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Posts posted by Jikkenteki

  1. Software in and of itself isn't a bad thing, in fact over all I think its a good thing as far as price and convience goes. But what has been lost to a great degree due to the easy in which people can download anything and everything if they have the right connections, is the sense of "investment" in a piece of gear. In the past people would save up their money, buy a synth and then spend months, years, etc learning it inside out. You actually "learned". You can of course still do this with software, but I'd say more often than not, the average joe just downloads something else until he finds the sound he's looking for. Outside of the most serious and dedicated, the in depth study method that was the norm for hardware has fallen to the wayside.

  2. Pretty much what everyone has said. Sometimes I very slowly ride the pitch for awhile while the track to thumping along. Sometimes I do it during the silence. If I want it more sudden for some reason I might do it quickly during the post break swell back into the heavy thumping. I occassionally do a sort of "live drop in" where I have the track qued un exactly where I want it to start, leave the fader up and just hit play right on the beat and sometimes I use this with a cut to suddenly drop into a newer faster track. Cofidence or a lack of caring if you screw up are nessecary for that one though. lol

  3. So... I'm currently using Ableton Live and it's missing a few things I would need. I'm looking for a program that allows you to use irregular time signatures and change between them through the song(like making a part in 5/4 and a part in 13/8 without having to insert some empty space to match the bars again) and that allows you to use different divisions of 1/8 notes (like triplets but with five divisions for example). I know FL has that but you have to write the whole song in one setting. And thanks for your help ;)

    If I recall correctly, odd time sig support of some type is one of the new features of Live 7, but check the what's new list to be sure.

  4. Is it? I personally find the technical aspects of a mix very mysterious, despite having read books and websites about the general rules. I think this statement might be subjective.

    I agree they are mysterious. But if you think about it, there are a million threads here and at Isratrance, etc about making music and the majority of them are all about the technical side of making music. If you go to your local music shop or what not, most of the books and dvds you find will also be about the technical side of production. My point that its easier to work on that side of making music mostly stems from the fact that it is SO much easier to get information and find solid things you need to work on regarding production (not that it is easy to master them at all) than it is to find info regarding song writing skills (which is probably why most threads in that area don't get much beyond "what scales should I use?").


    Looking at my first post my views probably came out a bit strange. I think production skills and compositional skills are both extremely important. However in TODAY's trance scene we have tons of technically solid creators with very little to say musically, so now a days I think that music writing skills are more important since things are greating out of balance towards production.

  5. Musicianship is perhaps the wrong word since we aren't talking about someone's technical skill on an instrument, but I do feel that one the of boggest problems in the trance scene in for a while now is a lack of good compositional skills. There are loads of technically skilled engineers out there now, but most of them have very little to say musically. In a way I can understand it, it is much easier to work on the technical aspects of a mix and such that it is to work on something like "writing better melodies". But in the end I think one's skill at writing music is more important than one's skill in technical aspects of recording it (although obviously the best situation is having both).

  6. Yeah, a powerful computer is so important if you want to use a decent program. I hope you make a good decision. When I got my DAW back in early '06 I thought it was pretty hardcore. But, a year and a half later, to keep up with Cubase I had to upgrade. My original processor was an AMD Athlon dual core 3800+. At the time the AMD top of the line was 4800+, which was totally out of my price range. Last week I bought one for a little over US$100, and installed it Friday night. Easy on the wallet. Big difference. But that's as fast as this thing can go, being stuck with the 939 socket. Projecting forward, I'll probably need a new computer in two years, no matter how well it works right now. Frightening.

    At some point I think its nessecary to just stop the arms race (both hardware and software-wise) for awhile and learn to use what you have to maximum effect. My studio computer I bought in late 2003 and is whatever the AMD equilavent of a PIV 1.7 was at the time (don't remember anymore). Only in the last 6 months or so have I really started to feel that its time to upgrade to a better computer. Then again I have aways tried to stay a few (or a ton now I guess) generations behind in my tech, if for no other reason than I can't afford it otherwise. :)

  7. I have been listening to the albums, but mainly Mainspring Motion all day today. It is some seriously pystrance...


    For this price you are really losing money if do not buy it!

    Thanks for the kind words. Glad you like them. :posford:


    Packages going out to Mexico and Turkey right now (sorry, losing track of the member names and actual addresses :lol: )

  8. I can't believe no one's mentioned DJ Shadow!!! Endtroducing... had a MASSIVE impact on the electronica scene when it came and paved the way for many more artists who would experiment with sample based music (RJD2, Amon Tobin etc etc)

    Endtroducing was quite popular when it came out, but there wasn't that much "groundbreaking" about it. Amon Tobin was already active then (this first release as Amon Tobin was released the same month that Endtroducing came out, but we worked under the name Cujo for a few years before that). Popular, very much so, but influential? I'm not so sure. I think that Dummy was probably more influential than Endtroducing

  9. Only thing I own from them is the second Carbon Based Lifeforms album, which is pretty solid. That said I almost never listen to it at home, although it is in case of chilled cds I play while I'm teaching my English classes, so its an album I know pretty well subconsiously, even though I can't really recall it off the top of my head.

  10. Sammyhkhan, no-nonsense and Blaze, your cds were sent out today.


    Regarding the samples issue, I'd like to think that a quick listen to the samples doesn't give you the whole picture as we design our releases to be ones that grow on the listener, rather than just having a couple instant gradification tracks that are forgotten after a couple of months. We kind of model our compilations in the old Matsuri fashion where there is a mix of stuff that flow well as a story but are not bound by any particular subgenre. Therefore any particular listener should find a couple of tracks that speak to them right away and the rest grow on them and introduction them to something they might not have listened to otherwise. As a listener I am pretty sick of one dimensional compilations and thus compile our release to NOT follow that format. Of course taste is taste so your mileage will vary. :rolleyes:

  11. There are tons of good free vst out there. Dig around on the links above to see what works for you. Some that I personally use and recommend include...





    KarmaFX Modular Synth:



    Highlife (sampler):



    Various Effects:




    Compressors and such:


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