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Posts posted by RTP

  1. Hej Tatsu cool that you drop by again, long time no see :) 

    Good luck listening through the collection ... I never had these problems, my CD collection is rather small ...

    On 4/8/2020 at 12:33 PM, Tatsu said:

    I didn't appreciate Akanoid enough when I first listened to their Album, their sound is ace;

    yup, Akanoid were quite good - even when they turned their back at psytrance they still had something ... I looked them up recently, the last album was 5 years ago, so maybe they're not as active as in the past...

  2. Hello ... an update again, I have been staying low the past 2 weeks and it got better, I was able to go out again ... and yesterday I was at the lung doctor and got a check up: lungs are OK.

    I do still have the one or other bad night ... but I hope that it will not go really bad again. I have returned to work and so far I'm alright.

    Sports will have to wait. For the moment I am "NRTP" : "not running to psytrance" ...

    The doctor recommeded me a check for sleep apnea which will be done in June in first steps ... if I get results, I might post them here for completion.

    • Like 3
  3. 17 hours ago, Penzoline said:

    Man please get to a respirator if you have even worse trouble breathing. :s I hope it gets better.

    Thanks, yes I was monitoring it closely ... it's now slowly getting better here - so I don't think I need it. Hoping that it will go further up ... it looks like it! I was able to sleep in the night and feel better today.

    The reason why I was reluctant to call 911 is: in the hospital I might suffer from additional infection - especially the one they took me to, my dad was in there some months ago and he developed a bad lung inflammation which he contacted in the hospital - which fortunately was cured with antibiotics, but I suspect that is one of these hospital germs ... and I'm afraid of those, because if Covid-19 and these come together, it's really bad.
    I called around doctors if somebody would get me some oxygen ... but nobody of them could. I managed with the bronchodilatador alone.
    And since the problems were only there in the night, I tried to lie awake more and then sleep on the day...

  4. 3 hours ago, astralprojection said:

    i think you missed something there. worst case scenario; they are extremely dangerous and basically its the immune system going into hyperdrive killing all your internal organs in the process, causing heart attacks and god knows what else, and results in death. and there is no known cure for it. 

    but, its not fatal all the times, many people here in sweden seem to pull through, after said storm. i think the numbers here are 80% living through the Intensive care unit, where all the cytokine storm and hypoxemia patients are. 

    hopefully they figure this thing out sooner than later and can correctly start to treat people, god knows how many lungs have been damaged due to overcompression from the ventilators :/ when in fact the problem lies elsewhere.

    uh, thanks for clarifying ... I indeed missed something there then about the Cytokine storms :( ... sounds not good at all


    Theres also doctors saying the oxygen thing is like high altitude sickness, and that the lungs are okay and the damage to the lungs seen in pictures (the white lungs) are from ventilators themselves damaging the lungs. but somehow there is not a transmission of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream.

    YES! I am no doctor but I would agree ... an awful lot of this sickness reminds me of my pneumonia in Peru which was in high altitude, symptoms are similar ... only the blood was not there back then. The doctors who checked me saw no damaged lungs, but I have trouble getting enough air - there definitely is not enough oxygen passing into the bloodstream I would say! Bronchodilatadors help a little with this, fortunately...

    Please everybody stay safe!! All the best!!

  5. Hello ... I have managed without another 911 call so far. Tonight I'd say it's the first time that there is a little bit of light shimmering in the tunnel ... let's hope it won't be a train.

    What is odd is that the temperature rose to 37,5 yesterday and I got a bit of a sore throat now - but I believe this might be my own immune system finally checking "hey, there is something in the system that we need to get rid of". I'll watch it closely, but I feel a bit better ("better by the margin of the thickness of a coin" is the wording that came to me in the night) ... so I'll just hang on.

    I have came across this video and I am now in a good enough state to watch what this "thing" is doing to me ... really interesting - and it also explains the blood coughing in my opinion. You should watch it, it might prevent damage:

    Cytokine storms are mentioned too - but they don't seem so dangerous, it's just a natural body reaction, right? Or did I miss something there?

  6. 21 hours ago, Padmapani said:

    thanks for the update.

    at least you finally got the test. it really is a mess. while i would have expected them to have less peopel working over easter, i would not have thought that they lose their samples. unglaublich, so a schlamperei. at least those in the hospital are a bit better prepared. to which hospital did you go?

    the hypopnea/apoe is really surprising here. i did another search but found zero mention in the literature available about covid-19. did you take any cough or pain medication (basically opioids)? or have you noticed that you aren't well rested after sleeping before your symptoms began? i have no idea how the virus could cause this, especially when you only have relatively mild symptoms otherwise (except the blood of course), but in real life medicine anything is possible…

    this also makes me question if looking for fever as a symptom is of much or any use with covid-19.

    all the best and a quick recovery!

    The things that happen with the tests here are really a mess. I still have no result from the first two...

    Yes, the hypopnea / apnea is very strange also to all doctors I talked to about it. I am suspecting that I had a condition already and the virus worsened it greatly. I was a snorer, as people who I traveled with reported - and I have had the occasional case of being not well rested after the night. But never to this extent ... so I suspect that the virus made it greatly worse -- would be logical: the lungs can currently not take the strain of my "ordinary sleep apnea condition" (which was hardly noticeable before) now that they are stressed out with the Covid-19...

    I don't take any opioids, don't need them as I have not much of a cough.

    I have been prescribed a bronchodilatador (emergency asthma medication) - this helps with breathing in the night, but it does not fully cure the process that I do not breathe by myself. It's very weird. I have to watch it closely and call ambulance if it's not bearable - will do that.

    Fever is of no use at all as an indicator. I have just a bit raised temperature such as 37,2...

  7. Hello - new update: IT IS OFFICIALLY COVID-19

    Yesterday the problems got so bad that I called 911 and got checked up in the hospital! In the course of this chceckup, the hospital did a NEW Corona test and the result of this NEW test has been positive!

    On 4/11/2020 at 12:19 AM, Padmapani said:

    that's good news!

    but i really wonder what takes them so long to get to the test results. it procedure involves something like 30 min sample cleanup, 30min of combining ingredients for the test (if you want to fill up the thermocycles with lots of samples) and then letting the machine run for 5h.
    i could understand if they collect samples from one entire day, then let the thermocycler run overnight, but even then you'd have a result in the next morning.

    anyway, keep us updated with the results.

    Hey, I have no clue what takes them so long for the initial test results to arrive. The doctor from the ambulance gave a hint: I overheard he suspects that they've lost my sample as he talked to a colleague. A second brigade came to me on Friday for another test ... no sign of that one either. It's a mess!

    Fortunately the people at the hospitals are better trained and more accurate. I just got the news from the doctor from the hospital they took me to yesterday.

    So my problems ... it is weird: it seems I have nightly Hypopnea ("Hypopnoe" in German) and also Apnea ... my breathing gets lower and lower and lower until it stops completely - I then have to wake up and consciously re-initiate the breathing! This process only happens when I do not breathe consciously, such as when going to sleep. That was the reason to call ambulance - unfortulately I did it in the morning and the symptoms were away during the day ... but they checked me through and let me out again, so yeah. The doctor on the phone saw no indication that I should return to the hospital, so I will try to battle it at home then - but when impossible I'll call ambulance.

    There is almost no mucus at all in the lungs, by the way. Only very slight cough and a temperature of 37,2 - and even that went away, in the hospital they measured 36,8.
    The only odd thing was coughing blood one time. And now this nightly Apnea.

    Everybody out there please be careful! 

  8. Hi ... thanks for the info. Here's an update: I am now an official "suspected case" - meaning I got a test. I had to mention several times that my doctor specifically wants this test...
    The guys in white were at the door yesterday and took my samples.
    I need a result either way -- after talking to my doctor I do not even suspect it to be positive anymore, but I need a negative result on paper to be able to visit doctors. Nobody treats you without protective gear when you say you have temperature and shortness of breath - and doctors aren't properly equipped :P 

    The result needs up to 3 days ... no joke <_<
    But I am happy that it happens!

    • Like 1
  9. Hey, what you describe sounds exactly like I've been feeling since the last 3 weeks - but I suspect I got a reinfection: I was sick at first, felt quite bad, then got better after about 10 days, went out and to work again, also went for extended walks and such ... then it got worse again and I feel like in another "10 day cycle" -- only strange thing was the bloody cough and the shortness of breath. It got better now, the blood is practically gone and the breathing feels better. Two tiny red dots in the morning cough today ... nothing to worry about. But I am staying alert ... if it worsens I will not hesitate to call the hotlines again.

    My dad (an old man and a risk person) has the same symptoms like you describe. A burn in the bronchi and a medium sore throat that gets very dry in the morning ... but he'd rather be carried out by the paramedics than call the hotline, I have tried to convince him already :P 

    The fact that your tests were negative makes me some hope that it's not Covid-19 what we have. Maybe there is another weaker virus out there that causes these symptoms (*). The blood that I coughed is the only odd and worrisome thing. I will get this checked as soon as I can, but at the moment I must stay home.

    (*) and maybe - odd theory - if this weak undetected virus and covid-19 come together, there is a drastically higher risk to cause a hospitalization
    Another way how I put it is: if this is Covid-19, so be it ... but if it's not, I pray I never get Covid-19 because the outlook is grim when I already have such trouble with a weaker virus right now!

  10. 1 hour ago, astralprojection said:

    u srs bro? damn ... take care man, i wish you luck .. :( 

    unfortunately yes ... but I have not been coughing up any red today at least...

    20 hours ago, Diaks said:

    Ouch, get well soon! I really hope our societies will learn from this outbreak, and be more well-prepared in the future. It's definitely an extreme stress test for all the affected countries.


    Thanks ... I really hope the whole world will learn from this - and will be a better place afterwards...

    21 hours ago, Padmapani said:

    the thing with the tests and risk zones is beyond ridiculous by now.

    what lung problems have you had before? any fever now? from what i've read in the scientific literature, it'd be very unusual to go staight from just feeling weak to coughing blood without typical pneumonia symptoms in between. also covid-19 does usually progress to serious illness, if it does at all, in a matter of no more than two weeks. if it's not covid-19 it's probably for the best if they don't collect you now and put you in with covid-19 patients when you're already coughing up blood now.

    didn't they say that anyone who gets advised to do a test by a doctor will get one now? or is it just the usual thing of "shorty" lying as soon as he opens his mouth…
    what about the drive-in stations they put up in all kinds of places?

    anyway, all the best. get well soon and fuck our chaotic, bureaucratic way of managing this crisis.

    Thanks for the info ... yes, it also deemed unusal to me ... but I had about three weeks of slight "feling sick" before, so maybe that was it already? That's at least what made the doctor think it's a suspected Covid-19...

    I am flattered by the arguments from the people at our Covid-19 hotline ... they are nice and all, but denying that test is really bad. There are no drive-in tests in Vienna yet ... and even if there were, you'd need to pre-register via the hotline ... which they denied...

    I have no bloody cough anymore, but a serious shortage of breath when lying down - i.e. sleeping. This worries me a lot right now, because I cannot get enough sleep :( 
    I can get up and even walk around in the flat without major problems ... there's slight pain in the lung area and an occasional cough, but I'd call it "mild symptoms" ... but when I lie down, "all hell breaks loose" - the problem is, I do have anxiety and this worsens everything a huge deal. 
    Temperature is 37,3 by the way ... just slightly raised. Normally I wouldn't be concerned about this...

    I slept half an hour in the morning today and afterwards I felt like I had just climbed a mountain. What on earth is this? 

  11. So I coughed up blood last night ... about a mouth full. Never had this before in my life. I was scared to death and panicked, called the Covid-19 hotline ... there they told me to calm down, coughing blood is no symptom (only 5% of Covid patients cough blood) ... test was denied, reason: I have not travelled to a risk zone (Italy or China or Tyrol) in the last 2 weeks.

    I have already been through some pretty bad ass lung problems years ago and never coughed up blood - so I suspect there is definitely something wrong with me here.

    I called up my doctor and he told me I am now a suspected case of Covid-19 because of the fact that I am practically feeling a little bit weak in the last weeks and now cough blood, but he says at the same time that he can't come over and do a check up because he has no protective equipment. In fact, not many medical units have the equipment, so I am specifically instructed to call ambulance and refer that I am suspected Covid-19 if my condition worsens ... then the people dressed in white overalls come...

    The borderline absurd: Covid-19 test can't be done ... I'd have to pay for it myself. I'd almost be tempted to do so, but I may not leave the house now and can't go to the lab that makes the test...

    I have no governmental order to stay in quarantine yet - but I am not leaving the house, risk is way too high. Plus I feel weak too...

    Stay safe people ... I felt a bit weak the last weeks but thought it's nothing ... turns out I'm wrong apparently.

    • Sad 1
  12. Great, so now you are immune to Covid-19 you can go face the next big thing: the financial crisis that is upon us.

    You already cleared the first obstacle: spending your money on sh*t (and actually getting the stuff in your hands - many people neglect that ... amazon's delivery time has skyrocketed up to 1 month) before it's worth nothing anymore :P 

    • Thanks 1
  13. Ha - I have now the same problem ... neighbours rummaging around the whole day ... today they drilled and hammered ... what the f...

    I am now blasting some Corona Crash news feeds against the music noise from the neighbours :P
    It is, however, economy news and that interests me a lot!

    You need to try stay safe and sane, read some books maybe if possible (you can also read even though there's neighbour noise by putting some ASMR on your headphones - there's everything from airplane noise up to medieval towns...) ... and don't take drugs...

    Drugs are bad mmmkay ... in the future "drug problems" can get even worse because of supply chain problems ... stop smoking (Covid + smoking = baaad combo anyways) ... stop drinking ... in fact, if you do take drugs, maybe try doing a detox now -- it can be almost impossible later on - and a cold turkey in the crisis is super bad...

  14. On 3/23/2020 at 11:01 PM, Padmapani said:

    the next financial crises is probably just around the corner. i've heard that aribnb is of course not doing well and that people are selling flats and houses like crazy.
    ott says: "everything is acceptable as long as house prices don't crash" ;)

    maybe this'll give us an opportunity to follow x-dream's words and create our own society,  create our own happiness. ;) 

    Yes it is - in fact it's not just around the corner, it's rather already at our door. Our workers and me have been asked to take holiday "to relieve stress from our company" ... and we are looking forward to short working hours ("Kurzarbeit" in german) ... which means 20% less money. Some of us are getting into trouble...

    I was one of the first who said, to my friends, that this might be THE opportunity for us young to middle-aged people to also make a contribution to this world ... they just laughed at me. But I firmly believe in it. Who knows what comes? Just three weeks ago you'd probably  have labelled me crazy if I was telling you we'd get a lockdown ... I didn't predict one, but just wanna say, things can change big time nowadays...

    On 3/24/2020 at 8:48 PM, acid-brain said:

    Having lived in China for a while myself, I'm not sure I'd want to for a longer period. The strong response to the virus comes at the cost of a very authoritarian government and the near-total obedience of the population towards it. The liberties of the West are very important, despite not preparing us well to deal with events like this. There's a reason why most Chinese with money or connections have been emigrating to the USA, Canada or Australia for decades now...

    Yes, three times yes ... the government is super authoritan and they go to extraordinary measures to make people obey, even killing them ... it's tragic, really, but a death doesn't mean so much there, they've got enough people ... sorry, don't wanna sound so cold, but in the end, it comes down to this. And because nobody wants to get killed, you have loads of frantic followers willing to execute every order ... the "red banded" they call them.
    Oddly enough, in this crisis, it's exactly what is needed! A big people's force that supports police and community workers - plus a draconic punishment of people who do not respect the curfews issued by the government. We here in Europe do not have this, we value our freedom higher - and we will pay the cost in lives. Tragic! Tragic in both ways, because governments like the Chinese will also be "on the rise" after the crisis when we will still be down, licking our wounds. Europe is doomed, in my opinion...

    20 hours ago, Bartzabel said:

    now my brother who's a doctor here in Australia in ICU has come down with the virus & has been advised he's heading toward complete lung failure and death a big possibility. He has 4 kids & wife.

    I'm still seeing teenage c#nts hanging out in groups & even adults at parks not distancing properly. 

    Just stay at home!!!

    That is shocking news :( ... all the best to your poor brother. I hope he makes it.

    9 hours ago, astralprojection said:

    italy is going overboard with deaths coming from healthy adults. seems like every other patient they get to the ER cant breathe.. im starting to get slightly scared :o 

    Concerning this and "conspiracy theories" ... well, I wouldn't have expected them to lock down practically all of Europe because of "just something a bit worse than the flu" ... there is some danger! It's especially dangerous for old people and for people with pre-existing illnesses ... but it can surely also be dangerous for healthy people aswell. Isn't there a 38 year old that needed to go into intensive care aswell? Or even younger ones. Youth won't make you immune. And every human is different! People don't get it...

    But I think much of this also comes from the "I'm sick and I still go to work /look how tough I am" mentality ... if I have a normal flu and I "try to overplay it" (which is a stupid move), I won't stand a chance, I'll be at work bleak as a corpse and sweating like that iranian health minister ... so I would probably not even be able to do that with Covid-19 ... but yet there are people who can overplay a flu and will probably also try it with Covid-19 ... and this is when their bodies just collapse ... I imagine! Just stay safe and stay in bed when you don't feel well, that should reduce the risk.

    Oh and take your vitamins and minerals to be able to hold up a good immune reaction.


    On 3/20/2020 at 11:24 PM, Padmapani said:

    sounds very familiar. except we don't get tests (only people with symptoms worse than a flu who can prove they were in contact with someone who has already tested positive can get tested).

    Exactly. I felt sick recently, well actually two weeks ago ... it was a strange kind of sickness, i felt like I had a flu but without the headache ... doctor let me at home for a week, no test was made. Well ... what can you say. But I'm not complaining.

    The only people I am genuinely worried about are my parents - they're 79 and both have pretty severe pre-conditions - mom had cancer, dad has a really (really, really) bad heart ... both of them are not gonna make it if they got sick with that new thing.

    We are trying our best not to have any contact - I am, however, the only person that can go shopping for them. Whenever I go to them and give them new groceries it's like we are exchanging hot potatoes ... it's all then wiped with a disinfectant cloth (I insisted on that). Guess that's all we can do. 

    I really hope big time that I did not carry this to my parents as I was sick...


    On 3/17/2020 at 1:31 AM, Bartzabel said:

    I'm really hoping I wasn't  carrying it to my parents house on Sunday though. My Mum has just got out of hospital after being badly hit by a car, and they are 85 years old.

    this!! It is exactly the same here. 


    On 3/19/2020 at 7:09 PM, Padmapani said:

    working overtime here. pharmacies have to stay open. i come home from work after 10h nonstop trying to keep everyting running and fall asleep. i really hope people will come to their sensen finally start to take this seriously in the coming days. we have 80-year olds arguing about the discounts on aronia berry juice, while others demonstate their dry cough. fuck people.

    and fuck european governments. this place is such a mess. i seriously contemplate moving to asia where things just work a lot better when this is over. no matter if it's taiwan, singapore, korea, thailand, malaysia, (even china!)... they all were hit way harder from the intital wave than europe and did an infinitely better job at containing the virus, also doing a lot more testing. over here income from tourism was more important. i was acutally in singapore a few weeks ago and coming back from there feels like travelling to a 3rd world country.

    we have no access any protective equipment and those of us who are not feeling well do not get access to tests…

    You, sir, are one of the heroes of this time - kudos to you and please keep it up. That's also meant for  @Aspartic

    Government-wise you and me are in the same boat anyway, both from Austria :P 

    And I cannot stress your second paragraph enough - I am thinking the exact same thing! In fact I WANT to move to Asia after witnessing the ignorance and stupidity taking place around here. This Covid-19 will make us BIG touble and it's unclear whether Europe afterwards will still be around, honestly ... it's not gonna be the same at least, that's for sure.

    I am genuinely worried if this country or, say, the EU, can guarantee for my health and safety when I'm getting older ... granted, this is not sure either if I move to Asia, but the current handling of the crisis over there shows me that China is going to extraordinary efforts to stop this virus, which is remarkable to say the least and Europe is way, way behind on measures and mindset.
    Okay, the chinese government is very heavy on propaganda and we have to be very careful with the information they give, but having seen videos from "the zone" and what people do ... it's unthinkable here. For example, the little things: in China they realized the most common place to get infected is the elevator in people's own houses - sick people use it, you push the button, that's it, you get sick ... so they put up toothpicks besides the keypads - you take a toothpick, push the elevator button with it and throw the toothpick away. Who's doing that here?!

    And why not move to China ... at least you get a lot for your money there -- oh wait, *darnit*, this is gonna change !! --> which brings me to the last sentence: everybody, please consider that the Covid-19 sickness is only the tip of the iceberg, we are right now heading into the beginning of a financial crisis and into an uncertain future 

    ...and when I really wanna move to Asia, I need to act pretty soon for afterwards I'll be too old to found an existence there!

    • Like 1
  16. Hello, yes I was going to say the same ... you made a really good decision. We will yet have to see how this turns out, I don't know. I hope you can get the money back - at least some of it.

    Austria is going to close all non-essential (food & medication) shops on Monday. People are panic buying, I was strolling through empty shelves yesterday - it's crazy.

  17. uhhhh that would suck man, I wish you luck that all goes well and that you have a nice trip

    Extending the stay in Oslo is a good idea, maybe you can also visit Bergen? It's very nice up there. In April the polar night should be already gone.

  18. Hi ... well, it was not intended of me to talk so much about Corona, but since I mentioned you to come here initially and feel that I should tell you if that changes:

    Breaking news today is that Austria is going to do measures aswell ... involving cancellation of indoor events with more than 100 ppl (I am very curious what's this going to mean for psy parties, raves, concerts...), sights closing down, universities closing ... measures are chaotic at this point, but need to be considered if you plan a trip. 

    Italy should be left out of the equation unless you are a disaster tourist.

    Things seem to look substantially better in France because of various fundamental differences, so you might have luck there to have a good stay.

    But if you give something for an opinion from somebody that Cinos (one of the old ones here) once gave the title "doomsday prophet" - i.e.: me, then I tell you that doing that trip with whole family to an infected zone (and nothing less is Europe going to be at the end of March in my opinion) is maybe not the best idea. I wouldn't even worry so much about infection itself, but rather about secondary effects such as: sights closed, restaurants closed, people scared...

    • Like 1
  19. Hey, by the way, Italy went into lockdown today so I don't think it's a good idea to go there right now. As far as I have heard, borders will remain open, but you need special permit to travel - and even if you get in, whatcha gonna do in a locked down country anyway...?

    When do you plan heading to Europe?

  20. On 3/3/2020 at 1:52 PM, Diaks said:

    If you wanna make a real change, go produce what you think is the proper goa trance instead. [And pray that it might have some impact.]

    Please, take this sentence and put it up more visibly. On a transparent or something. Because this is a very good solution indeed - and I think for everyone!

    Starting to produce music yourself will make you see the whole thing quite differently.

    At least that was the case with me / us:
    Remember that bold sentence from my signature some time ago that went "We got tired of the way goatrance sounds today. So we created our own." Yeah. Now tell me, what has that "NPNK" track down there in my sig [at the time of writing] in common with goa :lol: ... man I have to laugh how stupid I was taking that all so seriously :lol: ...
    Granted, at first we DID make something in the line of "goa" ... (please have a look on our Soundcloud and you will see) ... we were set (in my head) to make a great "goa album" ... but when you produce more and more, you will see it is actually hard to make tracks "like you imagine them to be", not every melody fits, not every concept you can make sound like you want it to sound. And then you start experimenting and hey, suddenly you have some pop track made ... or dubstep ... and then? So what, why should we abandon it, just because it isn't true to that sentence that was once said...? Tolerance versus determination - what is better ... I think you have to use the right dose of both.
    Anyway, I'd in no way be so bold to commit to anything anymore at this point in time ... it's a fun project afterall. Other genres and styles also hold many secrets and hey, sometimes it's the other way round and what you believe to be hard becomes easy and what you believe to be easy takes AGES to get even remotely right...

    In fact these days I'd say, when something listenable comes out of all the experiments, we are happy men :D :D :D 

    ...but at least we do no harm ... because we have no impact -_-

  21. Feel free to send a message if you came to Vienna. I could probably meet up if I'm not sick (which I just was, that's why I mention it :P ) ...

    Actually that's valid to any of you.

  22. On 3/5/2020 at 4:18 PM, Diaks said:

    The links to this interview are dead:


    Which exemplifies why putting links to an interview is a bad idea. Instead of pasting the whole interview text to the forum.



    Thank you!

    I deleted that thread ... it contained no content apart from these links anyway so just make a new one if you stil have the text. (and yes, please, links are a bad idea)

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