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Posts posted by RTP

  1. Maybe Atmos "Start Up", a really nice floating track..... :)




    The compilation it is on hasn't got bad names on it either ... I only dislike the cover, that's why I never made a closer look...

  2. Damn, this track is STILL MARVELLOUS!


    Enjoying listening to it since more than 2 years ... and it's still great! I think that must be the most often played psytrack of all times for me.

    Meanwhile I already own it on CD :)




    And of those recommendations Another Time is not as good as Soon.

    Tarsis one was quite good.


    Any more recommendations?

  3. Btw to you happen to now where i can buy or download El Audio ???


    It's released by Free Form Records.

    The Free Form label went down some years ago already. I'd say you should try your luck on ebay or in used record stores, maybe there you can still find it.

  4. I'm saying that if Feuerhake's older releases were progressive then my dad's name is Michael Jackson... Feuerhake's older style was tribal morning trance, it has NOTHING to do with progressive.


    well, that's right...

    That's the reason why I said "his new sound" in the thread description. Because his old sound wasn't proggy.


    Although I admit, if anybody has seen him performing lately - he spins rather progressive stuff! So maybe Seraph was just referring to a liveset by him he heard...

  5. I WAS a trancehead once.


    I WAS.


    Now I hate it ... I am so happy I've found psytrance ... I was a real trancehead back then with gel hair and sports shoes and only listening to trance music ... Tiesto (Urban Train), AvB, Talla 2XLC, Mauro Picotto ... yeah, I loved it. Back then. Now I hate it. I am off it. 99% of that trance stuff I was into sounds now very shallow and boring and monotonous and cheesy after I was converted to a psyhead. You can't make me listen to trance again, never.

  6. Just listenend to the samples a psyshop. The sound nice, reminded me a bit of Lish. Might that be possible or am I just getting this image because the samples are so short?


    Eeeh ... why didn't you listen to the whole tracks of the album at the link I gave above?

    Because psyshop samples are not really suitable for getting a solid overall impression...


    I would not say it sounds like Lish though.

  7. Currently:

    Posted Image

    (especially the title song)


    But it varies :)

    Generally it's some viking metal, some folk metal and some dark medieval ambient that I like very much besides the psytrance/ambient stuff.




    And ... oh yeah, how could I forget that! THIS one will be one of my forever non psy favourites:

    Posted Image

    (don't bother checking out his recent stuff though ... it's no good <_< ... this was his best album (besides the medieval ambient he did before) ... and there will never follow another masterpiece like that :( )

  8. I'd say I like modern psy somewhat better than old psy.


    Now don't get me wrong, there's also some great oldschool stuff out there and it's a pity that it doesn't exist anymore. But it's still the case that the oldschool stuff is too intense for me on the long run. I enjoy it sometimes ... and indeed, it's great music that can twist your brain. But not too much of it please...

    In contrary to this stands the modern progressive psy, that comes with lesser 303 mayhem and more well and wisely placed sounds and rhythms and twists. And that's what I prefer. I like a light and groovy psychedelic cocktail, but not with too much psy in it ... you know me :) I could listen to such stuff forever nonstop! And the modern stuff - the modern progressive stuff, to be precise, because Fullon is generally not quite my cup of tea - can give me what I need.


    Thus I voted for modern.

  9. No worries. I really don't care about it truly, I was just trying to avoid people nominating



    as a choice.



    I just kinda wanted to give Quazzi an honorable mention - without him I'd not have this album ... it fitted at this place :)

  10. Hmmm...


    That's rather difficult for I can not really recall what CD I've listened the most to this year. If it would be just a song then I could be quite sure that it was Finntroll - Jaktens Tid ... but that's not psy anyway...



    I guess it's Makyo - Shringara ... and actually not even so much as CD itself, but I listen a lot to the mp3s of it (and did already before I obtained the CD - but I really have the piece, go ask Quazzi :) ). That's mainly because my CD drive lately sometimes doesn't want to play them discs or spit them out again!

    (just like now, that's because I'm off now to restart again :rolleyes: )

  11. I'd say it's more than 25000 tracks...




    Indeed, it IS MORE!


    - Labels: 670

    - Releases: 6668

    - Tracks: 49279

    - Artists: 6706

    - Samples: 1377

    - Links: 803

    considering that some tracks are double released and such ... I'd still say it's about 40000...

    And Psydb does not have all psy releases in this world (still, a huge part of them, but not 100%), mind that!

  12. funny how you can complain about full-on and praise S-Range's new album at the same time...  :P


    Mh, dude, yeah, new S-Range is kinda fullon, that's right ... but it still has got these characteristic spacy sounds and atmosphere to it which I love S-Range for - even despite it has gotten a fullonish feel. And I'd say many of the soundscapes it contains are somewhat more intelligently arranged than the average fullon stuff. Many playful changes and such.

    It's just the best in this special sound direction out there that I can get - and none of the fullon out there comes close to it.

    And it's all not made to be taken that seriously anyway ;)

  13. uh oh... IMO clubby-progressive is the LEAST interesting sub-genre of psy :(



    hum, well, guess you can't do anything about it when you don't like that style...


    I confess I too miss the old Feuerhake sound a bit, it was very original and tribal ... but I still like this new piece very much because it brings some freshness into this full-on loaded pool of awfulness that is called psy today :P

    Clubby-progressive all the way!

  14. Did you know?

    I just stumbled across it :)


    FEUERHAKE (Remember Feuerhake? Excess All Areas anyone?) will come back! A new album is scheduled for release on 3rd June this year :)


    Now, the question everybody might have: HAS HE TURNED FULLON?


    Well, no. In fact, he hates Fullon. That's for sure because he told me that after I saw him live on this new year's eve.

    But he didn't stay the same either - the sound has changed. Only in what way? Well, the new album will come out on Synergetic Records! Insiders can therefore already guess for the sound: it's clubby-progressive! Indeed, clubby-progressive was also his set that I got to enjoy on new year's eve. But I love clubby-progressive. I think this will be my new favourite genre of psy lately. I also enjoyed (and still enjoy) Sonic Cube's Filter big time...


    The sound? Here it is - prelistening of all full tracks possible:





  15. btw i was looking for electric univers in saiko(psyshop apparently hasnt got anythin :( ) and it looks like they have a new album coming up,which apparently is fullon dancfloor killargh! :(

    ohhh shit,not again :(




    oh crap

    Electric Universe will come here in autumn...

    but if their recent stuff is fullon I dunno wheter I'll be at that gig or not.




    My favourite oldschool artists are:

    Dimension 5


    Astral Projection

    Man With No Name


  16. I was like that once, more fanatical maybe. For two, maybe three years, betwen 1995 and 1998, 90% of what I listened to was psy trance.


    I once listened to 99% trance music. DJ Tiesto and his companions. Was pretty fanatic back then as well and damned every other music genre to hell without even knowing it.

    Luckily one day I got the bigger picture :)

    Now I hate trance for it reminds me of that phase back then :P

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