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Everything posted by FTP

  1. Hey Abasio, after your myriad posts of CBL pictures I finally stole it and like it np: Carbon Based Lifeforms - The path
  2. Krumelur - Minimal Animal me like, boom boom boom
  3. X-Dream - Relaxed Vortex very good talk with my brother tonight, everything is cool now... 2007 coming, hehehe, beere beer beer
  4. cover of the week np:Electrypnose - Neverending Story
  5. Hey Lauryn, I've got 2 of your sets:Shamanic Consciousness & Go Home and Do It Again, like them both. keep up good work np:Tiamat - A Pocket Size Sun
  6. Maybe it will sounds stupid, but what exactly "Full on" means 1200 - First album God save the machine - partly Unusual suspect 2 - partly
  7. Pink Floyd - Learing to fly Real Lords of psychedelia
  8. Michael Jakson - Black or white How stupid the life could be
  9. God , I wish to have all those covers, it's a piece of art np:Gargoyles-Spacebaby (Seiberg and Witten Mix)
  10. Dead Can Dance - Severence (Bauhaus cover) Jung believes that each creative song has some secet energy hiidden inside, once u got the author's intention u feel it. Jung went even further and iterchange the music with archetypes. What I've heard thatl Lisa from DCD was even able to sing with some lost language btw: i request to move it to Off-topic, this is Psytrance section
  11. Marilyn Manson - The beautiful people ns:Man that you fear
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