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Posts posted by dmtree

  1. Since dmtree has such weird opinions, I'm forced to do a similar list:


    The Gathering was good


    Classical was good


    BP Empire was amazing


    Converting Vegetarians was mediocre


    That's more like it.  :)




    I remember listening to BP Empire at a record store. I was expecting much, but while it had a couple of very good tracks on it, I didn't find it good enough to even buy it. Dancefloor music, about it. :ph34r:


    The Gathering is much superior. A classic for the ages. .



  2. eh.. it's good, but not great. i listened to it three times (which is three times more than i listen to 99.9% of everything else) but then it started getting kinda repetitive. though, again, it's a good cd. just not as good as it could be.


    ah well.




    I assumed he was talking about Cosmosis - Trancendance, since that one just came out... :rolleyes: so all that I said applies to Trancendance.


    Synergy is an excellent album indeed.


    eh.. hehehe

  3. depends - if it's a well-intented event put together on a limited budget by people I respect, I don't mind playing for free or for a small portion of the profit. If it's out of town, I'll play for a plane ticket or gas+food, usually.


    If it's a regular party/festival, I like to get between $100 -$200 for a 2 hour DJ set.

  4. Just listened to the samples on Saiko Sounds http://saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=4654


    really farking impressive. haven't heard psytrance this groovy in a looong time. i wonder if this album can revitalize the full-on genre. sure hope so. while some of the newer full-on comps have been of consistently higher quality, i still wouldn't call them 'good'.


    this album I can actually see myself listening to over and over again.. kinda like Talpa. :D

  5. actually, i found dnb and breaks easier to mix than psytrance. more fun, too. but definitely easier. maybe it's just me.


    anyway, in reality, mixing isn't all that difficult - took me about 2 years of practice to learn to beatmatch anything with everything flawlessly, but after that it's all about music selection, combining sounds and melodies, feeling the moment and responding to it. that's the heart of dj art, imo. beatmatching and turntablism is just a skill you need to learn before you can be an artist.



  6. va - timeless flash (vertigo) is pretty decent




    va - intelligent manipulation (zenon?) has caught my ear.


    very different styles, but both are creative, musical, and pushing stylistic boundaries somewhat.


    but no, nothing that great so far. maybe upcoming va - what's the rush.




  7. I think you missed a point i made.

    Ofcourse the people here  would not suddenly get infected by this  "killah" disease, but it could make an wormhole from isratrance to here.


    i don't think it'll happen as fast as you think, since the tops posted here won't be the same as on isratrance all unr. bullshit music tops. and you can always flame the obvious traders. :P

  8. Here's my current top 10:


    1. SCSI

    2. USB

    3. PCI

    4. 1394

    5. UTP

    6. FTP

    7. ADD

    8. OTT

    9. UAE

    10. Pingu


    Bonus track: CPU on SCSI feat. PCI Bridge & P-ATA VS AMD - 100 Blue Screens on Acid




    reads like a poem. a twisted, depressing poem.



  9. The unrealsed tracks aren't really a problem, just exclude them, a top 10 without unrl tracks.  On the other side on this forum it will be more a top 10 of best tracks ever and we have them all the time. So don't think we specially need a top 10.


    what's wrong with unrl tracks? shouldn't be hard to find many of them - i mean, there's a huge p2p thread floating around already. ;)


    it's really about what tracks are good at the moment. i could see some hilarious comments and arguments, as the tastes on this forum run pretty much the whole spectrum.


    but all in all, really not that big of a deal.

  10. Whip it out!


    How many times have you seen:


    1. GMS

    2. GMS

    3. GMS + Skazi

    4. GMS + CPU

    5. Silicon Sound

    6. GMS

    7. Exaile

    8. Kindazaza

    9. Absolum + GMS

    10. CPU + Absolum + Exaile + GMS


    Hey...i'm due for a bulk purchase of audio materials and i'm curious as to what people think is cool.  I don't waste my day-to-day existence watching top-10's though. 




    I think there will always be those who like top 40 music. Just have to learn to avoid them and figure out which ones to pay attention to.

  11. what really bugs me about the new isratrance rules is that artists and labels usually post nothing but their own stuff and their friends'. so it turns into nothing more than a regular promotional section. the most interesting top 10s were usually not posted by artists and/or label owners, but regular users, well, ones with good taste.


    but yer right - killlaaaah comments are annoying as hell. but hey, freedom of speech, right. :P

  12. I would give up my third testicle to hear Talpa's new tracks. Everything I've heard from him so far - both Sundance comps and the album (for the most part) has been amazing. Can't wait until his music matures. He might just be the next psy messiah. :rolleyes:

  13. I am strongly opposed, top tens are just a streamlined way for traders to get their stuff out there. If you want to share what you feel is good why not start up an actual discussion instead of merely posting a list? That takes care of the kiddie pirates anyway, most of whom can't string a sentence together to save their lives... KILLLLLLAH.


    Isra was hurting for so long thanks to the top 10s... good move on them.


    - my 2 cents -



    In some ways that's true. Also, though, it's a great promotional tool for artists and DJs. Face it, trading will go on whether there is a Top 10 section or not - soulseek will make sure of that. the top 10s is just a really nice way to weed out the 90% of crap - both released and unreleased - from the 10% of actually decent music. Personally, I'd check the Isratrance top 10s and then go to Saikosounds and listen to the tracks if they're released. Granted, some of the time the tracks were crappy, but you just have to figure out whose taste to trust.

  14. So now that Isratrance pulled the nazi move of only letting blue- and green- lettered members (so-called 'artists' and so-called 'labels') post in their top 10 section, can we post top 10s somewhere on Psynews? It's a really nice promotional and music-sharing tool and even though I don't post mine very often, I enjoy reading them.


    not sure if you guys are down with that kind of trafficking - just raising a question.



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