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Posts posted by Drosophila

  1. Thanks little sis :)


    And no I will not go to Everest region, Manaslu is a bit west of Kathmandu, apparently the trek is getting more and more popular since it is now a tea-house trek, meaning that you don't to bring tent, kitchen and food. And yes the mountains will probably become quite cold, but it not crazy cold yet, not until December. You should go one day! :D

  2. I am going to Nepal next week! I can't wait to go there. I was there 10 years ago (exactly), and have dream of getting back there ever since. I have 4 weeks and going to trek for 3 of them (Manaslu and Tsum valley is what we have planned so far). So that leaves me with one week in Kathmandu valley. Do any of you guys have any experience there I could benefit from?


    Is this some stepp mountains or what?!?!? Yes I love mountains too :wub:







  3. I'm really looking forward to that movie!


    and don't expect an effects blaze, its a low budget film, but they manage to create something realistic none-the-less :) I really hope it can lead the way for more realistic sci-fi. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it.

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