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Posts posted by astralprojection

  1. ^

    sure I agree that electra is powerful as fuk but i also believe there are many tracks that are much better.

    but without going off topic, both antidote pleiadians remix, and time dilation as well as one track I completely forgot : zeta retuculi (lazy spiral remix) all kick both IFO and FOL in the arse.

  2. tbh, they aren't overrated but their albums are. perhaps the only album that's fully good is etnica - alien protein. other than that their albums have some not so good tracks. having said that, they have produced some of the best goa tracks in the history of goa trance.


    these are the pleiadians track that really matter.

    no particular order.


    bpc - antidote (pl remix)

    time dilation



    crop circles - full mental jackpot (pl remix)

    zeta retuculi (lazy spiral remix)


    crop circles - all of them are pretty fucking good but Pentagon is the killer.


    etnica - vimana, triptonite, mystical appearance in goa, astral way.

    and as said alien protein.


    ifo is great allover but alcyone and electra are the only really great ones. Im talking legendary status ofc.

    but ifo is great.

    fol, i don't enjoy that album at all nor do I enjoy any of the following.


    remember this is my opinion. it's not facts.



  3. Oh..this kind of problem is kind of out of proper and effective cure considering medical drugs unless one wants to start using schizophrenia drugs regularly and be a zombie day n' night. Happened here this spring that the drummer of Nightwish Jukka Nevalainen was forced to quit his job because of bad insomnia that had been treated in every possible way with no outcome. And this drummer sure had money for good docs (Nightwish is a famous and rich band). He came out public about the thing, that's how I know. What comes to you I wish all the best fighting the stuff. Horns up \m/ :)

    What do you think about the medicine Clomipramine?

    Its a relative to anti-psychotics, yet it is a TCA.

    Would that be a good option for me you think? seeing as neither SSRI or SNRI works for me at all.


    According to Wikipedia, it is prescriped for ALL of my psychiatric illnesses, such as Panic Disorder, Depersonalization Disorder, and depression/anxiety.

  4. I recommend cognitive behavioural therapy, if you get a chance to try that.

    Im actually doing CBT therapy at this time and Im on my 7th session.

    Its not really doing anything for me? But sure, it gives solutions and its a smart therapy.


    I think I just need an old woman or man, just sitting there in a chair, dim lights, and just let me cry and get it all out.

    a few sessions of that, and Ill be good.


    but its not that easy as it seems, to get a hold of such a therapist, at least not in my country.

    in USA you just gotta have money and everything is avaliable.


    in my country, you gotta go through the system, get transfers, remissals, etc.. before you find the right help.


    takes YEARS to find proper help here.


    guess the country and you win a point

  5. Hey mr Fractal

    that really is sad news for me as a hardcore Nova Fractal fan, but I understand.

    I just hope I get to hear the full Wheel of time soon, because Ive been jonesing on it ever since i heard that small small preview in that youtube video a few years back.

  6. staring off my choices with


    Planet Fuse - Silent Wishes (AP Remix)





    Loving Loop - Wake Up Eternity ( United Ravers Remix) (AP remix)


    (btw my artist name isnt really AP or AstralProjections, thats just a cover)


    my third installment in this series is going to be



    Loving Loop - Listen to that phat bass


    (it has been covered in MULTIPLE wanna-be tracks( i dont even wanna say their names cus its so shameful but you know who they are... just google listen to that phat bass and you will come up with all kinds of lame shit)

    , but there is only one original, can be found only on Rave Mission 10

    called (D-Noizers Hardtrance Remix)


    I dont have the mp3 for that ATM cus I dont have the proper software installed since i upgraded from win 7.

    But I will get it here.


    in the meantime just enjoy a small privew of what is to come

    (mind you, ive just basicaly done the framework creating the keys, and melodies from scratch, the final product is going to be something completely different.


    1. Planet Fuse - Silen Wishes (AP remix) v.001

    2. Loving Loop - Wake up eternity (united ravers remix) (AP remix) v.001

    3. Loving Loop - Listen to that phat bass (D-Noizers Hardtrance Remix (AP remix) v.001











    this is actually an almost complete re-creation of the original, so that I have a basic framework to work on, when i decide to remix it.

    so its not a remix per se.

    and no i didnt use any midis or anything, just listened to the original and did my best to re-create.

    saw it as a musical challange aswell as remix potential. most sounds are still generic and basicallly unmixed at this point.


    the same goes for the other two aswell. just thought id try to recreate just by listening to the originals.

    then decide where to go from there.

  7. All the downers are SHIT! Sorry but had to put that out.


    So are the UPPERS!

    not if you therapeutically need them bro. they can save lives. they do every day.

    i love you i dont know you but i do, cus i can see your heart and its full of love,

    but pharma's save lives every day man


  8. Thought so :)

    And if I feel the need to fuck around with my brain chemistry, I know better ways :P


    if you have the brainpower, the self discipline (that like, 0,01% of the popu has) then do Methadone.

    Its fucking killer. It will knock the socks of your peen bro.

    wrap you up in a warm fukin blanket labled Euphoria (not the kind of fake euphoria you get with molly/mdma - fuck that) but REAL genuine Euphria.

    but if youre like me and basically any other human, best not do it.

    if you get hooked, youre in for a baaad journey. Fortunately I cant afford getting hooked to Methadone. All I can afford is Suboxone and Tramadol.

    Which is cool and all that, but dont give you the fukin 1/5th of a high Methadone will.

    And I wish for everyone before they die, to experience REAL euphoria, not that fake chemical MDMA euphoria that makes u wanna kiss your best mate and shit like that.

    ugh. fuck that.

  9. i know there are.

    i found those myself.

    thanks though.

    but i really dont care, why? cus psynews is almost dead. it needs someone to do some fuking "CLEAR: ZAP ZAP" on it once in a while, ya know?

  10. so. when is the next album coming out and WHEN are we supposed to hear the long awaited The Wheel Of Time?


    I mean. Its the pinnacle of goatrance, noone has done anything better since the Pleadians remix of Antidote.



    and thats saying alot.

    So mr Nova Fractal, out with it. WHEN!?

  11. Well, that's not really an achievement :)

    I go mad on the dancefloor when the music is good enough, and believe me, I'm musically very hard to please.

    Xenomorph, Technossomy, Darshan and SUN Project achieved that at ZNA. Psychaos and Shakta to a slightly lesser extent (was somewhat affected by my then current low-energy-ish mood).

    haha was just messing with you a little, i probably would stand still doing the same old two-step dancing with my arms, but hey, who knows right?

    Havent been to a real party since the last illegal forest rave i went to in 2004 so ... who knows.

    maybe i would kick up dust all over the place, maybe not.

    havent really had the opportunity to do anything for a long time.


    but hey, how was Pl, Etn, Crop????

  12. by the way i wish i could have been there with you guys, i would be the one outdancing paul eye every day, kicking up dust has been my flavor since 1994 baby, come test me





    holy fukk that was quick. Thanks, now I can die in peace knowing at least I didnt miss that.

  13. I have to know or ill basically kill myself.

    Not really but almost.


    Figuratevly speaking but from a literal standpoint. makes senses? cool.


    Did DJ Jörg play Spiritual Healing?



    did Pleadians and Etnica and Crop Circles play :


    Penatgon, Antidote (Pl. remix), Full Mental Jackopot (pl. remix),




    well, basically, thats pretty much what I need to know before I die, seeing as I couldnt be there.

  14. Im sure there must be many topics like this but what the hey, im in a writing mood today and why not?


    There are a few Obvious choices for me.




    Blue Planet Corp - Antidote (Pleaidians Remix)


    Juan, Domi, Jorg - Spiritual Healing Remix


    Shakta - Lepton Head (Deedrah Remix) <-- oh how I wish it was titled Transwave remix. Cus it sounds ahellofalot more transwave than it does Deedrah.)


    Crop Circles - Full Mental Jackpot (Pleiadians Remix)


    I.M - Deeply Disturbed (Yahel Remix)


    Crop Circles - Lunar Civilization (Filteria Remix)


    Manmademan - Desire (Bumbling Loons Remix)


    more later.

  15. as for PRODUCING music while high.



    I dont care WHO you are, You CANNOT MAKE MUSIC WHILE ON ACID.

    why? cus you dont even feel like it.

    you just wanna hug trees and shit.


    amphetamine definately works, weed and benzos too.

    but psychedelics? nope. you lose interest after a short while.

    anyone saying different is either lying and has never done the drug they speak of, or has had some sort of Divine interaction with the drug causing them to have full control of their bodies making them able to create music.


    so yeah. if someone say "i did this high on acid" you pretty much know its BS.

    • Like 1
  16. back in the teens sure i'd endulge.

    i'd endulge like a mofo.

    im talking acid, mdma, pills, alcohol, cannabis, any and everthing psychedelic.

    i kept doing it until about 2003 though. by then i was like.. i dunno.. 25 or something.


    but yeah, it was pretty sweet going to all them parties dancing your ass off to illegal raves in the forest, or legal live acts in denmark or whatever, simon, I.M , A.P, etc, it was killer...


    but it was also killing my head had i known it at the time i would never done it

    now i cant even do a hit of pot without having to go for a long ass walk to walk it off.

    shit. or sink a sixpack. but im not gonna throw this depressed mess at this thread.


    so back on topic, shit yeah ive done drugs while listening to goa, you shittin me?

    when i was 17 I used to sit high as fUUUK on that bud listening to goa in the headphones to and from school or whatever, sometimes i just sat on the bus and rode around town for about an hour listening to that shit high as FUKKKKK. hahha. those were the good days.

    i wanna remember the good days.

    cus there was many good days. there sure were. oh man.

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