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  1. VA - Magic Mountain || Return to the Source is out now on Bandcamp! aGh0Ri TanTriK has specially designed this one for the morning stomp, to take you back to the source, where the magic of the mountain is at it's peak! Featuring well-known and new artists from all over the globe including India, Serbia, Germany, USA, and South Africa, Magic Mountain II Return to the Source is an exquisite selection for smashing the psychedelic mindfloor! Power-packed psytrance compilation designed for a trippy awakening where goosebumps and bass-pumps collide! Tracklist: 1. Neological Vibration - The Great Himalayan River 2. KILLer P - Ground Zero 3. Cyberbaba - Tantralogic 09:21 4. Amanita - Hellot 5. McCoy's SUN PROJECT & Timeact - Struggling For Domination 6. JamDay - Project Lyra 7. Neurosine - Parasite 8. aGh0Ri TanTriK - Forgotten Gods 9. Dronoid & Thalestriss - Gone Too Far 10. Plasma Force - Flight Deck 11. Psyfaun - Forest Frolic Stream/Download on Bandcamp: https://sonictantra.bandcamp.com/album/mountain-magic-ii-return-to-the-source
  2. Out now on Flying Woofer Neological Vibration is a more melodic but still quite the experimental psychedelic trance project of aGh0Ri TanTriK. He blends his experience of 25+ years of listening and playing with electronic music in many shapes! We hope you exploring OuTeR SpAcE with these pumping Neo-PsyHouse Beats! You can stream for free / buy the track in WAV / support the artist by ordering Neological Vibration - Interstellar (Neo-Psyhouse) on Bandcamp.
  3. Love this lable for sure! Some great music!
  4. A melodic psytrance track perfect for a sunrise or sunset. The music has deep ecstasic feelings that should lighten up your mood and make your soul happy! The grooves will add to the dimension of a perfect goa psy experience! This track is dedicated to all the souls lost in the attack on SuperNova festival. White is the color of peace and is "Let there be Light" is an amazing goa psytrance track by Astral Projection (who was also at the festival). It only felt right to tribute this track to this painful episode in psytrance history. May peace win again, just like the light that is omnipresent and the ultimate truth! Stream and download on Bandcamp: https://flyingwoofer.bandcamp.com/track/let-there-be-white-original-mix About the Artist: Neological Vibration is a more melodic but still quite the experimental psychedelic trance project of aGh0Ri TanTriK. He blends his experience of 25+ years of listening and playing with electronic music in all its forms and so you will hear grooves that span across several electronic musical genres and yet have unique landscapes. Follow Neological Vibration music on: FB: www.facebook.com/neologicalvibration/ SC: soundcloud.com/olivawstwist soundcloud.com/neological-vibration Follow Flying Woofer: www.facebook.com/flyiingwoofer/ credits released June 28, 2024
  5. The 7th Album by aGh0Ri TanTriK from India is on pre-order now and releasing on 6/6/2023. Pre-order on Bandcamp We're always happy to talk to podcasts, blogs and magazines about our releases. Please feel free to write to us via Facebook, Soundcloud, or right here on the forum for interview and review requests. Thanks!
  6. Sonic Tantra Psytrance Music Records' दुं (Dhoom) is an original collection of top 10 full power psychedelic trance tracks by global psytrance artists compiled by aGh0Ri TanTriK.

    Download now @ Bandcamp

    Top 10 psychedelic trance - Dhoom - 2020 - Sonic Tantra 2.jpg

  7. Sonic Tantra Psytrance Music Records presents aGh0Ri TanTriK’s sixth album containing 10 powerful DarkPsy, Psycore and Hitech Psytrance tracks. 

    Order now to download in WAV and MP3 320 formats. 

  8. Sonic Tantra Psytrance Music Records' दुं (Dhoom) is an original collection of top 10 full power psychedelic trance tracks by global psytrance artists compiled by aGh0Ri TanTriK. Featuring artists from Australia, Russia, India, Switzerland, United States & More! This power-packed psytrance adventure begins with groovy pumping full-on psychedelic trance, lifting through into more darker and forest sounds. This free psychedelic trance compilation is available now on Bandcamp & Free Psytrance Music section on SonicTantra.com!
  9. Sonic Tantra Psytrance Music Records presents aGh0Ri TanTriK’s sixth album containing 10 powerful DarkPsy, Psycore and Hitech Psytrance tracks. Order now to download in WAV and MP3 320 formats.


  10. VA - Mountain Magick (Sonic Tantra Records) The Various Mandalas of Mountain Magick contain 11 hardcore psychedelic forest dimensions embodying the mountain and concealing the magick. Tracklist, streaming and downloads @ Sonictantra.com https://sonictantra.com/download-release/mountain-magick-darkpsy-2019/ Bandcamp.com https://sonictantra.bandcamp.com/album/mountain-magick
  11. SPACE TEMPLE out now on Sonic Tantra Psytrance Music Records! ॐ Space Temple ॐ is a masterful high-speed psychedelic trance compilation featuring some of the best artists from around the world. The Space Temple is an exciting multi-dimensional journey from darkness to light, and offers delightfully twisted cosmic visions of space, time, emotions and liberation. Please feel free to share! Tracklist: 01 - Kykeon - Mariscos - 166 02 - Ancient Aliens - Lost life - 176 03 - Twisted Kala - Day of the Goddess - 184 04 - Geometric Dark - Removing Cells - 185 05 - Sheogorath - Endless Fall - 190 06 - Toadstool & Tom Gotchi - Labyrinth - 192 07 - Forma Mentis - Sidameh - 194 08 - Xenolali[a] aka YMBX - Mecanismos - 196 09 - Professor Smokes - Pandemonium - 200 10 - Illumicorp and Fenix Mark - Naruto Revenge - 223 11 - Paratrip - You have No Idea - 180 12 - aGh0Ri TanTriK - Mad Mystic Magick - 210 13 - Strallo - Fritada de Domingo - 180 14 - Suirtoam - The Metal - 190 15 - Psydrax - Sol y Luna - 180 Audio Mastering by Tom Gotchi Artwork by Sid Download / Stream: https://sonictantra.bandcamp.com/album/space-temple https://sonictantra.com/download-release/va-space-temple-hitech-psytrance/
  12. Sonic Tantra is pleased to announce the upcoming album of legendary DarkPsy artist, aGh0Ri TanTriK’s 5th solo album titled “Eternal Extacty” will be releasing on 4th August, 2018 – Pre-order now @ 50% discount! Digital Pre-orders: https://sonictantra.com/download-release/agh0ri-tantrik-eternal-extacy-2018/ https://sonictantra.bandcamp.com/album/eternal-extacy Click the image below to learn more!
  13. VA – The Darkness Legacy (2017) - Free! Darkness Legacy compiled by Master of Horror ensures you shout in silence, meet Satan & Space Ghosts, meddle with Boneless Corpses, and experience Frequencies Low. Blood and ashes flow freely, Zombification occurs. Evil Instincts will take over! 1. aGh0Ri TanTriK – Satan (150 Bpm) 2. Cinortele – Space Ghost (150 Bpm) 3. Kyuubi – Boneless Corpse (154 Bpm) 4. Bar – Frequency Low (156 Bpm) 5. Master Of Horror – Shouting in Silence (165 Bpm) 6. Sychoplasm – Blood and Ashes (168 Bpm) 7. Master Of Horror – Entuz Malevoriz (180 Bpm) 8. Inimical Disorder – Zombification (190 Bpm) 9. Suffer Misery – EviL Instinct (210 Bpm) Download/Stream: http://sonictantra.com/download-release/the-darkness-legacy-2017-evil-instinct/ Audio Mastering by Master of Horror Evil Instinct Records 2017 Free WAV/MP3 Download supported by Sonic Tantra Records
  14. I think it's also implied that Sonic Tantra is really grateful of all artists, and listeners for their support to make this crazy shit happen.
  15. Namaste _/\_ Fellow Psychonauts Sonic Tantra is compiling it's next compilation at the moment. The BPM range is 150 - 300, the style we are looking for mix of DarkPsy / Hi-Tech / Psycore You can send your submissions via a message to our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sonic-Tantra-Records/217855634940430 For this particular compilations, we are joining forces! So each track has to be atleast 2 projects which work together for the song. (Example: Aghori Tantrik vs. Enichkin or Aghori Tantrik & Enichkin or Enighri Akin, u get the idea hehe) We release almost all our compilations for Free download with Pro Mastering and nice artwork since 2005. Download our DarkPsy , Hi-Tech, Psycore music for Free on our website. Thanks and shanti shanti b00m b00m!
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