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frozen dream

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Posts posted by frozen dream

  1. the other day i was listening to this unreleased remix of vibe tribe to space cat's The Purist and I thought; man how bad can things get?


    within the latest 3-4 years there is an immense drop in inventiveness and we see the same boring structures return all the time in psytrance.


    artists who score good points in cheesiness:


    G.M.S.(they still have the odd hit once and again though)

    Freaked Frequency


    Time Lock


    vibe tribe

    ananda shake

    sesto sento

    bizzare contact




    will continue this list


    please use this thread to highlights the most cheesiest of psytrance songs you come across, a good warner to you all :lol:

  2. The Infected Mushroom dudes were cool too. I asked Erez why he was selling out with the new sounds (circa 2006) and his smile disarmed me. I guesss I was missing the point.




    ok i'm dead now *whilst listening blue muppet*


    Also, I met Erez back in 2000 in the backstage of a Belgian party, he was a very nice guy, we had a long and nice chat (I remember afterwards I was like WOW, I talked with HIM, it seems like I have been a groupie at least once :posford: ), while Amit was kinda grumpy it seemed to me... :)

    you met him too :blink:


    woa i'm coming to the next party to touch you on the shoulder!!!

  3. i think the main problem of any label is downloading and copying


    whether its goa shranz or ultra popular pulphouse


    personally i don't care if i own 32O kbps mp3 versions or wav versions or the original cd, money is always a delicate thing


    but if it's for good people i really do want to support them!

  4. exactly, just let go of all thought and BECOME the music, vent it perfectly, then see what happens


    man i had this crazy experience at a party last weekend, never before i went up in it like this,


    my mind was totally in the music and i started floating to the kick, everything went automatic, i think i really jumped high with each pound and i totally lost control of everything!!


    my arms where making the most gentle and elegant moves and i was fully immerged in joy and pure energy, the kick kept on pounding and i was losing it all completely!!! total trancendance!!


    afterwards i really had to swallow and think about what happened, it was almost as if i had become another person or something in the dance.. felt scary somehow as well...


    i felt like shiva somehow :) as i immediately reflected all the things i read on hindiusm


    dancing the ever ongoing tandava...

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