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Posts posted by Time_Trap

  1. As Tatsu wrote, each to his own. That' so true. What we know is that the ones who made more mistakes will take a longer path to elevation, but everyone is entitled to a better life someday. I don't say that if my friend is a heavy drinker he is wrong, if that's what makes him happy. Free Will rules our lives.

    Is it really free will or illusion of free will ? Are you in for some hardcore determinism ?

  2. As with any other aspect invisible to us - religions, for instance - it's a matter of individual belief.

    I may cite some cases of severe "lapses of memory" a friend of mine - graduating in Chemistry has. He says it's because of E's.

    I believe him, you might say it's because of other causes, like a genetic problem.

    There's no way of proving that. We can do nothing, but believe.


    No, in fact you are right in this one .E's/MDMA DO cause memory problems. I was talking about specific category of substances (classic psychedelics) which can also have therapeutic potential (and MDMA has therapeutic potential too, in fact it's researched, check maps.org, it's just that abuse of it can cause depression and memory problems)

  3. Ok, TimeTrap. Here's what I have read in Kardecists books: any drug, be it alcohol, tobacco, lsd, create a momentary feel good state. But as it is artificially created thru violence (see, the smoke of a cigarette is seen as it is: nocive pollution inside the body),

    this "pleasure" soon turns into pain. Well, I have never taken drugs of any kind, but I have friends who have episodes of depression after the effect of the drug is gone. I drink sometimes, I am aware how horrible I feel the other day (that's why I wrote I am an

    uneducated medium). What I mean is: all artificially state of happines turns into some loss, someday. The drugs you mentioned, we believe they let the 'spirit' in a semi-letargic state after life.


    Problem is that all these "feel good" drugs have a natural alternative for them: yoga and meditation, for instance.


    well that might be - less or more - true for alcohol or opiates or cocaine and amphetamines or even weed.

    But not for classic psychedelics : These are far from 'feel good' drugs, it's mostly a journey into the subconscious and heaven/hell like. I would like some further evidence to believe something especially if a statement is so pompous as to speak about *any* drug. And how can we even now what state the leave the spirit after life? That reminds me of the following:

    Person: What happens after death?

    Zen Master: I don't know.

    Person: But you are a Zen master!

    Zen Master: Yes, but not a DEAD Zen Master.

    No offense of course!! :)

  4. and these scars are an opening to bad energies that eventually destroy the spiritual body, the same way drugs also destroy neurons.

    not all drugs destroy neurons.In fact classic psychedelics(lsd,mushrooms,mescaline) create more connections(synapses) in your brain. That can lead to increased memory and more associative thinking.

  5. I don't know is it goa trance or not, but I love album "A.B. Didgeridoo Oblivion - Liquid". So I don't care ;)

    It's really unique unbelievable trippy, sometimes scarry stuff. It will be fun to listen more didgeridoo trance, or synthesis imitation with so powerful psychoactive activity.


    Didgeridoo in ambient is pretty cool too.


    Check Tom Heasley - Desert Triptych

  6. Sorry Time Trap --is it okay if I call you that. I really like your alias. Very Yin/Yang. Anyway, I am sorry. I did not mean to snap at you. That was my Danish side? (Lars von Trier) I apologize, psyncerely. I made that up. Sorry, I am an ass, sometimes. I still think that it is important to be straightforward and honest. I see a word of people that lie all the time. The corporate and government scumbags will always deny. But, the denial that I am concerned with is the other 99% that have no clue, don't want to know, or actively deny the complete absence of humanity. There is an ideal that most believe because if one person can accomplish it, then it makes everything okay. For example, the whole American Dream thing. This does not and has never existed. Yet the idea is that if you are in America, you have the same opportunity to become wealthy as everyone and it is up to you. Then, this idea is made real by exploiting some poor inner city kid that becomes a pro sports star. That is the American dream come true. Wrong. That is an anomily and no matter how hard someone works to become successful. It is rarely because of honest determination based on merit. Look at the richest people in the World. Do they come from the ghetto? No, they are from wealthy families and they usually lied, cheated, and unethically manipulated their wealth.

    Sorry again, check this out. Tell me what you think of Goa Gil after this. Remember, he can't DJ.



    sorry about my reply, again. I really look forward to chatting with you. Especially, since we have much in common (psychedelics, music, humans), And I would like your input on my theory that the DJ is responsible for the music that is produced. So I spontaneously attempted to save the music by mixing the dj back. It is raw and no headphones. one tiny unintentional whoops. But , I am sure it bothers me more than anyone else. But, I would be as guilty as Gil if I didn't admit it. and at least I corrected it...uncommon shaman


    Hah , it's okay man. I don't like Goa Gil at all, he is completely talentless and an opportunist. I also consider him to be a hypocrite.


    For those that asked, psychedelics are pretty much connected with the very first, "primitive" religions (shamanistic and pagan)...


    Also , maxfactor, I am quite off the psychedelics for a few years (overdid it with high dosages). But I think you are wrong about LSD being a bad entheogen, the fact is that it acts on the same receptors as psilocybin mushrooms. Of course mushroomes and acid are different, but NOT *THAT* different. Both of them belong to the so-called category: "Classic psychedelics" , acting on 5HT2A serotonin receptor (and many more of course, I am far from knowledgeable in neurochemistry). Well the main differences I can spot between acid and mushrooms is :


    acid makes you more hyperactive, more tension, also insomniac even if the experience has ended, while after mushrooms usually one can fall asleep very easily ...

  7. Wrong. Cannabis is not legal in any country, except ONE. Every other country it has been decriminalized, maybe, but not legalized. In Amsterdam it is illegal to smoke weed. Why else would you go to a coffee shop and press a big red button that reveals the menu and then you order it. But the coffee shop does not really sell marijuana. it just has a red button and a cashier. The money is received as a tax, or reparation for society. I believe you are limited to growing three plants. And, the countries you are referring makes your argument irrelevant. How does that help anyone else in the world. How does that help us as humans change our view of drugs? We celebrate booze and cigarettes and incarcerate a non violent drug user. And, we put all drugs as equal. You know and I know that Alcohol and Cigarettes kill more people, cause more domestic violence, more psychological abuse than all other drugs, combined. But, you eat mushrooms, you are a criminal. You drink a beer and smoke a fag, you are cool. But, forget all I said. I thought I the readers' of this post were more flexible and free thinking.


    The only country that does not have a law for or against marijuana? CHINA. A communist oligarchy that is less free than the west. Really? Pot smoking is legal. Chinese people are less free? HMM? Something is not right. Your own supposedly free country is not free. Unless, you do as they tell you. But,that is another topic for another time. First things, first, maestro: sex, drugs. and psy-trance, please.



    So why did you jump into the conclusion that I agree with the current views on substances , or that I think we are really free? I pretty much agree with what you say ,and I have had enough experience with substances myself (mostly psychedelics).Why this rant ? You even imply I am not flexible or free thinking ... ?

  8. You think that. But, do you really take the whole drug thing home? Do you let your kids believe you, or what is advertised. I don't know if the war on drugs is purely american. But, you have to see the irony. Drug-Free America? There never was one. And, Drugs are bad except Booze and Cigarettes? One friend smokes pot, another drinks and smokes cigarettes. The pot smoker wanted to go to the drinker's house and light up. The drinker told the pot smoker that he couldn't because his younger nephew was coming over. So, the nephew would be there as the drinker, drank beer and smoked cigarettes. But the potsmoker was not allowed over. Do you see the problem here? This is not a local phenomena. It is everywhere. We do nothing, except secretly hide it. And, yes more than any other.


    Not really, some European countries have legal/semi-legal cannabis and other substances (Spain,portugal,netherlands,Czech)

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