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Posts posted by Jikkenteki

  1. Listening to disc two of The Long Walk Home because one artist I approached about remixes said he listend to Automagic, Stepping Forward and Warmth In Other Places, among other and then said he wasn't interested because they are all ambient style tracks and not music aimed for the dancefloor. This comment left me completely baffled and I've trying to figure out how a track like Stepping Forward is ambient??? :blink:

  2. Just downloaded (and payed for!) the Vibrasphere - Selected Downbeats Vol. 1 album. :)

    I bought that a week or two ago. Nice stuff. Its been background music in my classes for the last week.


    Last weekend I bought the wav versions of Nuclear Ramjet's three albums. Good stuff there.

  3. We have uploaded the entire PAR-2 Productions Catalog to date to Last.fm where listeners can listen to full length previews of everything we have released to date. The majority of it is also available for downloading, although not at full quality. For those interested swing by Last.fm's PAR-2 Productions Page to take a listen. Of course all the original CDs are also available directly from PAR-2.com's Online Shop, Saiko Sounds, or by contacting me directly. Our newest release, "Mainspring Motion", is also available in slightly higher quality at Ektoplazm.com for preview purposes.

  4. Quick update here. "Mainspring Motion" will be available at Saiko Sounds from Aug 31st.




    Also, we have uploaded the entire PAR-2 Productions catalog to Last.fm. All the tracks from all three releases are available for listening in their full length and the majority of them are also available for free download at 128k so you can try before you buy.



  5. Deedrah - Reload (GMS Remix) had a huge impact in the summer of 2001. I remember that in Japan EVERYTHING was minimal, minimal and more minimal at all the large parties I attended (and most of the small ones too). Suddenly this track came out of no one and everyone was playing it. It would usually get drop at least two times per event, (once it was played 4 times at one party I went to). I seem to recall the issue most DJs there were having was finding something else to mix with it amidst all their minimal records (ah yes, records were still more or less the norm then). IM's B.P.Empire had just came out as well that summer and "Tasty Mushroom" has also getting played nearlyas much, Reload definately was the tide turner. Anyways, soon after that what became known as the the "full on" boom started in earnest.

  6. Speaking for myself (and I've heard the same from some others who used to regualrly do reviews), it simply takes up too much time to write good reviews and life just generally caught up with me (and the others I've talked to as well). Another possible reason was also there was a bit of backlash against the long kind of reviews myself and people like Death Posture used to write (on discogs it went so far as a campaign to erase most of those reviews). So basically lots of time involved + plus job/life + a fairly large number of people saying our reviews were a waste of space = an ever decreasing desire to write them. I basically limit myself to writing them only when something really hits me now. I think the quality of music now is really no different from how it was 4 or 5 years ago so saying there are no reviews because everything now is crap doesn't ring true for me at all (people 5 years ago were saying the same thing so...)

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