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Posts posted by RTP

  1. 12 hours ago, astralprojection said:

    My whole point is that music production / music engineering has not become better in 30 years.

    It does not necessarily need to have become better. Only different.

    You could read my post also in the direction that it has not improved, but worsened.

    Even though I'd percieve it not as worse when a computer now can do stuff that you needed more equipment for years ago...

    Thinking that a simple Cubase setup could replace one of those "Eventide" that you mentioned was - and probably will always be - impossible. Yet the former is the most used setup when it comes to producing psytrance nowadays. Does that reflect in the sound? Most definitely.

  2. On 7/25/2020 at 11:12 AM, recursion loop said:

    I'm not exactly a newcommer but many of 90's goa does sound dated to me due to very simplistic production - I understand it was the bleeding edge music technology back in the days but today it sounds too basic.

    On 7/26/2020 at 1:10 PM, AstralSphinx said:

    (...) I do think the sound was quite messy when X-Dream played, if that was due to the old nature of the tracks on hand, or due to the sound guys/venue messing up, or a combination of both, or perhaps the artist/group tried to compensate with the EQ live, and didn't have good feedback from someone who could listen how it sounded to the crowd. Whatever the case I don't know, but it was very noticeable and distracting nonetheless.(...)


    This. Both of you.

    I am really sorry, but: in my opinion old tracks "do not stand a comparable chance" against new ones. That is because of several factors: loudness (new tracks are much louder), "sound-enhancing techniques" (that in reality make things all sound the same, because people are all using dame presets and filters), production tricks such as sidechaining (muting the rest of the frequencies when the kick (or other effect) comes for more "punch"), newer software versions and versions of audio drivers supporting a broader manipulation of the sound and certain tricks that weren't possible before but are standard now - and finally the whole equipment that artists use is different now and mostly consists of digital synths or controller devices, controlling the sound on a laptop.

    Just look at Cubase how it changed over the years. And I don't think that even an old cubase file sounds the same in a new version - in fact, we (Skeletone :) ) had this ... I once brought a track along that we wrote in an old Cubase version ... and it sounded totally different in the new version, even though we essentially used the same instruments. There were even error messages concerning the 64 bit versions of some VSTs ... crazy!

    On 7/26/2020 at 12:39 AM, Ormion said:

     What about the writing aspect instead of the production values like proper mastering, better overall sound etc?

    Good point
    There is a small "but" though: the writing of the old tracks has been "anchored" in my brain to the old sound, the old hardware and production techniques ... and that's something you can't get rid of even if you go the route and make it all modern. Or vice versa!

    • Confused 1
  3. Hi ... title says it all ... I want some 360° GOA videos ... or 360° videos aimed at GOA people

    (and yes the excessive use of the GOA word is because of the number 604)

    604 + 360 = 964

    If we had 964 360° 604 vids ... that'd be awesome

    I start with the first:

    Please please let's continue this so that we can make a playlist on YouTube :)

    I'm serious. Are there any decent ones out there?

    • Confused 1
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  4. Borderlands 3 :rolleyes:

    2nd one was better ... but I still like it. And no, I'm not a total crack for it ... I just like it because on normal playthrough it's a more or less relaxed PvE shooter that doesn't take itself serious ... I have stopped with PvP shooters, those have become too stressful for me.

  5. I've always thought Prio Alea was our PSYNINJA ... maybe because of his avatars back in the day ... or because I reckoned he was using the :ph34r: smiley a lot :D

    On 7/31/2020 at 4:07 PM, nihalar said:

    The funny part is that he wants to repeat the story of "Psynina" with "Bravelion", one of its "new" solo (secret) projects, that already has a collaboration with "Dayfox" as another of its public solo "new" projects :lol: and the most funny thing is that, those "new" projects in the same way, it's not music created by him, it's music that was created by ghost producers from edmwarriors and houseoftracks. (...)

    pffff ... respect, I have already lost track :lol:


  6. On 7/31/2020 at 11:01 PM, Trunksan said:

    I guess bad youtube titling is to blame.

    On 8/1/2020 at 3:03 PM, AstralSphinx said:

    Theres just so much stuff uploaded by randoms on youtube, that it's quite a messy platform for music certainly. No guarantee whatsoever for anything beeing what the track titles say. (...)

    23 hours ago, Multi-Media said:

    (...) I would make that clear in the title and description...this only confuses and I do not like confusion.

    Yes I agree - and I think that it is a large part of the issue.

    Bad YouTube titling / labeling is a problem that is far underrated. It's genuinely awful sometimes - tracks under wrong names, wrong artists credited, typos in track names ... whenever I come across something like that, I try to make a comment that corrects it ... but in the rarest cases people even care about the comment or, even less likely, adapt the tile :(

    However, I have heard that YouTube has a built in algorithm that detects tracks that are played in videos and automatically tips the artist with the royalties if the video is played and the song is listened to ... downside is, though, that for this to work and the royalties to flow you have to be registered with YouTube as an artist...
    ... or maybe that is only their plan and not yet fully realized, because why otherwise there are so many copyright strikes because of music played, sometimes also in the back of videos, that is copyrighted...?

  7. 5 hours ago, recursion loop said:

    Ok, I guess that's some inside joke or local meme from 15 years ago, not that I really care tho.

    Exactly that is what it is - an old, kind of "Psytrance scene meme" ... in my opinion.
    We actually had memes before that "meme thing" took off and conquered the whole internet. This was one of them. :)

    So, that Psynina thing was a kind of mystery / meme / whatever... until some people did a bit of digging and found very significant signs that it's just Thomas Vitali. It was never fully proven, but neither disproven.
    Thomas Vitali apparently was the first who in our scene came up with that "DJane that doesn't exist" idea ... that's how I see it.

    Seems there was no real harm done with the Psynina thing ... the other stuff mentioned here might be worth the warning though...


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  8. Hello!

    New project playlist created: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkAqGLhQtsJ32najDKbzsmiqfNYNX6Se3

    I would like this playlist to contain as much OLD GOA LIVE VIDEOS as there are available on YouTube.

    It should be a LIVE VIDEO collection - not a "live set" collection ... there are many recordings of live sets out there, but for this I want videos, i.e. moving pictures - I want to see how the DJs looked like, what equipment was there, what people were there and what they wore. (This is not so much important right now, but in a few years down the line it'll be all the more interesting for everybody, I believe... ;) )

    It's a bit tricky as to label what is old when it comes to live videos ... in my terms I'd be thinking pre-2000 but I find it seriously hard to dig up such old videos, that's why you find a System 7 one from 2009 in there for example ... and Son Kite from 2004 ... I was not sure whether to keep them in there, but at the moment it's so few videos that I leave them in ... and if you have stuff up to 2005 or even later, hell, just recommend it, I'd be thankful. I can separate lists if we get enough videos - but I'm not gonna do that if we are still under 30...

    Maybe you know more stuff? Help me extend the playlist, post your suggestions here and I will include them and be thankful :)



    • Like 2
  9. Hi ... just to let you know, the channel is not dead ... new video has just been uploaded ... why so long? well, I had a few things that kept me off uploading, such as catching Covid, getting a new PC ... and so forth :D

    Artist interviews would be super cool - if we had anybody that did them :D ... seriously though, I don't think there's going to be any if there's no help, because even if I can shake hands with artists on parties occasionally, interviewing them is a wholly different caliber...

    I won't be shy to ask though. It's a good input :)



    • Like 2
  10. 22 hours ago, Padmapani said:

    i also understand it a little. i too want this shit to be over and finally go to parties again

    I fully understand that ... yes, three times yes, we all want it to be over (well maybe really bad people don't, but we don't care about these) ... however, it may not be taken lightly. One overlooked cluster and you are back to the start. I think it's better to cut down on partying this year and then we can be the merrier next year in return...

    It's bad to hear that from your town ... I hope the situation does not escalate ... at the moment it's getting worse still, I'm even a little worried to stop for a break on the motorway in that area (mostly I have to go for a wee around there) ... have been procrastrinating a few travels, but I can't procrastrinate forever. Then again, we here aren't any better - cases in Vienna are rising too.

    22 hours ago, astralprojection said:

    Well, this whole world has gone to shit and every day I live I consider a lease. It shouldnt have to be like this, but what can you do.

    I have begun to think, what if we, as humanity, really have seen the peak of "everything", the best state possible? We have been there in 2019. At the peak. Now we are below again, we still see the peak, it's "just up there", but I don't think we will climb it again. Not in our life. First there's still Coronavirus to beat - and this might be a very long race - then we will face ever-worsening climate problems (38 degrees Celsius in Siberia already right now ... I mean, come on) ... it's going to be tough. And it's a really de-motivating outlook that it will all only get worse, slowly and not steadily, but still in downwards direction...?

    "Whatever you wanna do in life, do it now, it'll only get worse with time." ...

    • Thanks 1
  11. Yes it sucks really bad to hear the news from USA - I have sympathy for you people ... I hope the winter is not going to f*k you over, hopefully you'll be through the worst before it comes...

    Cases rising here in Europe too though ... people coming home from "Ballermann" bringing the sickness - a "Summer Ischgl"...


    What is very odd is, that I have had the feeling of a strange taste and smell the last days - this kind of smell (slightly metallic and "bloody") I remember from the time when I was sick ... never made a big deal about it, but now that I am tasting it again it feels funny ... mabe it is indeed coming back? ("coming back" as in "germ concentration rising again")

    (it's interesting, people say "loss of taste and smell", but I don't belive it's complete loss, it's just that this metallic taste overshadows everything, that's how I would put it ... it feels like you have eaten something very very hot (although you didn't) and burnt your tongue = you taste less, not nothing, but less ... know what I mean?)

    But actually, believing what experts say - that you have not much immunity and are immune only for a short time - the re-infection or "coming in contact with the virus again" can MAYBE even have a good side: when the virus is not completely gone but the body encounters it still (in sub-sickening concnetrations), the defenses maybe remmber the virus longer and will not entirely stop the antibody production, thus maybe resulting in greater resistency or even immunity when the virus returns "big time" in winter...?

  12. 1 hour ago, Padmapani said:

    thanks. the hamburger menu disappeared when i maximised it (though i don't get why it would switch to mobile when it's already a large window that covers 80% of the screen at 2560x1600).

    ah, i just found it. i just tried manually setting the page zoom to 100% for psynews and now it looks normal again. i have no idea why it only display it zoomed way in for the last week, but i hope it's solved now that i set it to be at 100% all the time. thanks again.

    Phew, I'm glad that did it for you ... happy browsing on Psynews :)

    1 hour ago, AstralSphinx said:

    Oh cool exactly what I was looking for, when I embedded a link to a track on soundcloud it made a huge preview link :D Gonna retry see what I did wrong.

    Cool ... in case of questions or if you want the code from my sig, just hit me up ... you just need to change the link to the video inside it...

  13. 1 minute ago, Padmapani said:

    safari 13.1 on mac os 10.14.6.

    neither do i see an option to choose the version. i did not change anything recently, so i also suspect the forum software to make the mistake here.

    It ceratinly is the forum software. The last thing I can think of is the resolution of the window, if you increase it it should be gone, I hope...

    Ultima ratio is that I make a new skin with disabled mobile function, but I do not yet know how to do that.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 6/16/2020 at 8:29 PM, AstralSphinx said:

    I have a request for a feature on the forums, namely this:


    Would be neat to have the added functionality to add embedded small soundclound links, in signature as well as in posts. As the forum works now by default, if I add an embedded soundcloud link, it makes a huge preview, which is not ideal for the signature. Since it occupies a lot of real estate on the screen for users :) hence annoying. I is however useful in the promo section with the large embedded link.

    Hi - you can embed soundcloud links in signatures ... see below :)
    I am using the embed function from soundcloud for it...

    Should be available for everyone, no? :huh:

  15. On 7/4/2020 at 3:26 PM, Padmapani said:

    help. since today i seem to be stuck in the mobile version of psynews. everything is huge with no structure to the site and i couldn't even find the option to post a new thread. the site is displayed fine with chrome, but in safari i can't figure out how to get back to the desktop version. any ideas?

    In a thread at the InVision Community they suggest it's due to an automatic trigger which resolution your desktop has - if too low, the board will go into the mobile version.
    Is the browser window maximized? If yes, can you try to set your resolution higher?
    Super odd though that it works with one browser and with the other not...

    that's all I could find: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/405727-desktop-browser-stuck-in-mobile-view-in-ips-forums/

    • Thanks 1
  16. So it seems we are slowly opening up again here in Europe ... Austria has shops and restaurants open since 2 weeks ... this weekend the outdoor activities are permitted again ... it's going slightly upwards ... only mass gatherings (parties) are not yet allowed...

    There are voices saying that it will get worse again because there will be a second wave ... we won't know it until it's here though ... well, at least people have already done the panic buying...

    It's the time of the Corona clusters now ... there are some cases in this and that company ... although I believe you will find cases everywhere the deeper you dig with mass-testing...

    It'll never be over till 60%-70% of ALL people in a country have been infected ... either we are already past that (and don't know it) - or it is yet to come...

  17. Thank you everybody. I have heard that we were all very lucky ... normally it wouldn't have gone so well with all these database scripts and a slightly inexperienced user ... at least with our DB...

    I can assure you it won't happen again though - we are prepared now :) 

  18. On 5/17/2020 at 5:01 PM, Jikkenteki said:

    If I did comeback, I’d likely be doing a sort of hybrid of electronic, ambient and progressive metal and all the purists would be up in arms (not that such things have ever stopped me in the past).

    That sounds awesome! I think you definitely SHOULD come back ... do NOT let the genres be a border ... a little anecdote of a project that I did with a firend is, well, down in my sig = we started out to make "goatrance" and ended up with, well haha, listen for yourself :D 
    Point is, don't let rigid concepts get in your way - music should be fun and if anybody does not like what you do, they won't listen anyway. My own perception of music is continuously evolving far and wayy beyond anything, I like disocvering new stuff and the genre mixes have become the best discoveries ... I don't really classify it in genres anymore but in "I like a lot" and "I like less"...
    Plus many of the "old purists" now have other things to do in their life than to hang out online and nag about albums ;) 

    So yes please, come back as you are :) 

  19. Hello

    we had a screwed-up update that went wrong and we needed a bit of luck to get back online ... we were down for a few days ... it is now restored

    But I am thinking that the admin CP problem micht not have to do with that ... I can still log into the admin cp (was there just now), let's sort this out via PM

    ...oh and if anything got lost content-wise through the database scripts we had to execute: I can't restore it myself :P 

    cheers RTP

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