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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by DeathPosture

  1. Well, apart from the above mentioned, there is a couple of tracks that hold a special place with me: Electric Universe - Spectral Blue Shiva Sidpao - Shiva Devotional + a million others.... Yeah, Old School all the way! DeathPosture
  2. Well, the Kayseri track I like best is Electric... That one is pretty good and has kinda sentimental value for me... But you are right, a lot of people tend to not like Kayseri...
  3. Have they ever been in a Turkish prison? Ever seen a grown man naked? Do they like movies about gladiators?
  4. Macao Cafe could be the one you are looking for?! DP
  5. Thanx AutoMath.... Nice interview... Quick link for lazy bastards here...
  6. I want to update my rating on this one... When I reviewed this one I was really into progressive, but now I'm turning more and more back to basics, and there sure are some classic stompers on this one... 7/10
  7. Yeah, I'd like to see more pix online.... There were 400 people taking pictures but so far not many of them have made it online... ;o( If you took pix, please upload 'em! DP
  8. Woooow! This year keeps getting better and better... This is AMAZING! Fantastic, deep, diverse, shponglesque re-makes of our fav'e Hallucinogen tunes... Good damn this is good - I demand that OTT gets involved with the next Shpongle-album. He's obviously super-skilled and could make a fantastic group even more fantastic! This album is not a milestone as was the first Shpongle, but still it's pretty goddam amazing... I just spend the last 2 hours listening to this a couple of times in my headphones, and WOW what a trip that was... All tracks are good, but I prefer the longer ones... Only flaw is, that it's to short. OTT could easily have made a dub-version of Deranger or Shakey Shaker to fill the remaining 20 minutes... Well, nevertheless this is a SMASHING album... And everyone that loves ambient, Raja Ram, Simon, Shpongle, Orb, etc should get this... This get's a solid 9.3/10 on my Cool-O-Meter.
  9. Dude, get a login/password from Children or Mars and login and do a proper review with indepth track-desriptions and stuff... That way your review will stay here forever ... This review posted in the forum will be gone in a couple of weeks...
  10. You can hear snippets @ Psyshop
  11. I saw IM 3 weeks ago, and they pretty much almost only played new stuff... and let me tell you it's nothing like The Gathering... More along the lines of BP Empire but more melodic/groovy/experimenting.... Kinda hard to describe... I didn't really dig on it, but I'm sure a lot of you guys will...
  12. ========================================= Artist: Astral Projection Title: Live @ The Brotherhood Beach Party Tel Aviv 03-08-2002 Date: 03-08-2002 Bitrate: 192 Time: 10 tracks, 82:23 MB: 113 Ripper: Unknown ========================================= 1. (00:00) Lotus Of Life 2. (08:30) The Void 3. (17:29) Utter Voice 4. (24:59) Evolving Nova 5. (34:25) Anything Is Possible 6. (42:36) Let There Be Light 7. (51:10) Born On Earth 8. (57:55) People Can Fly 9. (67:20) Guided By Light 10. (74:50) Burning Up (2002 Remix) =========================================
  13. All of them dude! ;o) DeathPosture
  14. Promon - Funky Fumes Artist: Promon Title: Funky Fumes Label: Inpsyde Media Date: 2002 Track listing: 01. 00'59"Tenk 02. 07'21"Beyond Contact 03. 09'50"Xenondorf Cooling-Fan 04. 09'12"Slemvext (Feat Janova Project) 05. 08'05"Defined Inside 06. 07'04"Trolltyg 07. 07'59"Gnillevart Emit 08. 07'33"Bruno Bandit 09. 08'27"Throbbing Hobbits 10. 02'06"Structured Review: Valerio from Inpsyde Media sent me this CD about a month and a half ago and I’ve been hooked ever since, and now when Dam1on gave it a 5/5 I think it deserves a review here… Before I got my hands on this piece of plastic I only knew Promon from the psynews.org competion winners CD “Psychedelic Sparks”… But now they have chuncked out a whole CD filled with crazy-ass sounds deep from the Swedish forrests… A brief description of each track. #1 Short intro-track to get you in the mood for #2 Woow! This track is good from the first second… This has got to be one of the coolest track-introes this year… The track itself is more average, but still very psychedelic… You can just hear the sound of the Swedish forrest-elfs running around in this track… Nice! ;o) #3 This one is very trippy… Packed with Terrence McKenna “LSD…Psychedelic” samples which floats on top of a tiiiight, twisted beat and crazy sounds… #4 Alright, now things are getting REALLY sick ’n’ twisted… Bizarre even! Throughout the track there is a sample of a kiddies-choir singing “It’s a mushroom, it’s a fungus… And it’s growing all around us and among us!”. You can tolerate it when the kids are singing it, but when the Promon-guys themselves launch into singing it’s downright awfull. Aaarhg… Make it stop! Well, if this track wasn’t as good as it is, the awful singing would have ruined it… But I can cope with to long-haired Swedish dudes singing a bit I guess! Also, the melody and well-fitted bleeps and beeps make up for it! ;o) #5 Great track. Once again riddled with crazy samples… This time they emphasize a lot on the words strange and weird… This is a very dark track with lots of hard-hitting acid-sounds… What a Weird-Sick-Twisted [!] track… In a good way! Nice indeed! #6 Another crazy-ass tune filled with all sorts of sick sounds… This could just as well be a Finnish track. It has the same level of madness… I like it! ;o) #7 Woow… Another great intro… This time even scarier… I almost wet myself when listening to this at a high volume… This is a more minimal track with a few melodies thrown in at the middle, but the crazy forrest flavour is still intact… This could be early Delta-material…Good! #8 An equally dark intro here, though a tad weaker than the one before… This track is also not as melodic, but slowly develoups into a deeeeep stomper… #9 The last full-length track is the well-known Throbbing Hobbits from Psychedelic Sparks… It’s not among the best tracks on this CD but it really shows how the Promon-sound have evolved … It has a tribal-touch to it and those twirling sounds are fitted perfectly… I guess we all know the sample “..If an atom could change itself why couldn’t man change an atom?”… Nice track! #10 before hitting eject on your CD-player after listening to this album, you need to clear your mind and prepare for the real world around you, and therefore we have track 10… Spooky sounds indeed… Well, this is a great album, and I recommend it to all lovers of Scandinavian madness… This was conceived deep in the Swedish forrests and Promon have managed to provide us with a soundtrack of those dark woods… Until the next Schlabbaduerst you’ll have all you need here… Extremely good! Rating 9.3/10
  15. I got it to work... And now I know why Cheech wanted to know Kristians last name... Well, I guess he would have found out anyway! Smashing site, btw! ;o) DP
  16. Sorry for butting in, but I believe Kristian's last name is Thinning ...!? Btw, I cant get the damn page to work... I want to enter the competition... Well, I guess I havent got the right version of flash... I'll look into that! DP
  17. DeathPosture


    Also, for other hardtrance related stuff, parties, shop, etc check out Torture Garden I have a bunch of their releases.... From my hardtrance phase... ;o) Btw, Lab4 are great... ;o) DeathPosture
  18. Wish again A.... It's Space Tribe... It's going to be PACKED with samples... But I for one, like 'em! ;o)
  19. Allow me to not follow the trend in here, and not be too impressed with this album... I had great expectations about this one due to hype it received here... But I must say that this is just not psychedelic enough for me. I mean the soundscapes and samples and loops, etc are amazing - I just dont see myself rocking my feet when listening to it... It is however more stuctured than most Finnish stuff - and I like that. All in all, this is a mediocre release IMO... 6/10
  20. Ahh... Bilbo never lets us down! I've been waiting for this for ages, and now it's finally here... ;o) I agree with Kristian: The 2 tracks from the EP [Find Your Own Divinity/Weird, Sick, Twisted Remix] are the best ones here... Well, so far... Perhaps some of the other tracks will outgrow 'em... So far I really like this album - Good to see that melodic is still alive. We've had some great melodic stompers this year... I hope it'll continue that way! Rating: 8/10
  21. One of the most bashed albums of the year, but what the hell... They can't all be popular... But, for me, this is a great, great album. I dont really care about people calling this childish or even immature... What the hell? Come on people, stop taking yourselves so goddam serious! This is nothing but a good laugh! Just like Raja Rams Stash Bag was! I even kinda like the cheesy cover, though they could have done better. But who the hell cares about the cover. It's the music that's important. And this albums rocks my ass! Straighforward stompers here... Best tracks are: Hashish, Mescaline, DMT, but all tracks are very nice! Rating: 8.5/10
  22. This does nothing for me... First of all, what's the point of having two SO similar tracks?... Secondly, I second Stormbringers taste in atmospheric Delta tracks, and IMO this is too boring... But I guess even masters like The Delta-guys can do mediocre stuff... 5/10
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