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Posts posted by Caffein:me

  1. Nice Review Rotwang, this is far from the chill you usually listen to, bet it was a hassle to describe each track, but you did really good in a humorous way


    Not really into dark psy, but i will definetly be listening to some samples.

    btw i like the coverart

  2. Yes indeed, both are great records. And the Drei Tage wach track is funny too. :D


    Anyway, got a shitload of new stuff today. First my discogs orders has arrived. We are talking about sealed, means brand new, discs, each for 2 Euros. The double CD was 2.50 Euros. :P


    v/A - Sunrise (Midijum)



    v/A -SoulSeeker 3 - Epilog (Midijum)



    v/A - Natural Healing - A Concept In Dance - Prolog (Midijum)



    v/A - Natural Healing - A Concept In Dance - Muladhara (Midijum)



    Native Radio - Chibah City Blues (Midijum)



    v/A - Blue (Flow)



    v/A - Cosmophilia Volume 3 (2 x CD, Cosmophilia)



    I also got an order from a local CD store. I've ordered the stuff some time ago but they needed to get it back in stock.


    Antix - Twin Coast Remixes (Iboga)



    Aerospace - Elevation (Spintwist)



    Perfect Stranger - Learning = Change



    Perfect Stranger - Changed


    Thats a lot of cd's and that's quite cheap

    I never buy that much music. mostly i just buy 1 perhaps 2 cd's a month and listen to i intensely, (this month it was Eat Static - Back to earth :wub: it has a special place in my heart)

    My brother tho, buys cd's all the time. not even considering if he likes them or not. Few of them are gems worth listening to.

  3. I'll let you off cos you're young.

    Ah, man sorry :(

    won't happen again <_<


    Ace Ventura will NOT perform there. He was added to the line-up despite he never approved his appearance there.

    There are a few other unauthorized artists in the line up as well.

    I smell epic failurez

    well at least posford will be there :D and of course Vibrasphere / Solar Fields too
  4. you clearly lack the neccesary braincells.


    HAHAHA, if it makes you feel good! but insulting other intelligence, hahah, when you dont even know him

    come on! get a fuckin life

    please, what if i flamed your engrish, i don't wonna contaminate this thread with useless babbeling, especially if it's directed to you. We can continue this over pm's.

    well i don't know him, True. but that doesn't mean that i don't respect him, Jikkenteki is a great artist, and i enjoy his music. Anyway giving it away for free.. That is awesome. I think you should pay the man some respect, he clearly deserves it.


    Later on you flame abasio, for expressing his views on what he believe is great music. we don't tell you to listen to it you hypocrit.

    everyone has there own taste when it comes to music, and expressing the views of oneself doesn't mean that you have the same views.


    So please, it's not about knowing someone or not, but respecting their indviduality.

    And i know you apoligized for it.

    And btw... since this is free. You should have nothing to complain about.


    But being bitter about something someone said that you're not invited to his house is nothing special, and YOU did have it coming.

    I rest my case.

    and once again i apoligize for flaming you, nothing personal.

  5. Omgawd!!!

    i cry... so many great artists!! god, why am i not there, .-Shrug,. clearly you have to be 18 anyway.


    i wish they're gonna have those artists playing every year!

    i mean c'mon, Those are the most reknowned and prominent artists gathered in one place! this rocks!!


    Tikal (spelled Tikkal) in the program? wtf? spelling?

    Tristan - thought he stopped playing, didn't he damage his ears or something like that?

    Solar Fields (those swedish) :wub:

    And of course OOD :wub: *throws under garments in advance. (i'll send it per mail)


    Bamboo Forest


    prometheus :blink:

    HALLUCINOGEN!!! :posford:


    VIBRASPHERE :wub: :posford: :rolleyes:

    Ace Ventura :S




    Aes Dana (again)

    Solar Fields

    Huva Network

    I awake



    meh younger brother :S


    A Great Chill Scene - I really wish i could be present, but'll have to wait some years :S

    god im gonna go emo by that time :( already growing my emo bangs :angry:

  6. :drama: :drama: Another pienews drama -


    I love jikkenteki's Flights of Infinity, I almost listen to it every day.


    And i kind of feel sorry for the situation you are in.... you flamed a very good album, an user, and an artist..


    I may have to flame you. You sir, Are a useless spammer. which i don't even wonna spend time on flaming, you clearly lack the neccesary braincells.

    i really hate to flame you. Really. but it's neccessarry.


    Forgive me. Nothing personal.

  7. I cannot remember a single track from it.

    hi sunwolf, just because you cannot remember it, Ex. "it doesn't play in my head" doesn't mean it's not good.


    i actually read today in a very interesting article about music and how we percive it..

    The brain doesn't remember favorable songs, just because we think it's good.


    For Sakes unknown i've had many crappy songs play in my head, yes mostly Infected Mushroom and Skazi songs such as Becoming insane and Hit n' Run.

    i don't like those songs, but as simple as they are with a simple melody and a very catchy chorus,


    The complexity of the song determines ther catchyness, meaning that we wont remember those really complex sounds. ie, Ra 9th which is a really complex piece of art-


    I love this cd, and is currently one of my favourites.


    My favourite cd's as of now:


    Ra - 9th

    Vibrasphere - Archipelago :wub:

    Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger.

    Eat Static - Back To Earth :wub:

    Theyre all complex songs which i listen to alot, I never grow tired of them, as those cd's has so many layers of sound. I almost rediscover new sound everytime i listen to it. "lately i've been listening alot to the diverse album "back to earth" by Eat Static. Earcandy btw.


    But back to Ra - 9th,

    I really enjoy listening to music with Ethnic Touches to it. I would listen to alot of Claude Challe Before i got into Goa Trance.

    and now i really have a choice of listening to both. in a kind of way :P


    But i feel like i have to thank somebody for making this cd, So thank you SUNTRIP for releasing this cd, I apreciate it. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

  8. Caffein: Didn't you say something similar about scratching in my last track? Maybe you're talking about the glitch type noise. Have you listened to glitch before?

    No its definetly there, it's like the sound of a diamond hitting the vinyl, it's very clear...

    Between 0:58 and 1:38 it's clear that it's there 1:25 in particular, but just before the percussions hit the track it dissapears. which for me questions why it's there, tbh i like the sound. it makes it a good "olde" feeling to it, really compliments the track.


    both my brother and i agrees that its there. listened to it a few times.


    but once again i really enjoy the track ^_^ thanks Per.

  9. I've listened to them all, and before i say anything..

    Darkpsy has never been my kind of music, but i listened to them all.


    The tracks were shorter than exspected and most of the tracks looked the same, and i felt like there were no overall theme to them.


    You even made such good names, pictures etc. for them... take advantage of that, make your music carry a message, a story just anything to fit those themes.

    Make use of moor samples. i have nothing to remember those tracks by.


    Can't add anything to your composition as i only listened to them all once.

    But once again, thanks for the listen :) it broadens my narrow insight of the many, many styles in psychedelic




    My favourite was the psyklon3.

  10. Yes but, you're talking about expanding the psy music that is released today. That's the problem. Even if today's psy expands to new people out there that haven't heard the genre, the music they will hear will most probably be full-on or some type of pop-psy hybrid. And if they like what they're hearing we could potentially get new artists, however these new artists would only be inspiried by dull basslines and music with pretty much no soul. If we're going to expand the real psychedellic music to new territories, I think we would have to do a couple of thousand copies of our favourite oldskool albums/comps to countries in the world where psytrance hasn't reached yet.


    Just look at the example of Suntrip. It has inspiried alot of new people, goa trance is reaching people who have never heard the genre before including artists. But it's not just goa trance for granted, it's quality goa releases. Unlike psytrance, goa was never that much commercialized and has stayed as a rare gem that stood out of the other genres.

    hey, just hearing the Word "psy" makes people search youtube where they might stumble upon some old IM releases - even bad PR, Is PR. meaning that people eventually will know about the other aspects of psy and the sub catogories.


    Goa, will problably never be as popular as full on, or be upcoming be as upcoming as dark psy, but still. Goa will still have a market for which it can release it's music upon, and as the genre grows more popular; so will goa.

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