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Posts posted by Malevol3nt

  1. So I gave a thought about this, I'm sure I'm not the only one who can "imagine" sound. For example I can think of a sound with my mind, such as a synth oscillator and think of it's characteristis like frequency, waveform etc. I can lay out a pattern in my head, and put it on repeat. I can then mimic effects that I know of such as reverb, pitch effects and flanger, there's lots of others aswell like gates etc. One I have the most trouble with is delay. I can't really set my mind to immitate a delay on a loop that I'm thinking of in my head. I guess it's a bit too complicated (for my brain) to calculate time delays hehe. Still tho, I can do some weird stuff like fast tempo slowdowns or speedups, glitchy effects etc. And this is all while I'm imagening the loop in my head. It gets even more fun when I take a part of a song I allready know of. Then I can imagine what it would be like if I put some effects on it, or if I change it's frequency etc. It's really fun to do.


    Edit: Now that I think of it, I pretty much do this all the time. For example when I listen to a minimal track that doesn't have alot of changes, I think inside my head how it would be like to put in a sound in there. This is all while the track is playing. I can even simulate an effect over the entire track (such as a flanger) and thus enjoy the track even more. :)


    Anyone else like to experiment with their "inner sequencer"? :D

  2. Another problem I think is when you don't listen to music chronologically. For example someone might be used to the music from the past few years, and the releases from the 90s might sound vague and plain, without any differences. I think it's only a first impression of the listener, if he would dive into and try to play some of that music for a longer period of time he would eventually start to appreciate it.

  3. Antares sounds promising and being only 16 :posford:

    Just checked his myspace, this one is to keep an eye on in the days coming imo. Talented little guy for sure! The name "Antares" rings a bell tho, I might of had some of his older mp3s somewhere.. gotta look.


    Edit: And I wasn't far off, dragonfly records has their eyes on him allready. Hehe

  4. I just realized that beneath the artist news and labels announcements instead of labels it's written lables! :blink: Am I the first one that noticed that?

    So change that too! :)

    Both statements are okay. It's like center vs centre. American english vs uk english I think..
  5. One thing i didn't ever understand, when you [just an assumption] are making music that you are not going to sell [if your selling it, then ignore this post] why do you release albums every 6 months or so, when you could release a track every month or so and be more in the spotlight? I was talking to Lars [cybernetika] about that, his view is that its better to release an album than a bunch of individual tracks, I on the other hand, only release music on a track by track basis. So why make an album anyways? It makes sense that you would get more publicity when you are constantly releasing tracks.

    Well I guess it has to do with if you're trying to make an album which contains tracks that fit into one category, for example only tribal dark psy tracks and you want them to be grouped as a whole album, or tracks of a certain theme, maybe an album where the tracks progress into one another so they're connected and are better this way then releasing individually. It's all up to personal taste.


    Edit: Plus, releasing an album (free of charge) is a good way to promote your music. Altho yeah, you could release individual tracks on comps for netlabels aswell.

  6. Well. Genres are recipes. Goa trance already has TONS of ingredients that are almost required. Music is about enjoying sound. Of course you want more of a given sound that triggers positive response!

    Well, yeah. But there's really a diversity of goa artists that you can hear from the 90s, altho alot of these new artists of today keep focusing on just "one sound". Surely there are some general rules to follow when making a goa track, but there should be more then just one approach towards these rules. I mean look at the diversity of AP, Man with no name and Hallucinogen. All 3 are very different from each other but yet they've all made goa. So it's not a really tight set of rules that should allways be followed.
  7. Well when he says the stuff like "I think that way too few artists used good chopping probably because they lacked the ability to produce great choppings."..


    Ever considered that doing the same shit over and over again just makes your music sound the same? Maybe other artists tried to be original and come up with something other than chopping their tracks?

    If everyone started using it, it would end up the same as psytrance ended up with the bassline feaver. Everyone just had to put that bassline in the front and forget about the rest of the track.


    The point is you can't put a recepy for music. Because if you do, everyone will cook the same (ADDING GARLICK TO IT ISN'T GONNA CHANGE SHIT! :P)

  8. As far as I know the "Another World" album by AP was one of the most selling trance albums of all time? I know I've read this on a bunch of sites. Emphasis on trance, not goa trance. So that's a more widespread marketing area. I've yet to find out what the real number of sales is.. am curious really.. if the statement is true of course.

  9. Crystal, which is a free vst, I've found to be really powerfull for sweeping lush pad. If you know how to use it. It's also good for some groovy reggae style sounds, it requires some messing around tho. It's not a 2 clicks with the mouse and you got a great preset, takes more then that. But still a great synth.
  10. :blink: I think you need to find some time to hear their first 3 albums again and than come back and talking silly.

    No no no, you got me wrong. I'm not talking about their old stuff. I'm talking about their new stuff, as the thread starter said something about IM being so great compared to nowaday artists.
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