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Posts posted by Aspartic

  1. Well, in my opinion the transition from "Lifethread" to "Distant Signals" was better than the previously mentioned one, super smooth. ;-) The transition where I hear most obviously that you originally mixed Trance is from 09 into 10, since you managed to make those melodies compliment each other perfectly. Overall I'm not such a big fan of the first 5 tracks flow wise, but the rest flows wonderfully and builds up energy constantly with a well put breakdown in "Time Current".


    Exactly, I also have a slight problem with the overall flow and buildup. The first 3-4 tracks start pretty energetic, in my opinion, and then the mix goes into a more floaty atmosphere. The ending is pretty banging again if I might say. :)

    I tried to put the first 3 more near the end, but just couldn't find a fitting sequence of tracks. As it is now, it's the best I could do with this selection.

    Thanks for the 09 > 10 appreciation. That one wasn't easy. Had to do several tries to find the right knob control on the mixer so that the melodies wouldn't clash too much.

    But I think this transition creates an energy boost since the key is not exactly the same, but still matching. The rest of Time Current indeed puts a breathing moment in the mix.


    Thanks for the constructive comments! Truly appreciate it.

  2. I agree! I started mixing goa myself only a couple of months ago and am still trying to find creative ways of mixing it... I guess it all comes down to perfect knowledge of the tracks... But it is so much fun... Buying those cdj's was one of the best decisions I've ever made!


    Great that you used Magnetic Fields btw, it's my favorite track from back to space, next to beyond lightspeed... Good to hear that the pitchchange works rather well with it too!


    Great man, really looking forward to your creations!

    Yeah, the cdj's are magnificent. You also have the old first CDJ800's that can't read mp3? Too bad the new ones of the 800 series cost twice as much now.

    Beyond Lightspeed is in that b2b session I'll upload soon. :) But you'll hear it was hard to mix with another track. It ends at lightspeed. ;)


    ps: took me 3 weeks to make the tracklist after analysing my favorite tracks. So indeed, there is more work involved. But it's goa, so it's pure fun!

  3. Nice mix! I love the transition of Techno Drome to Dreaming Universe.


    Yeah, that was a gift from god. And some analysing of course. :)

    Dreaming Universe blasts off at the perfect timing. One of the best transitions, I have to agree. It would have been more perfect if the bpm of the two tracks was the same. Techno Drome is 140 and Dreaming Universe is 145 (or 144). Allthough they have the same key, the difference in bpm shifts the key slightly of Techno Drome. Mix was recorded at 144 bpm. I could have fixed the key with the Master Tempo function of my pioneers, but there is a bug in that algorithm which makes the pitch fluctuate, and beatmatching becomes hell. Only used it for the last Filteria track.

    There are also more easy-done transitions, with which I was uncomfortable at first, because mixing goa is so different from mixing normal trance.

    With Goa we can or have to be more creative. And I like challenges! :D

  4. Hi Goa lovers,


    after making loads of normal trance sessions, and after being quite disappointed with the direction normal trance is going right now, I am finding my way in the world of Goa Trance.

    I had a short Goa period in the 90s, left it again for normal trance, but thanks to the wonderful tracks out there by many talented producers, I have fallen in love with modern melodic Goa Trance.

    I've been visiting some parties here in Belgium and it's been a revelation!


    I've had so much fun analysing tracks from start to end and trying to build a story in the form of a melodic Goa Trance mix session.

    The result is an ultra melodic floaty goa trance mix. Seems this is the style I love.


    I hope you'll enjoy it.


    I have my own critics on this session, but I will spare them for later.

    Please do not hesitate to leave comments, even if they are tough critics. I'm always trying to improve.


    Some details:


    Hardware: Ecler Nuo 3 Mixer and CDJ-800 turntables

    Software: Goldwave 5.23, Exact Audio Copy (wav to mp3)

    Compression: Lame 3.97 320kbps

    Key detection: Mixed In Key, Bome's mouse keyboard

    Genre: Goa Trance




    01. Eleusyn - Gliese

    02. E-Mantra - Valley Of The Kings

    03. Jikooha - Riot Here! Riot Now!

    04. Astral Projection - Techno Drome

    05. Antares - Dreaming Universe

    06. Ra - Lifethread

    07. E-Mantra - Distant Signals

    08. Eleusyn - Kosmodrom

    09. Artifact303 - For A Better World

    10. Ra - Time Current (Silver Remix)

    11. Artifact303 - Magnetic Fields

    12. Filteria - Galactic Rays


    Total playing time: 1h18m30s


    As you can see, the majority comes from the Suntrip catalog, but then again, Suntrip delivers the material I'm interested in. :)


    Listen or download at soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/aspartic/aspartic-space-waves



  5. I listened to some goa trance back in the nineties, even bought Distance to Goa 4, 5 and 7. But never really got into it.

    Then later on I discovered Filteria's Sky Input album and was amazed. But somehow I quite rapidly left it alone and stayed in normal Armin and Tiesto trance (was fun btw).

    From 2008-2009, normal trance became utter bullshit, commercialized to death and originality was gone. It still is,normal trance is almost gone now.

    Then dug into psyshop looking for some more Filteria material. Came across Suntrip, discovered Artifact303 and E-Mantra. Rest is recent history. :wub:

  6. I must adjust my initial thoughts on this one. While I only liked Ra - Lifethread on the first listen, hearing songs in full length brings me some more insight in this releases' tracks.


    Before I forget, Ra - Lifethread is my favorite on Shaltu. I love Ra, I can't deny that. I'm still having fun with 9th, and Lifethread is everything you can expect from Ra and more. The intro is magical with subtle tantalizing sounds, but it's not long before the rolling heavy bassline comes in. And it's fast. Well, it sounds fast to be 144 bpm. Ra makes Goa sound easy and natural. The track flows like it's supposed to. I'm totally drawn into this one. Wow, amazing.

    Crossing Mind - Hydrophobic Visions and Nebula Meltdown - Mindstream Continuum are not my favorites on this compilation. While I'm aware of the geniality and talent of these two producers, these particular tracks don't do it for me. They never explode or break open. They remain kinda chunky, and that's simply not my style. Very subjective, I know. :)

    But then we have a run of 5 tracks that can set wet grass on fire. Lepton Head in the Filteria remix is what you expect. Madness Filteria style. A tad predictable, but it still works. The energy buildup is amazing.

    Innerspace - Innerspace is a pleasant surprise. I'm not familiar with Innerspace's work, but this is now one of my favorites on this compilation. It's extremely hypnotic with a rolling bassline, it just keeps on going like a speed train. I can imagine dancing my ass off to this one at a party.

    Emergency Acid System begins chunky, but these guys know it: the speed increase comes quickly and we're off! The acid is not prominent, but subtle. Again, hypnotic and modern style. Yes, I love it.

    Fractal Memories needs to have it from its very prominent bassline, which has been brought to the foreground in the whole track. Simply made to dance, dance, lose yourself to the beat and nothing else. Also the spiralling hypno sounds make you dream hard.

    E-Mantra's take on Ra's Time Current is a soft one for E-Mantra's repertoire. It's very floaty and atmospheric, but no madness this time. Very sweet on the ears.

    The closure with Sirius - Universe can't really excite me. It's an eastern style of track I heard so many times before. Not bad, but it gets boring from the middle on.


    For one, I liked Energy Waves more than Shaltu. Energy Waves was pure sunlight power, while Shaltu goes a bit darker. Still, this is melodic goa trance done extremely well. As I like the most part of the disc, I'm ordering it soon and will try to put some tracks in a next mix session. Btw, I'm working on one now. My first goa mix. :)

    Yes, these are great times for Goa Trance. Really great times. And Suntrip is at the forefront.

  7. Wow, thanks guys!


    @Rotwang: I like it more aggressive. Not bad, but a bit more punch would be nice.

    @acidchemicalplantrecords: very aggressive acid tracks there. The Doc Van Ooze track is a little killer. The other ones sound too oldschool for me. Not that it's bad, but I'm looking for some more complex tracks.

    @Imba: will check it out soon! I didn't forget about that new track.

    @Digitalys: Aha! From 1996! :) I must admit I had the feeling that some tracks he played sounded like the 90's, but still so good! They all had a special touch. I asked him through facebook, but probably he doesn't check that. I'll head on over to the other forum. Thanks a lot!


    If you have more, bring it on! :D

  8. Hi all,


    last weekend I went to a party where the first dj (Leech, Ganjatree Recs) dropped a shitload of acid tracks, but they didn't sound outdated or anything.

    Modern (well, I guess) acid trance with a heavy rolling bassline, even some uplifting breaks. Wonderful.

    I was wondering where I could find such tracks. Labels, artists, separate tracks, ... but please: as modern/recent as it gets, not old stuff.

    I'm sure this is the place to ask. :)


    An great example (also posted some time ago by me in this forum) are these Jikooha and Imba tracks:






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