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Posts posted by pixiejanet

  1. no-one said anything that i have heard...


    there`s not one next month because of a special for halloween and theres not usually one in december anyway ........


    i`ll ask Chris..i dont mind if its every two months personally, gives me time to save up and i`ll do kulu on the opposite month lol.......

  2. if that had been me, i would have left them sleeping....


    I was offered a free lift home to H`gate and i declined! No chance in hell of getting me off that dancefloor.............!!

  3. Heh yeah it was pretty spectacular. System 7 were absolutely brilliant. I think with Merv it was just too late in the night and we were all just a little bit too shattered to appreciate his set. Which was a shame really because I was looking forward to it. Plus we were forced to leave before he'd completely finished. Awesome Cabbage though :D


    Nice to meet you too Pixie ;)

    EE! you young uns just can`t hack the pace! lol

    Mervs set just got better and better, how could you possibly leave before the end? Pleased you had fun tho:)

  4. THAT was the best Cabbage ever! i hardly left the trancefloor................

    System7 Rocked, and merv Eat Static... WOW kept me groovin til the music stopped!


    Nice to meet you Yard Hippie..............:)

  5. btw, janet.. you say you're not so upset about the offtopic, but the truth is you're a forum junky as well ;)

    see you @ 48hrs.

    yes, i know :rolleyes: but i do have a life outside of my pc too:) i`m not in it to get as many posts as poss, unlike some guys:) Its just entertainment, and boy, this place entertains me no end:)

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