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Mad old ones
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Status Updates posted by psytones

  1. well this was supposed to be a PM

  2. whups, was supposed to go as PM


  3. Good to hear you're still alive.

    s'pose you lead a busy life nowadays.

    anyways man, keep safe!

    1. psytones


      Hey, jah its been a lot in my life which is rokking good!! :D Take care and stay true! :))

  4. Homie, Where art thou!

  5. Bip Bob Baluba. Baba bioband.

  6. Strange, I cant see my own gorgeous picture, lol. Yeah, my eyebrows needed some kind of an upgrade. We want to shimmer nerdy ^^

  7. Whats up bald man? XD :P

  8. Hell yeah baby! U know I'd love that too :)

  9. Whats up in 2010? Going Bruce Willis style, eh :P?

  10. Hihihi. What autumn? We have already winter in here. It snowed (ok snow wih rain, much worser) yesterday and its fuckin cold. brrrrrr

    Cut your dreads, I see. Hmm?

  11. smiling wrinkles with nice eyebrows i like hehe. i know, one day i'll start to log in again, when i get my personal computer up with net. have a nice autumn kath :)

  12. Oh yeah, now I remember :D Long time ago, hehe.

    But whats up with my eyebrows? Is that your fetish? lol. Nah, and you`re never on msn.

  13. Eh? Your nose is still big???

  14. Yap, Im quite ok. WHat about you?

  15. Too early to say, only been using it for two months. It's works like this, either you get to have what you have left, or you can have some regaine, but it takes long time, in two more months I can probably say if it has given me anything back or if it's just delaying the inevitable :)

  16. Hi baba Psy :D! Sup neegro?

  17. Well, I'm getting there aswell :S

    Trying Rogaine atm.

  18. you're bald... :) Ever tried Rogaine? hehe

  19. :: what status you blabbering about? What is this, Fcaehuggerbook?

  20. Hey..greets to you Jan-Erik :D

  21. You look so happy in that pic!

    I'm jealous :(

  22. Nice pic, are you stoned? :D

  23. i hav stoled yer pienews skeenz

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