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Posts posted by pixiejanet

  1. one thing you can guarantee and that is nothing ever stays the same...Of course it wont stay underground, if that happened then there would be no new input and the genre would just die.... I quite like most music out there ...i dont know, maybe its malleability is what i like...i found myself listening singing and dancing to Scream&Example, something i would never ever have thought would happen.....this music is meant for teens....music has always been meant for the teens..nothing as embarrassing as finding out your mum likes your music eh?

    I have had the same argument about Acid Techno....to me its about UK Acid Techno... recently i have had loads of european style acid techno to sift thru and its just NOT what i am looking for, its just wrong! but why is it wrong? just because its not from the London SUF crowd so it sounds different, but i cant get my head round it....we all like what we like..

    to keep it underground and selective means it will die out with that group of people who WILL move on to different styles once they get bored...


    btw.. i quite like that track you posted....(O the shame....)

  2. i'm thinking..no really, i am. :))


    how messy the attic is, i really should tidy it up......

    how scary some female rap can be....eep!

    how many styles of acid techno are there? seriously.....!

    i still llike the Beastie Boys....

    when is my daughter gonna finish hogging the bathroom? I want a shower.

    I hope the sun stays out this weekend

    When will the billberries be ready, i wanna make some billberry gin!

    I need chocolate

    damn, i need to go to the shop and buy milk....maybe some wine? or beer? or vodka....ummm



    that is all.

  3. Hi Janet :)


    oooh man, I was hangovered yesterday ... really, I mean ... totally hangovered at work. today we had public holiday, but I bet tomorrow people will ask me what shit I did yesterday. ha, celebrating I did, that's it...

    don't worry, not drinking alone. out with friends ^_^


    (and it's all Johnnie Walker's fault ... don't drink this shit, it's evil)


    Hello there!

    that darn johnny Walker has a lot to answer for..please say you were not drinking the red label...black label is bestest!





  4. I dont want to be a mum anymore.....I really dont like teenagers at all!! Daughter now 16, out of compulsary education and has no thought for her future.....I dont want her living here forever! I WANT MY LIFE BACK........:((


    (sorry about that...needed a rant)

  5. My fave sports are F1....


    and TT Races from the Isle of Man....

    this week i shall be glued to the tv for the IOM TT ....which is awesome in its awesomness....doesn't matter to me who wins, it's the whole thrill and danger of the sport....I have been round the track twice on pillion...once was not enough! first time was terrifying, second time was simply thrilling..


    sorry to take you away from the 22 men and a bag of air........*YAWNS*

  6. @Dark Puppy, i have win7 and linux ..i like them both, i use linux for games, i find it much quicker, I like windows for everything else...:)) and i\m glad i found you a new toy to play with...lol

  7. that's a pretty cool background. Like Sierra games "King's Quest" meets alice in wonderland kinda thing.


    Thanks.:)tis one of my faves...


    I'm just messing around with the 3D app(Bumptop) and not put colour on the walls yet.....



  8. i\m recovering from a fantastic night out....recorded the entire night on Audio and video ...so i can keep watching Dave the Drummer do his thang..............today all i\ve done is eat and sleep and watch Dr Who ...now i\m thinking it must be bedtime again...zz

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