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Posts posted by Padmapani

  1. i'll be there for sure!


    i've been at ozora 3 times up to now and it was fabulous every time (even 2007 when it rained so much that most of the area was flooded).

    the lineup really is great this year. bpc, mwnn, gnotr, cosmo circle and california sunshine are quite nice. that's significantly more goa than last year. i hope union jack play some of their old tracks, hearing red herring live sure would be a treat.


    i'll be taking some cooking equipment with me, so if anyone wants a taste of Padmapani's Ridiculously Hot Thai Curry® look out for a guy with long hair and colourful clothing ;)


    i urge anyone going this year to try kürtőskalács a.k.a. chimney cake. it's truly delicious.


    see you there!

  2. Ok i gave it a listen now... musically i require more listening (first impression is good) but soundwise something is wrong, i guess its the mastering: whenever the beat or some major instrument sets in volume instantly goes down, wich makes this moment sound weak and powerless. That way lots of powerful moments have been killed.


    i hear what you mention. the 'quieter' parts actually sound louder than the parts with a lot going on...


    otherwise i'm quite pleased with the album. black khava, the title track and the transonic fields are really great.

  3. It's beyond me, why you all dislike that Space Elves' track? It has beautiful and memorable lead melody, very clever programming and arrangement, good sounds and lush atmosphere. It is right up there with best tracks here: Mindsphere, Khetzal/E-Mantra(!), Liquid Flow and Ra(!). So, well, this is probably where my problem lies - you all seem to be liking Astrancer, Antares and Somnesia vs. Pharaohm's tracks, while I found them terribly generic and clichéd "new school" creations and I'm speechless about Somnesia vs. Pharaohm's production: cheap 80's Casio synths and clumsy, childish melodies... Whereas the tracks I mentioned earlier are trying - IMO! - something new, trying to rewrite the 'goa' for new century.


    Anyway, regardless of the above this is one of best Suntrip's comps so far, so bring on the "Temple of chaos"!!!




    i'd agree with the astrancer and somnesia vs. pharaohm being the weaker tracks of the album, but i'd place liquid flow together with them in the not so good half of the album, while the better tracks would be those from ra, e-mantra (those exclamation marks you gave them are well deserved!) together with those from mindsphere, antares and space elves (which i find the weakest of the bunch as the main melody could imho use some eq'ing. the sound of the melody distracts from the otherwise really good track).


    all in all it's suntrips second best comp for me but not quite up to sundrops (sight of the sages and especially gateway eight are imo better than anything on energy waves).

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