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Posts posted by Järsimähäiriö

  1. MegaStore (? I think that's what it's called) at Itäkeskus is also a reasonable place to look for some older albums, it's just that they never seem to get any new stuff, just those same cds year in, year out.


    But of course, psyshop.com is by far the best place to shop for some qualitah moozic-ah.

  2. I never LISTEN to anything but psy & ambient, I mean my head won't explode or anything if I hear, say, a Kylie Minogue -song in the radio, but psy is all I ever put in my cd-player. Well, up until recently I did listen to lots of latino -rhytms as I danced salsa and merengue, but don't have any of that on cds myself.


  3. Duh, me no likes Recreational closing down... ;( Easily the best place to shop for cds, especially the older ones... Do you know why this is happening, anyway? Not enough business? If they really quit then what do we have? Spinecenter basically, with all the damn speed-metal playing out loud. Double bah. ;(

  4. On the other hand, someone told me that their new album is more like the Cybermancy -album, i.e lots of banging and little psychedelia (although I do enjoy this one too). But it'd be great if they went back to their full-on roots, I mean Shores of Freedom truly is an all-time classic. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


    BTW, Tatsu, are you familiar with the track "Deeply unexpected" on Full Moon Paradise -comp? That's an awesome tune, too.

  5. Yes, Tatsu, I believe when people talk about Wizyy Noise's older style they talk about the full-on tracks like Shores of Freedom, Army Freaks Mickey, Twisted love, This is the end etc. etc. This is the sound I believe you are looking for, too, am I right? It should be released shortly.

  6. Prejudice by whom? I know if I was a girl and wanted to DJ I wouldn't give a rat's arse about what some people might think. Besides, I don't see what's so "non-girly" about DJing, it doesn't exactly equal to being a lumber-jack or driving a truck (which both are suitable for women too I think). I think being a (good) DJ involves a good deal of understanding your records and most importantly understanding your crowd, in other words you must have adequate social and emotional capabilities, and it's a scientifical fact that women in general are better with such issues than men.


    Ok I realise I didn't answer your question at all but anyway.

  7. I believe "Ticon" should be pronounced "Tony Blair".


    Furthermore, calling "Parasence" "Parasence" is just ridiculous, as every Russian could tell you that the proper form of pronounciation is "No mad hats allowed or else".


    Keep those in mind and you'll have a good long life.

  8. Yups, I posted something on this subject a coupla weeks ago. But I heard it's gonna happen pretty soon, maybe on march. However, the party is 100% CONFIRMED already!


    And Puuhamees, I missed your supposedly great party too due to some unpleasant circumstances, work-related mostly. Hope you had a good one and also that it didn't damage your financial situation too severely. ;)


    Boms boms, hope to catch you all somewhere sometime.

  9. "Popfreak" has the melody of a French song, not russian (namely Joe D'assin's L'ete Indien).


    But I think it is indeed a track by Aerodance that you are looking for, Psy Felling, namely "T-Murka". It is to be found on Boom! records compilation Electric Ohms (2001).

  10. Maia (the altime-best track IMO, and I've heard quite a lot of psy)



    Head Spin



    Family of light

    Moon in your window


    These are all MASTERPIECES, not just your average good tracks but downright amazing tunes. Considering that they have released 2 albums so far with a total of 14 tracks in them, 7 classics ain't too shabby at all! And mind you, the rest of the tracks are great too, infact far far better than most groups' best tracks. They only one I don't dig really is "Universe 13", but that's not a bad song either.


    mE and Avneesh - I've seen the album "IFO" for sale many times in at least a couple of psy-shops here in Helsinki during the last coupla months. Maybe we can arrange something if I get a hold of a copy?

  11. Best guitar-mayhem -tracks: Tim Schuldt/4CN (runner-up: Dark Soho)

    Most psychedelic album: Cosmosis - Synergy (at least I feel so at the moment)

    Most overrated artists (remember, IMO): Deedrah (yuck), Talamasca (2 x yuck)

    Best up'n coming (at least I hope so) act: Ka-Sol

    Best 3DVision -style group: Wizzy Noise (bubblin' under: Skazi, Bamboo Forest)


    Best of the best, high above all the rest: Pleiadians

  12. These is da 10 tracks dat I 'ave mainly listened to da last coupla daze (in no particular orda):


    Alienated - Cheetah Test

    Alienated - Fluff Factory

    Die Sonne - The Rip

    Psyclus & Silver Me - Komatsu

    Pleiadians - Meter

    Jörg on mushroom - The Messenger

    Members of Wah - Hotel Sumatra

    Toï Doï - Nuage d'encens

    Ka-Sol - Professor Mephisto

    Shiva & Skazi - By the rivers...

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