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Everything posted by LSDan

  1. Thanks for the feedback. Surprisingly enough I didn't have to do a lot of bouncing. I'm not sure how I manage it sometimes. You have to make the best of what you've got. Can't wait to get a new one though
  2. LSDan

    Deja Vu Fabrique

    This is a great album. It shows another side to Zolod. Most of the tunes are deep, dark and soulful.
  3. Cool, look forward to hearing more. Try posting them on http://www.triplag.com/4room They love the hard, dark and fast stuff there. It's a great site.
  4. Izotope Trash is great. I mainly use it for compressing and distorting drumloops when I produce techno. Never thought about using it on a psy kick, may give it a try
  5. Nice track man. I really like the kick, what did you do it on? There's some cool pitched sounds and twisted, trancey leads. Is it mainly albino that you use?
  6. Cool, I'll check it out now
  7. Thanks man, I managed it on a 500mhz, 128mb RAM. I used Hydra for the bass(Iswear by this for psy bass) and just shedloads of Albino 2's.
  8. If you need to register but don't have an account, username - lsdan_temp@yahoo.com password - dragonfly
  9. Would appreciate some feedback on this, Dark and very psycedelic http://www.yousendit.com/download/uYorUC8%2FwLh5TA%3D%3D
  10. Would like some feedback on this if possible Hallucinogenic Horses - Stable of Hooves Psy Stories I – Mussy Moody - Magnetic FX Flucturion vs Craft - Elegant fury Derango - Time Trap Psilo Cowboys - Sneaky Vibes Already Maged - Grimoire Pentagramme Dronebixie - Zo Moth Encephalopaticys - Intellectual Homons Derango - Fnatt http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WVPREYHN
  11. Thanks for the feedback Apreciated
  12. Try http://www.megaupload.com
  13. Faxi Nadu - Second in Command (LSDan RMX) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W7Q6DVWM Would love some feedback
  14. This is my first psy mix. I did it on Traktor(without the useless sync feature) Feedback would be very welcome, if good then i'll post more mixes http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VNQQIT7V
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