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Posts posted by Djuna

  1. So in my opinion, this is very personal and has a lot to do with taste.. I find deep entrancing music, like ethereal, music that makes you drift away, more psychedelic then music with lots of crazy squelchy sounds n stuff... Things that most people would find psychedelic..


    Of course you can't really discuss personal taste, but like I said, Ethereal doesn't bring something that different. But I'm not saying that it's bad, not at all! I like their music. But you can't say that there are dozens of other groups that sound like Reflecta, for example - imho. ^^ Just don't focus too much on the word 'psychedelic'!



    I've read some interesting stuff here, like that Hux Flux track and Psykovsky.. keep 'em coming! :)

  2. Though Pleiadians' Electra is easily one of the best psychedelic tracks out there - and at first I wanted to name that one, too - it's the word "challenging", that let's me refrain from naming "Electra" as the track that would match the OP. "Electra" is a work of genius, but it's not challenging imo.


    *kind of agrees*


    Bear in mind, that the video shows only half of the track, as the complete version is over 20 minutes long. Yet not a single second feels like wasted time. It's the sheer brilliance of the composition that lets the listener, who wants to challenge this track, embark on a journey through different soundscapes, places in your mind, like no other track does. Yes, it is challenging, but if you're in the mood to listen to it thoroughly, it's so rewarding that no other track comes even close to it. Make sure to listen to the full version, turn up the volume or use headphones (even better), tune in and have a nice trip.


    A darkpsy track of 20 minutes? Interesting...

  3. I know it's kind of a silly quest, but if you had to chose ONE track (try not to make a list!) that is the most challenging you have ever heard, what would it be? And I'm not asking for the greatest melody or whatever (could be melodic of course), just something that could literally be almost an overdose if it could be eaten.. Full-on-blasting-trance-which-is-psychedelic! Can be 120 BPM, or 160, melodic or not, you name it.. But of course it has to have something (almost) no other track has.


    I'd say, at this moment: Reflecta - Creatures. I don't play it that much, because I tend to not listen to tracks I really know well, but when applied = maximum dammage.





  4. Next to Corolle Suntrip's most solid album, lovely story-telling throughout the entire album. Not much changed since To Sirius, but it still sounds fresh and certainly not outdated. I play this one at least every month, right when I'm about to forget that I have it. :D

  5. Seems like a lot of tracks that are already available all over the place... I wish they'd dig out some of the slightly more obscure TIP classics (Overwind, Velociraptor, Natural Born Killer, or something like that) for a series like this.


    They're playing it safe, it's for the goa trance-virgins only I guess.. Not really interesting for collectors, but nice to see anyway. ^_^

  6. Robert Rodriguez is overrated imho, except of Sin City all of his works are pretty standard action films. Looks like this is not really an exception..

  7. excellent music.

    just wondering what happened to the waves? maybe are saved for future release on cd ;)? if that's the case, hooray, and let us know!


    I heard they were lost and that the mp3-files the only files are that are left.. And something is grammatically very wrong in that sentence, but I don't know what?!



    These tracks are great but lack proper mastering :/

    What?! :D You can hear everything perfectly, and it's chaotic madness - what it's supposed to be! I just luuuuuuuuuuv that dirty stuff B)
  8. Yeah Tom, that's exactly I want too: old good AP.

    I have just visited their site and listened to Burning Up.

    Too soft, clubby (I understand that that piece of work is for Eurotrance clubs though), and the piano sequence is just unbearable.


    One of the best trance tunes ever imho.. :). Sure, sounds clubby if you expect something like Kabalah or something, but whatever... An artist isn't restricted in creating music for only one (sub)genre..

  9. Posted Image


    Dear followers, our artists database from today is even bigger thanks to yours suggestions and e-mails, so keep 'em sending. Currently neogoa.tk artists database contains 141 project. Today we added 25 new entries (Dharma, Galaxy Unit, Goamech, Hexonia, Liquid Mind, Pandemonicus, Rabitza, Suntelia, Trinodia, Xamanist, etc.). Check it out: http://www.huknet.hr/neogoa/artists.html




    Very nice, I like lists a lot. :D Just one question: artists like Zirrex, Ra and Virtuart made music in the 90's, why would you include them too?

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