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Posts posted by Ov3rdos3

  1. hehe.. yeah, and 2 unlimited, A Capella, Haddaway, DJ Bobo, Rednex ect ect ect... OOOooooohhh.. the horrible DANCE music I once used to enjoy  :ph34r:  Shame shame shame.. But luckely i didnt love this music, I just didnt know any better.. :)


    no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no, theres nooooo liiimiiiiiit!!!!!!! unf unf unf unf

  2. this isnt really neccessary...we all know the truth.


    i find there is more diversity here.. i feel like isratrance is a bunch of people who have just discovered psytrance. KILLAARRR!!!!


    where as here, we tend to use more descriptive descriptions that KILLAARRR!! and there is a much wider variety of tastes. i also find its a bit more mature here. (sometimes).

  3. BTW off-topic: don't you just love party reviews like "so I just took 500 micrograms of LSD and about 100 mg of pure MDMA and then I went to listen (insert the name of the artist)'s set. Man it was AWESOME!!! I have NEVER heard such an awesome performance in my life!! 15/10!!!"


    LOL it always makes me laugh...


    bwaahahaha, thats so true though. and his friend who went with clean, was like. "i couldnt really get into the music..."

  4. Listen...

    Skazi have a track that in this track u hear car breaking and guitars...

    how does it calls?!?!?!?

    PLZZZZZZZZZZ :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(



    right so it has guitars in it? that narrows it down bit... ;P

  5. Ive been thinking about that cause lately my father is starting to do a lot of trippy things,i think he is losing his mind.I mean he is a really clever guy but sometimes he has really stoned reactions....



    i know. my father's favorite band in the whole world is Pink Floyd. nuff said.

  6. Well then I applogise.  In forums it can be hard (even with smilies) to get the point sometimes.



    thank you. appology accepted. i may have been a bit harsh though. thats just me. i assure you, i never mean anyone any harm. i just need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

  7. Yes I would for sure make a comment but I would not tell you to get lost and go somewhere else...  I aknowledge people's right to their own opinion even if I disagree. If I dont agree I'll say why i disagree but I wont tell you to go somwhere else!!!!!

    That's was why i reacted in the first place... But I guess you did not get the point too.



    oh dear EP. do you remember our little discussion about putting a smiley when your not being so serious?? i actully took your advice this time. it was a funny response in getting my point across. so which is it? MUST i put a smiley when im taking the p1ss, or MUST'NT i?? you seem to have conflicting opinions here...please, enlighten me.


    the topic is STAY AWAY. do you see what i did there EP? you know, a play on words, the smiley. all the facts are there to prove i was taking the p1ss. you need to pull that carrot out your ass man.

  8. if you had studied psychology you would know that subliminal messages dont affect the person.........


    subliminal = UNDER the limiar of what frequency range/wave amplitude  the body can hear/see/receive... This means, when it is SUBLIMINAL, it wont affect you because your sensory organs are not capable of receiving such a small/low thing...


    There have been numerous tests regarding this


    As an example, people said that there was, some time ago on the movies, a few times where a coca-cola sign blinked on the screen, and how it affected people..  well, as people noticed there was a coca-cola sign blinking, as small as it was, it means it is NOT subliminal

    straight and normal commercials, conversations and normal-day activities affect you much more...  research a little =)



    this is totally true. sublimnal messages have no effect on you whatsoever.

  9. Hey Ov3rdos3 I think you took too many acid man  ;) ... you already started this same topic some time ago and I replied to it... (got a perfect memory you know  :) )...


    silicon sound...



    lol!! did i?? my memory is far from perfect. thats why i have you guys :)) i dont remember anyone ever telling me if there was an album or not. anyways i never got it. thanks though..hehe.

  10. Why dont you shut your mouth and do your drugs in private and let people have their opinion without all your smartass comments?


    dude, every is soooo sick of your opinions. i am tired of people TELLING us what to do. if i wanna do drugs (which i DONT actually, ive been clean for 8 months). i will do it. i dont need people telling me what to do and how to live my life. i am not PRO DRUGS, i am not ANTI DRUGS, it is irrelivant. and if i ever do it, it is done in private. i dont go parading the fact that i take drugs. so whatever your on about, is a load of sh1t. as usual. your opinion means sweet f**k all to me. so save your breath dude.

  11. I have no participation in creating this site but i have seen to many s**t at party and as a dj -----> www.dancesafe.org ----> So Just Stay Away From Drugz


    why dont you rather just stay away from us :)

  12. riiiiigh.....t


    Nazi Psytrance.


    of course.




    and usually the drug messages in psytrance isnt subliminal. its blatent. like a pause in the beat and it like "LSD WILL OPEN YOUR MIND!" and then the beat carries on. thats not subliminal dude.

  13. and if you want evil music trie astrix .

    that must be music wich they play in all 7 layers of  hell

    the same bass over and over agian for eternety .




    if they play any psy in hell. it would be skazi. but those really bad tracks with really high pitched sounds and monotone basslines. like 2 layers of sound. stupid bass and high pitched shrieking. for ever and ever and ever. on a really bad sound system.

  14. eish, sorry needles. that is bad track. maybe you just need to be prodded in the correct direction of really good psytrance. here are a few cd's you should try to get hold of and have a listen to. a good intro to psy i would think...


    Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible

    Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger

    Hallucinogen - In Dub

    Dragonfly records - Beaches and Cream

    and if you like full on stuff, try CPU - Central Processing Unit, or any of the 3d Vision Stuff.


    what you were listening to is just .....i dont know. i would not judge your taste on that though...maybe you just havnt heard better....that wouldnt be your fault.....there was a time that i too listened to such music........*hangs head in shame*

  15. i am wondering if there is an actual Silicon Sound album out? i love silicon sound, i think the quality of their music is definitely well above standard. yet i cant seem to find any albums by them. only single tracks on compilations. does anyone know of any silicon sound albums out there and if so, where i could get them from??


    thanks a lot guys.


  16. "I ask him why he has dreadlocks all over... and he sayss--s-a-dk-sd-fa-d-fss- dreadlocks all over."


    I love that sample. The herb garden is the best track on the CD.


    yeah, its an excellent track "he has one dreadlock, thats in honour of shiva"

    very good track. one of my favorite shpongle tracks ever (IMO)

  17. lol! dont stress dude. as far as i know as well IM dont have a tune called "trippy sh1t" but sometimes on P2P software, people rename tunes they dont know the names of, that is probably the case with your song. why dont you describe the song on the Lost Tracks section and maybe someone could actually get you the real name for it...maybe a sample in the tune or something?

  18. i guess what i like best about this forum. is its actually full of people who know their talking about. and if you ask a question. you will hardly ever get flamed for being stupid or something. they will just give you their honest opinion. also i love the Off-topic section. where we can all just talk about ANYTHING really. which is cool. and except for a few "E"gotistical "P"eople, most people here are really cool.

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