themselves, but the identifying factor being guitar leads I’d rather have had them fade in grey. If you like guitars, on the other hand, these could be your favourite tracks. The guitar sections aside they work pretty well.


    Summarizing, I’m sure a lot of newcomers will appreciate SIA for its’ energy and danceability. And fans of full-on in general should appreciate at least a couple of tracks here. Overall, though, I’ve heard full on executed more challenging and interesting. In this direction try Altöm, Phi, Slum, Quadra, Hydrophonic, Alien Project, early Astrix ...

  4. my objection is that this compilation, just as most collaboration work i heard, doesn't really sound like a collaboration compilation if you analyse the tunes itselves.


    i dont want to offend the makers of those compilations or to put down their work, not at all, i just put a questionmark behind the idea of collaboration-compilations.


    it's just me! musicwise i like this record very much (most of it)!


    Right. I misunderstood your post :angry:


    I think there is a certain recognizable vibe to the album. I guess that comes down to Lucas.

  5. one superb tune indeed, got the LP - black gold :)


    however, i dont get the whole collaboration thing of this compilation. pipeworm sounds like 100 % hallucinogen, porcupine like 100 % tristan, primitive earthlings 100 % eat static etc....i just dont get it. it sounds like lucas just did the same thing that i would do if i was doing a tune with simon: sitting there, watching overwhelmed. nothing more.


    :huh: I don't get your objection.
  6. Skip the bomb. Skip it!!! Program the CD player so that it missses it out incase you forget!! For your head & ears, please skip the Bomb!


    Haha :lol: I'm surviving track 6 Science right now. Those guitars ... :blink::huh: WTF?! I NEVER understood guitars in trance. If The Bomb is any worse than this I could end shooting myself. The rest has been pretty okay generic full on until now though. Not groundbreaking, but gotta hand it there's been a lot of energy.


    AAAAAAAAAAAAARH FUCK ... The Science also needs to end with a guitar riff ...


    Okay, now Electric Universe selftitled track ...

  7. Welcome to Psychedelia mayheem from Danish act Koxbox in their prime! There is no other way around it. If you are into psychedelic trance this album is an absolute must (together with Koxbox' previous album Forever After) setting a milestone of psychedelia for years to come.


    I really should go through these tracks one by one as they all deserve a comment; D.M.Turner for its psychedelic twists, Electronic Brainwash for its melodies, Doktor Mesmer for its cool, Life is ... for its killer beat etc. Words will not justify, however. You just have to hear it to realize that Koxbox never got better than this.


    Beware that Dragon Tales does not sound like your average nineties psychedelia, though. Both sound and qualitywise Koxbox was in league of their own. Their sound on this album is more of a laidback type of psychedelia and more for drifting away than head-on dancing.


    So kick of your shoes, open your ears & mind and let the prime of ninety psychedelia take you in. Mothership bordering now ... ;o)

  8. The trickiest part about grading albums is that sometimes they can be so hard to find out. Is this compilation merely a safe purchase or a highly recommended purchase? After listening to Psychedelic Voodoo intensely for the last two weeks it's hard to impress me, but compilations are about supplying hits and DG5 has more than a handfull.


    Astral Projection's Life On Mars shows that AP also had a dark side. One I really like and that sometimes can be forgotten in the praise of AP and their legend today. They didn't go from hard to happy. They were happy all along.


    Phoenix' Finger Licking gives me another hit to the bone. Wow! Dark psytrance from the early days comes across so minimal and insisting. Why did it ever change, I can't help thinking? Sinister and naive at the same time, I have no choice but to go with the Armageddon psytrance. Thank you, Phoenix! I'm sure I've heard you sometimes in my midnineties and you made my night. Back then I could resist everything but temptations.


    MFG graces us with Inspiration which ... is inspired! Another MFG track that goes right in my book of defining goa tracks. Packed with layers, new sections taking over one after another, melodies becoming more and more crazy, and mind more and more challenged. I dig it!


    Kayseri wheels in Arafat with an absylum worthy acid opening that's guaranteed granting immunity to hallucinate. Nude Psychedelic Goa Trance, I believe, is the key factor that got todays psy followers in. You have no choice but to obey, face the dj podium, and start moving in sync. Arafat comes a dancer with an agenda that includes you dancing.


    The dark tracks, and the ones that personifies this compilation, aside, the key track here is Crop Circles' Lunar Civilization. It actually becomes me quite sickening that I haven't been able to track down one lousy CC track but all have been merritfull. LC is no exception. Pleiadians' layers galore, innovation from outer space planet 9, and more aggresiveness than I've seen birthday parties, CC gives us THE, encore Goa antheme track if you should ever want to pick one. And makes any compilation worth buying, that offers this monster of a f***** up Goa journey.


    Still, a couple of good tracks doesn't make an entire compilation. DG5 is almost hitting the Highly recommended floor but with not enough blasters stays at the, respectable, Safe purchase. Well done.

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