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Posts posted by DaZeD

  1. 14 like monica

    So... Monica, that girl you've been talking about, like, forever, is just 14?

    And you are at least 18 I guess?


    I'm sorry, but that's just ... wrong.

    If she was 17-18 and you was 21-22 it's ok, but she's 14 ffs!


    Oh, well, who am I to judge you, right?

    Maybe she's a mature girl?













    Nah, it's wrong anyway, sorry. :(

  2. I just wish people would have more sense of symbolism ;)



    It's most probably not ment to be taken literairy.

    And most probably has nothing to do with Nazi Holocaust, just is an interpretation of their "oh so twisted state of mind", like, look at us, we are so dark and evil, we even go sit on some grave and use this same bad picture as a cover and use the exact same title of some "shocking" 80's movie.


    You can highly blame them for ;


    - Having a bad taste.

    - Having a funny way to express themselfs.

    - Having no idea how to make a decent cover.

    - Lack of originality in name choosing.

    - And smiling a bit strange. (read gay)


    They look like, pretty young, give them a break. :rolleyes:

  3. :lol:

    So much fuzz about an ugly cover and their ripped artist name?Maybe they where very inspired by that movie, or want to express their facination for the morbid this way, or how "dark" their music actually is. :rolleyes:

    Maybe a lil' childish-tasteless.


    I don't think they mean to be anti-semitic, maybe they have a logical explanation?Or maybe just the opposite, they don't even realise...

    I've seen much worse but in an other genre then.

    You might wanna take a look at these morbid covers.




    Especially Mauthausen Orchestra - Necrofellatio / Mafarka.


    Really, the last one is very hard to erase from your memory.Mine at least ...

    Not very normal.

    If I remember correctly Dead Kennedy's brought out an album once with the half blown of head from kennedy on it.


    Other genres I know, but I can live with ugly "psytrance" covers and black/death metal inspired minds.And if the music sucks it sucks, nothing strange with all these new artists that pop out of the ground like mushrooms.

    Maybe it doesn't even suck.

  4. I bought 3 cd's directly from Anoebis and it costed me 30 Euro's + shipping, so that's even less then 10 Euro for one CD, if you buy directly from Anoebis, Mars or Suntrip Records + they'll have a little percentage (?) extra.(don't know about export price's)

    That is really cheap, next time I'll donate a lil' extra.


    So I think it's even better if you buy directly from them, this way you, and them are better off. :)

  5. Hello everyone !


    Twist Dreams will be released on January 26th in your usual shop.


    So we have received our stock of it, and it's sweet !!!

    No misprint this time, braincandy music...aaah ;)


    We'll be taking orders for it from january 22nd, get prepared, dear Goafans !

    Check http://www.suntriprecords.com/pages/releases/SUNCD06/ for some extracts !


    Posted Image

    Yes, for those who havent noticed, that's today! :D

    Yay, I've been looking forward to this one!

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