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Lost Buddha

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Posts posted by Lost Buddha

  1. I've listened to the compil and to me this is the best Metapsy release to date. Psycho stuff.

    The subra and Artifact 303 tracks are especially amazing.


    Personnally I don't give a shit whether this is released as mp3s. No human being can do the difference between a wav and the same well encoded as VBR or >192 with Lame.


    1997 or 2007, whatever...I'm happy as long as this is Goa music !!!

    thanks mars that means a lot to us. :) glad you enjoyed it heh

  2. I've been listening to this EP alot now, and if the rest of the tracks keep up the same standard I will buy it for sure. Even if it's a crappy mp3 download I would still do, if that makes any possibilities to get it in materialized form some day...

    hi bro , it probably will be materialized , and the P! album its 1000x even crazier than this EP ... so... hehehehe


  3. Haha! This guy has some serious mental problems!!! :D

    So, you're gonna put all us in trouble BECAUSE you won't give your music for free anymore?!? :blink::lol:


    Oh man! I can't imagine living without your music! Please, reconsider your decision!!!! ;):rolleyes:

    yea man , of course im mental , thats why im an artist! finally u got my point! congrats.

  4. No no, those supposed goa djs are not buying, Filipe. They are stealing. ;)

    expecting releases from MYCEL HAHAHAHAHAHAH

    all i know is that i will never stop doing music , the more flames they throw at me the better , i know they´re all hurt because i can take over all this crap , thats why i made the pandemonium album , it will be a special message to all these dudes with no brain.

    thanks a lot for ya´ll good vibes and bad vibes because it keeps me going anyway , i always took a lot of crap since ive started and guess what i never stopped :lol::lol: im always the last one to laugh!

  5. The guy who started to spread some shit once again... The guy who loves to criticize and judge the others all the day, because he has any other things to do in his life than having lot of fun about that and thinking he s superior, better than the others. :lol: A guy who even doesnt think about the artists writing shit and spreading his great knownledge... A guy among others in this very nice and pleasant forum where mods are unexistant or useless I should say... ;)

    i hope he wont moan too about the price of the drama , its available now on theatres too ! :lol:

  6. dude no problem.. i have people who support me on a daily basis for my fighting career. i cant go anywhere now without someone asking me when the next fight is, or when i workout getting people saying come on tommy push another one, how bad do you want this title.


    if you were decent i would still support but damn dude today is second day on my ipod and ataraxia and regeneration are no joke. keep going dont listen to the haters. i know talent when i see it, whether its a hotdog eating contest, fighting, goa. you got it.. if you stopped it would be a crime my friend, because you could definitely INSPIRE many others.. its just beginning.


    and yes please no fighting. i do enough of that to last this whole forum for eternity. :P :P

    cool man , im sure i wont disapoint people like u and stopping no way ,about this its just people think that i have to "eat" everything they say but im not like it , its thanks to this kind of thinking that i struggled for almost 6 years of goa music.

    thanks a lot man seriously , it means a lot to me.

  7. A question to Matapsychic guys - do you plan to offer a physical CD sales in a foreseeable future? For me there's no fun in buying music over the net (no matter what format - WAV, MP3 or FLAC), because I can't connect with it. I need to have a proper CD release with factory printed artwork to enjoy it (and no, CDR + self-printed cover won't do).


    Is there any chance it will happen one day?

    yes , thats why we are doing this , it will help us to get there.
  8. First off i wanna say these tracks were like digital gasoline passing through my ipod when i was running. when it hit the fire of my brain i covered about 7 miles in 60 minutes. LoL


    Anyways dont listen to these guys, they are whats known as "haters". Haters usually hate because there not as good at something or they are broke. I'm not trying to start problems, but seriously guys, he is very talented and the tracks are great. While the price might be high, isn't anything in life thats good worth it. And even in your elite standards its still not worth it, don't you know what it means to support. I do.. I support my family on a daily basis.. well thats that, keep me updated lost buddha i need this stuff on my ipod.

    thanks man , im really happy that u support my work , its people like u that make me going for it.

    big thank u from the heart.

    same goes for trance2moveu.

  9. If you are gonna go "Pro" do it all the way, reading this stuff makes me happy with my decision to leave metapsychic before it went so called "Pro" in my opinion beatbiz just doesnt cut it, keep on trying but i think the more you debate here on psynews the harder it will be to advertise your own music around here.


    Good luck... or not.

    im even more happy that u left. :lol:

  10. wow a lot of things going on here.

    for some people it looks like they´re all hurt because they cant get it for free anymore. for some others they like to demand but they dont even buy.

    anyway i want to thank the people that are actually buying our new releases on which it will able me as an artist to make more music for yas and metapsychic itself to become a better label for YOU.

    for all the others , support the movement instead of whining around like a bunch of crybabies , unless ya´ll like uncle scrooge that 1-2€ will really hurt your wallets.

    just my toughts ,


  11. 1-about my post count:

    a)grow up, no one in their sane/insane mind cares about mine or yours post count. only kiddies pay attention to post count and try somehow to paint members profile out of it.

    b)you remind me of rezwanker with your lame attitude and self-designation as drama queen of the millenium considering attitude towards other forums members and reasons behind such attitude


    2-i dont judge you, im just making my own observations and conclusions based on your current behavior up to this thread and here.


    3-i dont care if you were talking to malevol3nt, this is, however, a PUBLIC forum, and EVERYONE have their RIGHTS to EXPRESS their OPINION. if you want privacy - use Personal Messaging System.


    4-jivamukti can discuss about whatever he wants, read what i wrote above.


    why you got so nervous all of a sudden when people started to express their opinions about possibilities for goa newcomers to live on their music? you dont like when someone in your opinion is trying to burst your imaginary PLUR bubble? i see someone opened rather unpleasant topic to talk about for metaphysic records crew :D you dont care, sure you dont, youre not serious guys anyway, with such lame attitude playing big man and big bosses in DEAD scene ;) face it, goa scene today is dead, its lost its popularity in fame for other music genres as fullon/darkpsy. now im not talking about couple of parties and cd's released per year, im talking about how it used to be, and as far as i know it used to be really ALIVE, rather than stagnating and more dead than alive during present days. so wheres the deal, why getting so tight about harmless discussion where NO ONE attacked you neither amateur label you represent?


    5- who started these conflicts that you now demand moderators to lock it?! YOU! oh and btw, you have absolutely NO RIGHTS to demand someone to close this thread, only topic starter might have such rights, because nothing insulting or out of rules has been said here ;).

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i feel more energy coming :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: keep on feeding me!
  12. No I'm not angry at anyone about the downloads. I have means of payment ;) And I'm definately not trying to speak bad things about you or any other netlabel. I had an argument with Cosmogenesis because I didn't like how he responded to the few comments made by a few people in this topic. I think he's reactions were overblown with what he said. But beeing that I can't argue with such a close-minded person I'll stop right there. Don't take this all too personally Buddha, it's just a matter of opinions ;)

    so then as u can see we are not in trouble , we are just making our business legal and trying to become a real label where all the artists have to get the respect they all deserve. afterall we are all big fans of music arent we? the artists are the ones who create the "magical" thing that we so much love and that has the power to make u sad , happy , to make u laugh etc..

    i dont think that attacking a label that is trying to put stand straight its a nice way of showing how much u like music...

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