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cubase sx sample rate issue

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Cubase Wizards, please help :o


So I installed some new VSTi's ..........wooohooo! :D



But now every time I open a sx track file <from before my installation> I get a window that tells me Cubase has a problem with the sample rate of the track. = No audio! :angry:



After some blind fiddling I manage to get it to play, and on another occasion it played everything an octave higher?! But to be honest, I am lost!


Anybody know who I can set Cubase to always have the corect sample rate as a prefence? I am using "Asio" soundcard-wise.


thanks chaps!





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Ok....Have you checked your "ASIO Multimedia" setup? If not then check it..If the sampling rate is diferent, say before you had 44.1KHz and now its 48KHz or even 96KHz then change it back to the original sampling rate.....


Hope this helps...



P.S. What is "z3ta"?

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Ok....Have you checked your "ASIO Multimedia" setup? If not then check it..If the sampling rate is diferent, say before you had 44.1KHz and now its 48KHz or even 96KHz then change it back to the original sampling rate.....


Hope this helps...

P.S. What is "z3ta"?



Thanks dude!




p.s - z3ta be da bomb! :D


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