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Posts posted by Aspartic

  1. Progtrance (the psy variant on psyshop) can't really entertain me as it sounds all the same to me. And it's too boring recently.


    There were some albums in the past that made me shiver though:



    Fitalic - Atomic Atmosphere

    Dousk - DIY

    Iboga Set:7 Declivity

    Antix - Twin Coast Discovery

    Vibrasphere - Archipelago

    Vibrasphere - Exploring The Tributaries

  2. I really like the entire album. Perhaps I like it even more than Arcana. For me, the songs breathe more than on Arcana. Arcana is still a masterpiece for me, but its focus was on aggressive, mysterious banging music. Pathfinder is indeed more melodic and it's easier to dissect the tracks.

    The basslines sound deeper and thicker than on Arcana. I was hoping for that.


    I always get a shot of power when I listen to any of the tracks on Pathfinder, and that's why I love it. :)

  3. I've spent more than 20 years gathering and listening to normal trance and a shitload of wonderful songs come from that era.

    One that will remain in my heart forever, is the Signum remix of DJ Danjo & Rob Styles - Duende.


    With some dancing people at Tiesto in concert (I can tell you Tiesto gave some magical performances years ago):



    And in full HD, full length:




  4. I have now listened tens of times to the whole album and it's even getting better.

    I've been in "mainstream" trance for more than 10 years and while I have spotted several nineties Goa trance tunes,

    the light side of trance got me first with Rank 1, Armin Van Buuren, etc ... at the end of the nineties. This shit was good.

    The emotions, clever melodies, and warmth of the tunes was really my thing. Until 2008. Then the power was gone.

    Same production, same presets, same structure... not interesting anymore.

    Now I realize that the best normal trance tunes were made in the first half decade of 2000. And when I listen to these songs,

    they do not sound outdated at all. And there's a reason for that: "Nostalgia".


    Tracks you have loads of good memories about, will remain to touch your emotions.


    I have, however, no nostalgia feeling for Goa Trance from the nineties. So I can't compare current Goa to old Goa. Yet, my Goa times start now! That's for sure.


    Thanks to artists like Artifact303, I finally get the music I've always wanted. Back To Space is at the moment my top ranked album.

    There are melodies, hence the tracks take you on a true journey, one by one.

    Trance is mostly energy to me. The whole album is full of high energy. Feel good.

    The production is so perfect and all sounds merge into each other like crazy. Perfection.


    Here a few thoughts on my favorite tracks



    1. Beyond Lightspeed


    The track blasts off from the start. But please, agree with me, the climatic fantasy moment comes in at 5m17s. True hyperspaced stuff here. The best. Boom!


    2. For A Better World


    Trance with balls here. If I didn't know any better, I would say this is the perfect cross-over between trance and goa trance. Very effective.


    3. Magnetic Fields


    What an album opener! Intro is perfectly chosen and after the snaredrum comes the everlasting thundering lightbolt of a beat. Aaaahh, BEATS... they're back! Fuck yeah.

    Blow those frikking speakers dammit.


    4. Mysterious Fantasy


    When I heard the album samples on the Suntrip site, this was my track. My favorite. Why? Psychedelica. In a pure form. Acidic from start to end. If that doesn't hypnotize you, I don't know. Really. Sweet tasting Acid!


    5. Delirium


    Took me a while to get this one. Last track of an album is either ambient, or a blaster. I couldn't find out what Delirium was.

    Then I closed my eyes on my daily trainride and there it was! Delirium sucked me right in. I thought I was listening to some random Goa tune until I saw my mp3 player display: Delirium.

    Shit, this is my man Artifact? Holy fuck, he just brainwashed me. This track is like a black hole sucking you right in. The fine voice of the lady does wonders as well.

    It all fits so nicely. Dreamy!!


    6. Trancemission


    The start of Transmission is difficult. A bit of chunky, not enough energy to go full power. Some arps, nice, but only nice. Then the deep bassline. Mmm, a dark one here?

    Then after two minutes, this gem turns to a floaty number. Ahaaa, back into space!

    But then: at 4m33s the divine break and at 4m47s we finally made it: SPACE. Soothing, warm pads, perfect mind stuff. A difficult start, but once you're in, you wanna stay.


    Thanks to Artifact303 and all other artists for making the music I was born to listen to.


    Yihaa! :D

  5. Hi exotic,


    quite a beautiful experience you wrote down there.

    I know exactly what you are talking about. The deep basslines, warmth, uplifting melodies, crisp production... it's all on this album.

    It's also my favorite new Goa album of all times.

    Also look out for E-Mantra's Pathfinder on Suntrip soon (I'm sure you know). Quite the contestor for best album of the year for me. http://www.suntripre...se/cat/SUNCD23/



  6. From the Suntrip website:


    In the second part of the album, melodies take the lead to give the tracks a highly hypnotic shape. A trippy remix of the anthem “Dansul Ielelor” is followed by “Valley of the Kings”, a hymn to euphoric eastern melodies, while “Distant Signals” and “Journey to Orion” make you dive into the deep mental side of E-Mantra. The turmoil of madness completes with a relentless acidic remix of Approaching Nibiru!


    "Journey to Orion" isn't on the album, I recon? A typo, Mars? ;)

  7. The much anticipated album reaches the surface... yes!


    My favorites are:


    * Pathfinder (nice and deep sounds)

    * Metamorphic Resonance

    * Dansul Ielelor (Neurosect Edit 2011)

    * Valley of the Kings

    * Above the Skies

    * Distant Signals

    * Afterglow

    * Approaching Nibiru (Eleusyn Rmx)


    So pretty much everything except the downtempo tracks. I've had enough of that with Visions From The Past. Now it should be time for 100% Goa.

    But that's just me thinking out loud. B)


    We hear definitely much more melodies. The whole story is less aggressive than Arcana and much more uplifting.

    Still equally good albums imo. Maybe Pathfinder is even better. I'll first need to listen to the entire album for a final review.


    Really great to see that E-Mantra has followed a different vision here than the previous album. Shows he is capable of many good and different things, while maintaining high quality and true listening pleasure.

    Can't wait to pre-order it. :)




    ps: fantastic mastering

  8. I admit that I have no knowledge of previous Carbon Based Lifeforms work, but when I read the word 'drone', I just had to check it out.

    And yes, it reminds me of Astropilot's Solar Walk. I love this kind of music. A multitude of soundscapes and an eerie atmosphere. Buying it. :)

  9. Breaking Bad is the best show I've seen in a good while.


    It rocks! It's like your in the middle of it. So realistically filmed. And oh the suspense! :)


    My favs:




    Battlestar Galactica




    30 Rock


    The Big Bang Theory (you need to get used to Sheldon first)


    Curb Your Enthusiasm (extremely embarrassing recognizable situations from the maker of Seinfeld Larry David)






    Breaking Bad






    Psychoville (pretty crazy show, but very entertaining)

  10. It must be said that this album is ear candy. Apart from my few critics above, I have to say that:


    - the sound quality of production is of such high level, listening to each song is a true pleasure

    - some tracks are a cross-over between Goa and uplifting trance (Magnetic Fields e.g.), which I adore, since I come from a decade of listening to uplifting trance only

    - the whole album oozes quality, right now I'm never skipping a track anymore (used to skip the downtempo track), it listens away so easily

    - the energy in the tracks boosts my mood, always a great excuse to put the CD in the player and turn up the volume

    - the basskick... the basskick .... is so tight, heavy and warm, it's ludicrous :lol:


    Marvelous, Zsolt! What a piece of work. :wub:

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