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Posts posted by alleycat

  1. So what style should we make? Usually I make harder stuff, but I do like to experiment with other atmospheres, so basically Im flexible... And should it be full track-length loops or just patterns, or...? I think it would be easier to start with patterns til we get a good foundation to really start arranging. With Ableton it won't matter what primary DAW we use, or what the original bpm is.


    Edit; took Veracohr's loop from above and remixed it and sorta added a fuller bottom end and some percussion, and another synth. Feel free to mangle or otherwise destroy these loops at will. The titles of the files should be pretty self explanatory, (instrument)_(key).wav. Oh yeah, the loops are all 32 beats at 135 bpm, and I left them kinda rough.


    8.47mb .rar file, loops are 32 bit float, 48khz.


  2. Not a bad track, nice clean sounds. My only complaint would be that the percussion probably needs a bit more variation, but that's mainly a personal preference.


    Your other stuff is pretty cool too! (I had to get the Mist after you mentioned using the same sample I did. Good track!)

  3. I wouldnt mind getting in on this. I use Renoise for main production and Ableton for whatever else. I think there's a program to convert .mid to Renoise's native filetype, so interchanging with .mid-users shouldn't be an issue... Otherwise I can just make my contribution with Renoise then arrange it with Ableton, that probably would even be easier.

  4. Still needs a bit of a wipe here and there to fully clean it all up, but I think its good enough to share.





    Also if you're on Psyport Ive put this and others up on there, mostly older tracks with new polish.




    Ive had an epiphany with mastering. I realized how badly I was mangling the sounds by compressing the master track, for one. I also found how much better it sounds when instead of, for example, boosting the low end to fit the rest, you lower the volume of the rest to fit the low end. Make the low end clean and clear, then make everything else clean and clear alongside it. One more thing; clipping is bad. Ive really tried hard to eliminate clipping entirely from my work. So I hope maybe you can hear a bit more care put into the final sound in these. B)

  5. Oh man, Ive always loved that track... Worth tracking down the compo its on just for it IMO (though the whole thing is pretty damn good imo). With visuals, it can only be a masterpiece... Id love to see more long tracks like this, or perhaps... A psychedelic opera? :blink:


    Blueberry's a pretty trippy movie, and has a kind of darker atmosphere to it, which goes well w/ the track.

  6. Very, very nice! I like the art nouveau one, interesting concept and you pulled it off well! The others remind me of Space Tribe backdrops wihtout having been seen by everyone and their dog. (thats a good thing ;) )

  7. I think I like them all! Reminds me of some of my own drawings, though mine are all in a small sketchbook...


    In particular, Flip It, Untitled 3, and Mush Kavs caught my eye.


    Thanks for sharing!

  8. When I think of dark I think of, for example, Xyla, Xenomorph, that sort... The guys you mentioned, to me, aren't necessarily dark, they're just, powerful and really really trippy. I know at least Mubali is a really cool dude who is about as far from OMG IM A EVIL DARKPSY GUY as you can get. Honestly I dont know what to call it. I just call it psytrance :P. If I want to be specific i call it full power psychedelic. I admit 'dark' is a good description, if only people would give it a chance before lumping it in with the crap.


    To me, and this is just my own perception, its deep, sometimes moody stuff more focused on being really trippy than anything else. It just so happens that having a lower-octave bass and a lot of squidgy noises is really trippy in... 'certain' moods. And it also just so happens that the real 'darkpsy' shares both of those qualities.


    I really feel there should be a differentiation between the really dark stuff, the really fast stuff, and the just plain really trippy stuff. Deviant Species is really dark, Highcosmos is really fast, and Mubali and the others (to me) are just plain really trippy. But then, theres dark stuff thats fast, fast stuff thats trippy... And trippy stuff thats dark... It does get a bit muddled...


    Para Halu has indeed made some deep, brooding tracks, however, theyve also got a good amount of not very dark stuff, check the album Space Rock and the vs The Path album, both on Zaikadelic. Their first album on Parvati, too, theres only really one track I'd call even close to dark (trk8-Animachine). From a certain point of view it could be called dark, just like for example Pink Floyd could be called dark (the Wall is pretty dark in subject matter, imo). But, to me its just really trippy...


    My complaint is mainly that people hear 'darkpsy' and automatically hate it without even really listening to it. I think this was Ocelot's point with his famous Isra post (Stop Calling Psy Dark!). It sucks that people are that shallow to hate something just because of a name. But, its the way people are, theres a lot of sheep out there...

  9. Quasar is good. Love the homemade samples on his album, funny and different. If you like his work you'll probably also like his other work with Dylalien as Fractal Cowboys. These guys, live, tore my brain apart and reformed it like Play-Doh. As far as I know they've only released a split album w/ the Many Faces, on Manic Dragon, as well as some compo tracks.


    And I forgot to mention the free techtrance VA Supermarket on Ultiva, you can get it on Basilisk's site www.ektoplazm.com along with a lot of other great stuff.

  10. One cancer I see is how many REALLY REALLY FUCKING AWESOME TRACKS get shoved into the same pigeonhole with the obnoxious, over-fast loop-horror sample-loop 'darkpsy'. The really sad part is that people hear that its 'darkpsy' and automatically its just as obnoxious to them.


    For example, I give you, for your perusal, artists whose work gets placed in the darkpsy category whose work has nothing to do with darkness or horror.


    Mubali, Quasar, Fractal Cowboys, Alien Mental, Ocelot (check 9 Lives and tell me thats fucking dark), Bodhisattva 13:20, Pan Psychic, Whicked Hayo, Terminator, Dominator, CPC (ok I admit some of his stuff has a pretty dark atmosphere), Red, Kerosene Club, Para Halu, and on and on...

  11. Always loved Electrypnose since Le Tireur. Heard the samples for this one and was blown away! I never expected him to really start living up to the 'Electryp-' part of his name :P! This is definitely an electro trip, and its reached the top of my wish list.

  12. Didnt see these mentioned but didnt really look too hard, sorry for duplicates;


    Silverchair-Freak (Slug rmx)

    Brian Eno- Prophecy Theme from Lynch's Dune (Shift rmx)

    Michael Jackson-Smooth Criminal (11 vs Symphonics-Space Criminal)

    the Doors-Break On Thru (DMMT rmx)

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