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Posts posted by McKoy

  1. Thanks for the nice words! :)


    And I am happy to tell you we are working on a next compilation! :) Expect it somewhere in autumn...


    Great news !!! :D

    With the Ra album comming this year, that makes 4 release by Suntrip in 2006.


    2004 = 1 album

    2005 = 2 album

    2006 = 4 album


    So if we follow this logic, that means 2007 = 8 album :)

  2. Great album Cybernetica, just like i expected.

    I like most of the tracks here. The only two I liked less are Sub Neural and Zero Manifesto. And that's too bad because those two tracks arrived just when "my ears got tired" if you see what I mean. Taken individually, I enjoy all of your track, but I can't listen your album straight from beginning to end (maybe it has to do with your mastering but I'm not sure). A track like mushroom_clouds could give the listenner some rest if put in the middle of the album (just a suggestion ;) )

    And since you asked for favorites, I have two : Paradox Parallax for its mysterious athmosphere and Master Sensei for its energy and simplicity.

    I also like Astranimus a lot because of its fantastic melody but the begening of this song is a bit boring, but just a little bit :D


    That's all.... I hope this will help you.


    well, it also found its way into the 'scene' now


    You mean it's going to be released ?

    Let us know if this is going to happen.

  3. Oh yessssssss!!!! More Filteria .... more Kob I mean :rolleyes:

    I don't really see a big difference between those two project, but I can't complain as I love Filteria. :)

    The begining of Hug A Cactus is really great. I think I prefer this one to the first one Fylonetic as the melody in the end is less complex than usual "Filteria melodies".

    Anyway, that's two promising sample, I'd like to hear more of those track.

  4. Hey Mckoy, i noticed you got a thing for Stereo sounds :rolleyes:


    And I noticed you got a thing for mono sounds. Mono is history!!!!!

    Welcome in the 21st century Stalker !!!! :lol::P


    The bass and Kick should be always on Mono for better sound response only, its not about quality

    Mono and Stereo has the same quality, so basically there is no diference in quality terms to put the Kick and bass on mono....


    I didn't talk about kick, but only about the bassline. And I didn't talk about "quality" either. So what do you mean exactly? :huh:


    .... the diference is that the audience/listeners will have the same response of both no matter where they are placed


    I honestly have no knowledge about that matter. But if that's true (and I guess it is), then you probably have the same problem with higher frequency.

    And when a musician is in a studio composing a song that is going to be printed on a CD, I think he will care more about the guy who will listen to his album at home with his headphones than the guy who will hear the music in a club or in outdoors party, don't you think?


    Anyway, I found just for you 2 exemples that proves that a bass not only CAN be in stereo, but also can bring much more life to your track if used wisely.

    First part of each sample is the same as the 2nd part but recorded in mono: sample 1 & sample 2

    Now hear the difference :P

  5. Anyone know of a decent text-to-speech synthesizer out there with interesting voices, maybe similar to or better than the FL5 one, and one you can save to WAV? I've looked pretty extensively and most of them tend to have serious applications rather than fun ones.


    I've found this excellent site recently, but their samples are only "for private, non-commercial use".

    So what do you think ?


    Is it good enough mister Otto?



  6. Anyone else? :) its a good song...;)


    Rate it out of 10 for me if you're too lazy to write more than a few sentances


    Usually when I don't like a song, I simply don't answer. I won't "rate it out of 10" as I think it would be a bit disrepectful.

    I'll talk about your others track instead, since I never heard them before.

    First let me tell you that I was extremely impressed by your ambient track "Forever Lone". I saw in your profile that you started composing in late 2004, which means that it's one of your first track : almost unbelievable.

    Spiritual Awakening was also very nice. It's just as good as your tracks under the name Mindcrawlers.

    Last but not least, your track "Perfect Symmetry" is the best one I've heard from you. I can't really explain why: the production isn't perfect and some part could be improved but it really gives me great feelings......

  7. Great track Kalki, I really love it.

    But just like Santo, I can't be objective as I'm also "kinda obsessed with hindu lyrics" (not really the lyrics themselves but Indian music in general).

    The end of the track when the flute was playing together with the kick and the rest was simply excellent.

    I wanted to ask you where did you get the sitar sample that we can hear in the beginning of the track? Is it you playing sitar?

    I've got a sitar at home serving as a decoration item. I tried once to record some notes with it in order to include them in one of my track but it souned so bad that I had to give up.

    Now I'm deseperatly looking for sitar samples.

  8. It works for me, but maybe it's just wishful thinking; ceremony, as it were. I would certainly trust your opinion over mine, though, regarding production. I'm relatively new to all this myself.


    I think it's an interesting thing to do only if the sound panned on the left is slighty different from the one panned on the right : it can give a nice "stereo feeling" to your bass but as you said in your first advice bassline should be in mono :rolleyes: ..... wich I disagree with as you could guess.
  9. Hi Otto Matta.

    First of all let let me congratulate you for this realy nice track : if I'm not mistaken this is only your second track with Reason but it seems to me that you've already mastered all the features this program offers, since the production is really good.

    The other thing that impressed me very much is the melodies : they're simple yet very nice!!! (it was already the case in Electric Dayz)

    The only criticism i could give is that the two melodies that plays together from 1'40 to 2'50 don't fit together very well in my opinion.

  10. It's just sad to see a best of album because it usually means "Sayonara" I have no new ideas so just keep listening to my old stuff please. Is this the end for X-Dream?  :unsure:


    All you always wanted to know about X-Dream is in this interview.

    I don't think it's the end of x-dream but it's clear that they got others things in mind right now. Marcus is working on a new Delta album while Jan and Ariel have a new project called Prime Suspect. And if you listen to the interview you'll see that they still have plenty of ideas.

  11. All I can say is thanks for sharing this fantastic track. I loved it very much.

    And I must that this is for me your best track, both in musical and technical term.

    Thanks to Cosmogenesis who introduced me to your AcidPlanet page (under the name Amithaba Buddha) I now have 8 track from you, and even if I enjoyed your previous track a lot (particulary "Psyramid" & "When the Universe was created") I like "Mysteries of the women" even more.


    everybody nowadays know that goa isnt such a BIG movement , so i prefer to keep it underground as always was, if its released or not im not worried about it

    I understand that, but I still hope to see one day a Lost Buddha album released on Suntrip. Maybe in 2007.... :rolleyes:

  12. Congratulation Daze!! Really nice track, very "unusual".

    I rarely listen to such kind of music, because I have to be in the right mood to realy appreciate it, which is not the case right now. I just wish it was longer.

    I also think that there's a lot of people here that would like your track, if only they took the time to listen it.......

    Maybe you could give a little description of your track in order to grab people's attention.

  13. I liked your trance track very much. That's how full-on should sound IMO :)

    I was wondering if the girl singing in Alabaster Angel was someone that song especially for your track or if it was a sample you found. She has a very nice voice.

  14. I feel sad that I'm maybe the only guy who support the cause of amateur artists  :(  I'm really disappointed that other members don't help or express their support for them.  ;) You know, some of them are very young, but already talents. There are the next generation of goatrance artists, but less persons take care about them. What a shame!  :(


    Maybe the reason why many people don't support amateur artists is that they think that their music has been refused by labels so they think it's not worth checking out.

    But thanks a lot for all your recommendations, i'll download those track soon. :)

  15. RAH it would be great if you could lend your excess bandwith to amateur producer, so we can eventually organize a music contest. It's been discussed for months (almost 1 year) in a thread in the Music Making forum, but it never happened because of lack of initiative but also because a webspace was needed to host people's music. Maybe you could discuss this matter with the moderators of psynews. That would be great B)

    Also you're one of the biggest contrubutors to the review section, therefore you'de be a perfect judge I think.

    What do you think?

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