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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. reger, your last few posts in my profile are proof the salt has definately changed you. You can't even quote properly anymore!!

  2. now now some negativity never hurt anybody ^^It is part of a positive atmosphere in the workplace

  3. I don't think poor Oopie will approve what you people have done to his beautiful thread.
  4. fuck man, another discriminating comment like that and youre going to be on latvian language lessons motherfucker!

  5. heres the right one:

    you know, the gloves, and the hand, you put a gloves on the hand and they fit perfect, little typo there, you illiterate monkey.

  6. shit, it copied the wrong text :ph34r:

  7. Last Visitors


    Today, 07:47 PM


    Today, 06:31 PM


    Today, 05:07 PM


    Today, 12:39 AM


    Yesterday, 09:00 PM


    14 Aug 2007 - 18:33


    14 Aug 2007 - 3:32


  8. shut it, homo-wannabe!

  9. So this is what you lot do when I'm not around, is it? You meet up in out-of-the-way threads and talk about me behind my back and call me names. You can all FUCK OFF!! Bastards...
  10. that doesnt subtract from your gheyness either way :DDD

  11. Dub Trees can picked up brand-new on Amazon for £8.50, second-hand for £5.00.
  12. they might become interesting when mentally challenged, maybe. Sad to say, the mediocre flemish teenpunk doesn't have alot to contribute these days. In courses like philosophy&morals it shows : )

  13. Okay, I just read the full quote in Goazz's profile but I still don't get it. What's the 'glow' bit about? I think you've been sniffing that salt (again).

  14. Well His Holyness had a hand in it so, yes, it's very good and very different to Celtic Cross and Shpongle.
  15. i was quoting part of my comment in goazzzs comment box you sucker to make it more clear to you to understand why i say you could be the wanking tool to us D:

  16. Me? gardening? HAHAHAHA

    have you never seen pictures of my garden(bindweed jungle)??????

  17. We are as a glow and hand? lol What the hell are you talig about?

  18. At the risk of looking like a complete pervert, does that bubble look like a giant penis to anyone else? Oh, and I don't want to hear any "no, but the man making it does" comments. You've been warned.
  19. "we are as a glow and hand", but you charles can be as a dick to wank for us, should be fine with you, shouldnt it?

  20. Indeed! You cut that out right now, young man.
  21. I'm tempted to counter that claim by mentioning a certain artist you like (I think you know who ) but to each their own, live and let listen.
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