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Everything posted by Symphoid

  1. Aww, such inspiring words!! Thanks for listening and for the kind words, Tom
  2. It's up on acidplanet now with a few more bell's and whistles added. Check my first post.
  3. Very nice, Reznik! Big dirty beats, yah!
  4. Hey wow, thank you Go-Goa! That's a really great thing to hear
  5. Thanks so much, Per I wish i knew a filmmaker to create such a thing. Thanks, Ruben:) That truly means a lot! The show last night was awesome. People danced to my music for the first time. It felt really good!!
  6. Thank you TechNology Thanks, Towelie. Yeah, that's me singing I think you're right about having one more quick crescendo before the theme's entrance. I kept thinking it came in too quickly Thanks for listening, Insejn
  7. I've been working on something new this past week and I need to debut it tonight. I wanted a lot of power and emotion for this one. I've got a framework going, but it still needs work. Can you give it a listen and tell me what you think? Thanks http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBKlM2xfUgE&feature=player_embedded This Day is Mine Here's a Yousendit link This Day is Mine It's on my myspace, too: This Day is Mine
  8. Cool, Oopie I didn't know you made tunes. As Otto said, this has some really nice melodies. There's a bittersweet element that I find quite enjoyable. I really like the voice sample you placed in the mix. I'd like to hear more of that. Some sounds, like the percussion, need more fullness to them and maybe add a little more melodic variety when the guitar part plays the second time. Nice work, Oopie, and thanks for letting us hear your work!
  9. I like your bottle balancing act.

    It's refreshing.

  10. Hey, I think it's great. This melody and chord progression rules.
  11. id say it might sound bit gay, but thats ok :D

  12. Great answers! I'm going to ponder these in dreamland and get back with you tomorrow.
  13. Ok, so I've noticed, and have discussed with a good friend of mine, the overwhelming level of technical understanding of music making in this forum. It's f'n impressive! But sometimes it's just too damn much. I'm just curious - is music measured by the quality of sound through which it's recorded or can musicianship be at such a level where fidelity can be ignored? I know this is a loaded, multi-factorial, subjective question, but can you simply listen to a track and absorb it for what it's worth as a piece of music or is the technical mastery the only way a track can be fully appreciated. Inquiring minds want to know!
  14. greetings o lovely one:)


  15. Damn Per, this is badass. I'm on my second listen and I gotta say this mix sounds fuller than your previous work. I heard a very slight melodic resemblance to Fresh Cut Pine which is one of my favorite tracks of yours. This stands very much on its own. That bass sound that comes in near the beginning is really cool. I love how it's accented by the noisy bass burst. That female voice sounds really good. Is that the new VST you picked up? Ahhh, 4:15 makes me happy. I LOVE that little flutey arpeggio. I'm trying to find something I don't like about it, but I can't. The ending maybe too abrupt, but that's because I like fade outs. Hmm, I don't think is a very useful critique. There are loads of intricacies that I'm sure required patience to create, but have to be rewarding. This track is quality and full of intelligence and thoughtful transitions. Effin cool, man. I give Sun Om Beach a :clapping: :posford: :clapping: out of :clapping: :posford: :clapping: What's the matter with you people. Listen and review!!
  16. And now for the third and hopefully final installment of time wasting garbage. Medley of Crap 3
  17. i'm good, and it feels even better seeing you around these part. . but the best. squeesing one of the regers out of your box *squeeze* ah, that felt nice

  18. im pimping my way up, you know 8)

  19. Hey Colin, that's really nice I'd like to hear more of your piano work.
  20. well, that's a small part of it.
  21. Hey thanks, man. I've gotten several requests to make some with wine in it. I've completed some, but sorry, no shiraz yet. Damn, you should see my house. I've got about 400 bottles sitting around. I had to build shelves just to alleviate space issues
  22. come back. dude, we need your inputs!

  23. I do have to remember to sign them. I've finished a lot more bottles since the downtime on psynews. My house is filled with so many bottles of various alcohol it makes me look like an alcoholic. Here's a pic of my faves:
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