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Colin OOOD

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Posts posted by Colin OOOD

  1. [simon P] is a human being, and unlike Radi i'll probably won't wet my pants if i ever see him. Well i actually did see him and i didn't cream my pants. Can't say the same after i met Colin OOOD though  :ph34r:


    If i ever will see him, i will probably lose my consciousness


    Oh come on Radi, I'm not that scary.

  2. I haven't got a degree but I've had a fair bit of musical education and experience prior to getting into goa trance... I had piano lessons from the age of 5 to 18, and studied music at school where I also learned the bass; took the first year of music A-level when doing my maths retake at college (spent most of my time in the 8-track studio there but did a lot of theory and aural training) - here I played tympani in the college orchestra (sorry NT, it's true!) and piano in the college big band; I did an electronic music module in my final term at university 'as an easy option'... I wrote my first melody when I was six (I can still remember it now) and from the age of 15 have played keyboards in all kinds of bands, from teen-pop to goth, stadium rock, funk, jazz(ish lol) and classic covers (this band included a 2-week residency as house band for a restaurant in Sharm el Sheik of all places), and recently played bass and sang backing vocals in an 5-piece indie rock band for 3 years; between 1990 and 2004 I also wrote for and performed on about 5 independantly-released albums for a folk/jazz/fusion band; from the age of 14 up until I left college I taught myself enough about music technology to be taken on as programmer/producer (but not engineer) at the main 24-track studio in the town where I grew up, and it was in the latter part of this year before I went to university that I had a jolly good stab at the whole 'lipsync to a backing track whilst doing a choreographed dance routine' thing.


    I think that about covers it.



  3. Damn, 1000 copies doesn't seem like many...


        The artist is only making a % of the retail price right?  So if they make $5 per copy sold that would only be like $5000 total - not really enough to make it a living...


    Wow... someone tell me which label is paying $5 to the artist per copy sold, I wanna send them a demo...
  4. Good to see the first mix is up there :) I'll dl it when I have a moment...


    One thing though; I don't mean to be precious about it but we'd appreciate it if anyone putting up a tracklist could give our tune its full name, as we feel it's important for listeners to know that the tune was recorded over 8 years ago.


    OOOD - Freon (1998 First Time Lucky mix)


    Looking forward to hearing the other mixes!

  5. THere was something with WET that they did! But I cant remember what, I will have to check! :) If it was a project or a song or a mix, something including WET is definetly made by Peter Huber....


    omg I'm psychic... :o
  6. Preview sounds nice.


    13 tracks, does that mean interludes or short tracks overall?


    The shortest 'track' as such is 7min 37s; every other track is over 8min. No half-measures there!


    Is this sample like parts from each song mixed into one long song as a preview of the entire album?


    Yes, the preview is about 90 seconds of each track in the album, in the same order they will be on the CD.


    Track Listing


    1. Free Range

    2. Smoke A Lot (Ricochet mix)

    3. The Humming

    4. Solar Sway

    5. Oh My (Good Golly Me)

    6. Marijuajuana

    7. Rock My Soul (Joker vs. Operator mix)

    8. Blue Seal

    9. Eye Of The Beholder

  7. Remember that the 'SX' in Cubase SX was originally meant to imply version six, as it came out after VST 5.1... this makes Cubase 4 actually Cubase version 10!


    To answer your question: I really like the RV7000 and Scream 4 in Reason, and right now I'm very happy with Cubase SX3/Cubase v9 :)

  8. There's a lot of good stuff in there for sure but also some glaring omissions - sidechaining (although this will be in an update to v4 at some point) and group re-ordering/routing restrictions, both basic needs of mine but ya... TBH though if you're considering moving from Reason there's nothing crucial in C4 that SX3 is missing IMO.

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