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Posts posted by amphiton

  1. I've been bathing in warmth of this album for some time now, although I've heard negative comments regarding this compilation, I've enjoyed it tremendously and can't agree with the sceptics.


    First of all, it's highest quality in any sense. Secondly, it's the first compilation from Ultimae since 2007 showcasing artists we all love and new faces like Field Rotation, who has probably the best track here. Compilation itself is well-balanced, has it's own slowly evolving and floating story.


    Fav tracks: 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10.


    What's interesting, I not only loved James Murray's album, but I enjoy it better than any of Ultimae's latest instalments, but I can't remember anything about his track here, though I listened to it more than 10 times. Also, I enjoyed Rena Jones' albums enormously, but I can't see her tracks next to Ultimae line-up. Not because of quality, they're both top, but because of the style. But that's probably taste.

  2. I adore their stuff till 2008, will have to listen to their latest album.


    I haven't heard much of them but I smell your right. Their from Polan, right?


    Para Halu, it can be a shrtening for so many situations. Like Paranoid Hal.. wait, its only one 'L'. Ok, anyone know what the name is about?


    Hungary. Paranoid hallucinations, I guess in Hungarian there's only one L.

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