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Everything posted by sherlockalien

  1. tegma live in Brazil rocked some serious ass... Well done
  2. sherlockalien


  3. hurray for minimal !! try metronome, native radio, nasa (if you like the tribal feeling), ryan halifax.. some older krumelur too, as you've found out... minimal creates an overall feeling, an atmosphere, very very trippy if you can get into it, towelie.. It doesnt have to do with peace and love... Peace and love atmosphere I also dont even think full on, or old school has it so much.. I think housy trance would be much more...
  4. good, it all ended well =) Now, really, is this guy new to the scene (then why in his site it says he went to parties long ago), new to psynews (then why didnt he say ´new to psynews´, instead of ´to the trance community?), or a liar?
  5. no no, I didnt say your remarks are shitty... (remember, sherlockalien = not conflict)..... I was making a joke, imagining how people went against you, according to what you said.... I talked about your work because I was thinking as if I was you:" Well people say they dont like my music, well fuck it, at least Im in denmark, with all these big breasted blonds, and I have a nice job now... " Its a joke dude.. just like my remark "now go do some music, bitch" =) was a joke..
  6. So you´re like the scape goat hein? I can already imagine when people get angry at home, because they fought with their brothers or something, then you come in the phorum saying something, and they go like: "Well shut up, EP, go and do some music, because even if its crap, its better than your shitty remarks" hehehe Well at least you got a great job and live in denmark, right? =)
  7. oops I didnt finish the sentence: I also dont agree with you that just because you consider his t shirts not to be constructive (what if its a joke?) then you can be non constructive yourself.. I mean, do it for yourself, dont repeat the mistake of others, if you consider a mistake.. Just because someone steals you doesnt mean you should go stealing too... "And please dont start your crap again that I should go and make some music - It's frankly much more arrogant than I will ever become " <--- again, you mistake me from someone else.. I wouldn´t do something to purpousely create conflict, like saying that... it´s simply not me.. Im just trying to show you that you seem (to me) to be directly or indirectly creating conflict, and I try to diminish this.. Forgive me if that goes against what you say, but it´s my way of doing things... "now go do some music, bitch" =)
  8. "When will people stop saying exactly as you do "better go and do music"?" <--- did I EVER said that?!?!?!?!?? I think you mistake me from someone else, dude, seriously!! I also dont agree with you that just because you consider his t shirts not to be constructive (what if its a joke?) Again dude, I totally know that each one to his own opinion.. But MY opinion is that you didnt need to be so harsh.. Do you understand that it is MY opinion?
  9. "i'm a new come in trance community" <-- Im also confused with what he meant... In his site he has been to many parties some years ago, including the one in Brazil I´ve mentioned earlier.. or maybe he meant new to psynews? Im confused.....
  10. "I say get a life to those who always have to tell artists that they aren't allowed to have a opinion "<---- just curious, did anybody ever said that? Also, I understand everybody´s problems with cliches, but think of the following: Cliche sucks when it´s just following what has been done already.. But what if (in a parallel universe, lets say) a person really likes the power that mushrooms can bring to the mind and consciousness, and the meaning of the fractal revolution to mathematics and to general understanding of geometry, and this person is really interested in the Ohm symbol, knowing what it in fact means, and really studying it´s symbolism comparing to religions, etc.. Cant this person use these things, just because it has been done as a cliche before, even though his use is authentic?! Im not saying this guy here is the same as in my example, but what if he is? You guys should be less ´closed-minded´...
  11. well EP, I never said you should be a good boy and not have opinions.. But it´s different having an opinion and being honest about it, from just plain offence, which no matter how you look at it, it is NOT constructive criticism.. By this I meant "worse kind of crap site"!!! And of course I realize everybody is entitled to his own opinion, and can write what the fuck you want, but still MY opinion is that you are too harsh, and if you wanna do a constructive criticism, do it properly, if not, then dont come with your "its just my opinion" attitude.. (remember I accept your opinion, but I criticise it constructively, as I picture it)
  12. so you were here for Ypy Poty? Maybe we ran into each other! About your site, I specially liked the mushroom design.... And yeah, I agree with sphongle! What kind of response is that, EP?!?! I mean, I can expect this from the finnish bastard Järsimähäiriö (yeah we love you, bastard), but from you, who is supposed to be so righteous? tsk tsk tsk
  13. new oryx CD by Iboga records if you like progressive
  14. there will be many as always, probably a few small parties all over Brazil, and 1-2 big festivals (probably there will be one in Trancoso, Bahia..), with many big named djs, but nothing confirmed as far as I know...
  15. hey dude.. Well, im from Rio de Janeiro, which is about 5 hours drive from sao paulo.. email me and Ill tell you what you want to know about the scene =)
  16. Well I just got it, and I was just wondering if any of you know the name of the tracks and where it starts more or less? Well even if you only know a few, could you tell me please?
  17. Oh my god how fukking cool is it!?!?!?!?1 Anybody has any suggestions for me for other tracks, that have the same style as this one?
  18. It played in a festival I went to some days ago.. It has a sample in which a man says: 'What time are you planning to take off? '
  19. sou do Rio!! Foi muito bom!!!!!!! Tudo foi perfeito!!!!
  20. Come to Brazil!! Psy scene here is great, great locations also, lots of fun
  21. I dont think he is ever going to come back to this forum after that =)
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