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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. expect nothing less - what an absolute master this guy is!
    1 point
  3. Aha, I actually also thought that you wrote that you released the album for Free (NYP, Ektoplazm, or homepage) the same day you, yeah, released it. *good on you* i thought, a nice present to your fans and to further spread your good music, to achive bookings or whatever nice that comes from awareness and recognition to you, unless your all blood and underground, or in fear/hiding.. But then you felt sandy about it afterwards, giving your universe music away for free *grump* . ..Some ppl live and breath the hippie trail routes moneyless. Anyway, I pushed the link 7 Euros. What yo r talig aboot is digi-mafia, i had no idea your LP was out there wuth the pirates but congratz? Look at IM after Release Me (Metallica guitar Napster directed intro), sorry much bad j/k Then again I never look there at pirates anymore.. Hm, Wonder if . I should roll another one and push play (at your LP) https://materialmusic.bandcamp.com/track/digimafia <well intended spam, PS. I know rhe bank systems NWO is getting a better grip and control now so the noneys are leveling. But you think a indian, or African, or Bolivian person, or a hippie, or a punk in Russia can afford 7 euros for your non distrubuted self released digital divine goatrancey-hey LP? I dont. Who decided this high hash price anyway? Luckelly i get it cheap ATM. Boomz - push play. Ps3. 2 persons bought your LP + some hidden buyers? Was it one of them that pirated your LP already? Enjoying btw. ^^~
    1 point
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