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el brujo

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Posts posted by el brujo

  1. Do you have a soundcard with the audio in :)

    There are ways to record like

    You could score the midi on your host Daw, which is Cubase in your case. Send midi signals to your outboard equipment which is Korg Microkorg and from Korgs line out will come out the sound signals which will go in to your soundcard and into an audio channel of your Daw. So you have two tracks one midi one audio. You send midi messages and receive audio signals.


    You can play live and send the signals directly but then fine editing will be quite hard(audio editing) and playing electronic music at high bpms are quite hard unless you re very very mechanisized or want off signature playing or lets say live feel :)

  2. I have Derango, Khetzal and Prometheus albums...

    They are except maybe for Prometheus still not FAR OUT or different enough :)

    You may be laughing because derango has multiple layers of absolute crazyness but that sonic blips and blops are not what I am talking about

    I am talking about a new way of making psychedelic music.

    Psychedelic as having a new perspective at things(life, music) for me :)

  3. Lately(the last 2 years) I ve been started to think most of the new psy is not pushing me and the dance music scene further, I ve been listening to lots of styles from rock to ambient, dub to idm but can not live that "being sent into the space in a rocket that goes 100000miles an hour and explodes into colour and dissolves into thoughts" anymore :)

    Some cross genre stuff worked on me like the last Amorphous album but I look for something new. Because for me psychedelia is like that, when it is repeated it looses its mental extension factor :)

    I still love goa and can still peak on the track deranger but not like the first time... What is new psychedelia, where are the underground acidhead music, there must be some...


    Are there any really new stuff, that explores new sounds and soundscapes, doesnt get caught up in genres like goa used to, experimental, yet can become danceable and not disconnected.


    I am hungry for recommendations :)

  4. well well

    There are many ways to look at the phenomenon

    you can certainly see how psychedelics give you another edge on looking at the reality and society just like postmodernism did, there are many connections, check the books:


    Postmodernism and Social Inquiry - David R. Dickens and Andrea Fontana

    Finding Hope in the Age of Melancholy - David S. Awbrey

    Drug Users in Society - Joanne Neale


    well you certainly make my acedemic approach tickle :)

  5. it means creative musicians like yourselve and people like me will never figure out how to make decent money even out of things we ve done ourselves, there will always be people who knows something we do not know or we do not want to see that makes money out of everything, they ll be happier when you die so that your cd s are worth more... Enjoy wild capitalist system :)

  6. Fuck, I bought from them so many times when living in Uk so friendly and good service, even bought from them when I was back to Turkey. So how about amboworld I guess they were kind a together...

    Hope they carry on with their lives happy and comfortable in some other way...

  7. where is ALICE IN ULTRALAND man?

    that album filled the gap in my collection with electronic music and psychedelic rock, and have been getting many listens at our tripping sessions at my bungalow.

    My fave is still LIFEFORMS but like I said Alice in Ultraland from AA is absolutely showing how good musicians or collage artists as they call themselves they are, it is a fucking live band+samples and sounds much more original than most of the stuff out there.

  8. The general scene may be fucked but as I always say

    there is still the underground

    things are still going really nice

    not much changed

    anyways what grew out from underground back in the day

    grew out and became something else

    we didnt care, and still dont, because it is something else

    but what we had (the idea, the vibe whatever you call it) is still with us


    So what I basically say this was a small scene and it still is, but its reflection which took even some of its artists on its boat is the one that you re bitching about, fuck it dont care it is something else...


    Like I say wherever I go I always find good free parties :)

  9. Then that means you re looking for something else now

    If you pay 30e and look for an effort

    Cause I prefer as much as I can

    not to pay, go to a FREE PARTY (in every sense of the word)

    I dont look for a physical effort but, bunch of freaks dancing together on psychedelics, make these psychedelics the music or the drugs whatever...


    this is the case according to me, people want big festivals and inernational dj s, good distribution, this and that but to make that you need a lot of money, then they complain things becomming commercial, of course it does, that is what you re looking for and creating


    There is still a free party scene with all kinds of psychedelic goa trance music, and i tend to live no commercial shit down there...


    Thing have changes so are the things people look for...

  10. I absolutely give no shit about live situation

    If I wanted to WATCH live musicians I would choose a rock or classical concert

    One of the first reasons I got hooked in this genre and its parties many years back

    was the lack of stage and shows and so called virtuosos PERFORMING

    I dont want that, that makes you an AUDIENCE, who is there to be ENTERTAINED

    but that is not this was about, there is MUSIC coming out of speakers uninterruptedly without any ego shows, and I, as the party goer and the dj as the player are all adding up together much nearly equally to the party itself. That is why i look for venues and the organisers as much as I look for the names of the dj s on flyers, because that creates or chooses its congregation which is as much as if not more important than the dj s.


    So this live that live fuck it, this music has no origins like that, I remember interstellar parties on walkmans and MD players ffs.

  11. well the best way to get into and hear what it is

    get Warp records releases

    and there is also a great book about the label

    check out their website which is a cool one too

    and I have some IDM head friends

    and I cant believe how many millions of releases they got

    and there is a very big variety in releases

    sometimes gets too experimental for me

    especially like Autechre who is the master of this genre

    some tunes I can listen or even love and some cant listen to 2 minutes

  12. Hybrid Leisureland – Trampoline Hotel


    this is the highlight for me from this album

    a true ambient piece

    if you re not into ambient much but have only listened psyambient maybe hard to relate... but it is one good track

    solid stuff

  13. in 2003 he played a set at Atlas mountains in Morocoo when sun was coming up

    and it was a blinding welcoming the sun music I really appreciated that


    I do not listen him mostly

    but jungle storm was one of the first I heard from him years back

    and thats what I said, if you want to meet his music that is a proper introduction

    he had some nice tunes, including sinai :)

  14. man back again

    I listened to your tune and it sounded like the best one up to date :)

    by the way this took me to the days

    when I first found out your Amithaba Buddha page online

    downloaded tunes and felt happy some guys were still into goa

    I wrote a message those days saying we loved you in Turkey and we play your tunes, I still do man

    I d be happy to play this one as well in the coming gigs

    please tell me a way to download it

  15. I am waiting for this album eagerly, I really love eat static and how they progreesed without falling into the trap of what is mainstream at the moment. They go beyond styles which is something I like, a lot of variety :)

    Their production has also been really up to date, which I heard at the three compilations this year... So, the day it is out, I ll be buying it.



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