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Everything posted by mars

  1. V/A - Freaks In A Frenzy Artist: Various Title: Freaks In A Frenzy Label: Procyon Date: 2002 Track listing: 01. Virtuart : Kalki 02. Shift : Optical Delusion 03. Stralia : Transducer 04. Psyside : True Power 05. Sienis : Snakes And Sparklers 06. Nomad : Party Time 07. Mr Peculiar : Prophecy 08. Atomic Pulse : 360 Degrees 09. Mastermind : Excalibur Review: Ok, I have seen some steps of the creation of this compil, I have seen Roopak selecting the tracks, I have seen Danger, the other manager, at Samothraki trying to promote it, I have seen the flyers for the release in my backpack in the way back...but i had never listened to this compil until... A few days ago i put several new cds to play in a row...and at a moment i thought "wow after 5 hours of disappointment, it's been 4-5 tracks i really enjoy, what is this one ?...ooooh the Procyon Records compil !!" Globally it's hard and powerful and i really like it !!! So : the Vituart quality is not perfect but the music is first dark, then pretty melodic and wicked. good one. the Shift is damn good as usual. lots of little musical tricks, the usual wobbles, and the little anthem melody at the end is evidence that the guy must go to an asylum quickly. the Stralia is quite mainstream (all the same sounds as atomic pulse)...but, well it should not be put in any hands cause it gets more and more and crazzzyyy ! your legs are gonna suffer if you dance on it the Psyside is intelligent and various with lots of small themes, all very oldschool...and at the end, yhaââââ whooo an Etnica-like melody !! the Sienis is...a masterpiece. Psytrance should definitely be like that. just listen to it. THANKS !!!! the Nomad is not bad but too linear. The end gets better with a twisted climax. the Mr.Peculiar is too 32-bang-32-boom-32 to my mind but fortunately it gets better and better till the end. the Atomic Pulse track is yet-another-Atomic-Pulse-without-surprises-that-sounds-like-a-Passenger-track-r emixed...no. well it's actually *very good* with a very uplifting melody at the end, but i'm tired of the Atomstrixprojnection style the Mastermind is a surprise (remix of Esxs' Bloody Sword), unusual, crazy, violent....thats perfect to end such a compil. Favourites are the Sienis, and the Psyside following closely. After that i noticed several tracks are built the same : running begining, late break, powerful climax. it's not a problem here because all the tracks have different enough styles. So that's probably one of the best full-on compils this year. Various, you know, various !! 8/10.
  2. You know, Betrand / psychedelik.com has litterally some foam at his mouth when he speaks about your playlist.... So i'll be there in the middle of the crowd next saturady, saying huuu haaa whooo yééé !! I already got the Miraculix album at AAA...very good cd imo. it has been in my cd player for 2 days now...very rare fact...and i'm sure this guy can still improve.
  3. Shane Gobi is going to play in London next saturday...i wonder if it could be possible to find cds such as the new DarkSoho in some stand there, because i'm pretty interested )
  4. mars


    scan your own albums ))
  5. still WIP (Work in Progress) for several sections. We are close to something that's working now !!
  6. something like THAT for example ? this is psynews2 registration system, finished 2 weeks ago.
  7. yes yes yes yes and yes. we are working on it.
  8. it was not hacked. there was a mutual exclusion problme withg my sersion of the mysql server i think and some tables got corrupted...and about the new flags...this is a mystery...seems they are working on the offtopic forum...i'll check it
  9. I have this album, i listened to it 2 times. 1 or 2 tracks sound a bit commercial, the rest is great ! Ok it's Astral Projection typical sound but it's refreshing because we're not so used to it and it's unique. I prefer artists to release an album every 3 years than overdozing people with all the time the same shit.
  10. After 2 days of struggle, data filtering and cleaning, they are back... pfeeew you can restart from oct 10th backup. Enjoy. mars ps : i wonder if, as usual, Strumpling will be the very 1st one to notice the forums are back....
  11. mars


    I heard one track, it's GREAT.
  12. Thanks Ananda...did you recover well since the Astral Phoenix party in London ??? ...and can you tell us when will the Lotus Omega album be available on psyshop/saikosounds ? They really blew ma away at Samothraki. For those who don't know Ananda is the new moderator of Isratrance's french forum (he replaced Infected Max i think), and he is also one of the Mechanik Sound Records Djs.
  13. I confirm, Yakov Biton WAS part of GMS and now he is Spiral Active Project alone whereas Ricktal & Banzi are GMS. SO, maybe we can solve an old mystery : who are Ricktam & Banzi. They could be of hese 3 guys : Jacob Lee / Joe Quineros / Sajahan Natkin. Please people, help us solve this mystery !!!!!
  14. Go to any other party and you'll hear all the tracks Astrix played. Yeah it was good but with nothing really new. This guy MUST renew his music and he must think about QUALITY, not quantity. Personnally i loved BLT. Infected were good, but less good than before... The last track was awesome though. And the guy that made the party great was also Eyal Yankovitch who did some really awesome sets with so many new tracks (only israeli music of course), including some new Astral Projection !!! Eyal, if you still read us : thank you
  15. mijis y dogodg : Entiendo enspañol pero no esta el caso de todos. La régla aqui es de escribir en inglès. Pues si escribir en inglès esta tan una grande dificultad, por favor no quedan escribir aqui. dogdog : ...y me gustria si cessaria insultar los visitantes, aun si conoces el otro. Gracias amigos. [summary for non-spanish people : "this is an english forum"]
  16. this is a known isuue, but i prefer a counter error than a monnon-written public ad for piracy. i'll check if the developpers of the is forum have, at least, fixed this issue.
  17. I got kinda listen to it at the samothraki when simon was playing in the chillout on the last day's morning. you can't imagine..... it's wonderful I recognized LSD and GammaGoblins turned into Shpongle deliriums..and he also played pearls i cannot describe because they're too extraordinary beyond imagination and words
  18. About his subject, DJ Roopak introduced a new unit a few months ago : "APH" which means "Astrix Per Hour". Actually you can know easily if a DJ is good or bad depending on the APH rate and the hour he plays at. APH is not only for Astrix. It includes also : Alien Project, Atomic Pulse, Safi Connection, Psydrop, Space Buddha, Orion and a few other ones that have turned into this kind of "easy made, fast forgotten" music. But it does not mean this music is all bad. Some A/AP/AP/etc tracks in the morning give good vibes...but not all night long.... The problem currently is that DJs don't listen to each other, and each one wants to blow the dancefloor, thus plays such tracks faaaaar too much, and what's worse is that they don't listen to each other, so they often play the same tracks, and on top of that, all those different (i should say different-named) tracks sound a bit the same...and in France in mid july for example, we had 6 hours of the same shit during a party, and some so-called DJ reached APH 10 !!! Anyway i think this style will have to evolve fast because people got tired of it so fast and are complaining more and more....but the artists, and worse, the DJs don't seem to understand. Personnally it does not make me dance anymore. It's all the time the same melodies and instruments and samples and tricks....bwa. Well i'll be in London in 2 days for the Infected-Astrix-BLT party. I really hope Astrix will make us float on the air !! I wanna be surprised !! come on !!
  19. I'll be there too !! Damion : what are the chances we manage to see each other in the Rex ? (you remember, there is a compil to deal) Janua : you'll be there as well ? i heard many Belgians will come too.
  20. this is a fake mp3 by yet another shitty mp3 releaser.
  21. a just a test before i delete this post
  22. Mr Danger, the flyers you gave me at Samothraki were partly disributed or let at Techno Import Paris, and Roopak has the rest. good luck.
  23. mars

    Miranda - Phenomena

    "Step To The Stars" gives directly a lot of power. Huge kick, beautiful atmosphere, you can feel all the layers that unfold on the metronome-like kick. In the middle there is a very peaceful melody and at the end it gets twisted and happy ! "Subtropical Forest" seems heavy and slow...but it is not. perfect for a morning, this nice trip was done with a lot of imagination. "Andalgalornis" has a long intro that kicks simply, and suddenly the track is enlightened by powerful melodies, several melodies that drives you crazy till the end. wow ! "Labyrinth" is okay. Between 3 and 4 minutes the music gets stronger before the main crazy melody. The problem is that there are 2 parts that sound almost the same in this track. "Green Man" is also very synthetic and melodic and yet not heavy at all. It's just clean and simple. "Phenomena" is twisted, uses the whole psychedelic toolkit, but at the same time it's not so complicated. The strong point is a perfect musical timeline, i mean the way melodies are put together. "Weightless" is the ambient track of the album, ultra peaceful with lots of small sounds and an intelligent melody after the middle. It relaxes you really well before.... "Concorde" is...well you must listen to it. Everything is in it, the intro that climbs till the kicks starts, the beautiful melody in the begining that goes everywhere in your mind, the trip-inside, the second and third themes that are more atmospheric and still powerful, the climax melody that climbs and heats your brain, and after a break the first theme comes back more aggressively to acheive you !! Favourites : Staps o the stars, Andalgalornis, Concorde Conclusion : I had bought it inthe very first days of 1997, then i had listened to it a lot. Now in 2002, it souns unreal! You realize Miranda was the first really known Sweedish artist at that time, and she was also one of the starters of this typical atmospheric sweedish sound. For example, listen to an Human Blue album just after this one and you'll realize. Too bad her albums are almost ignored now. Overall : 8/10
  24. about the replies counter, we know, it happens when some messages are moderated, and then the replies count shift, we don't know why as we haven't developped this forum.. the password+review problem should be submitted to children01@free.fr
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