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Posts posted by Time_Trap

  1. Do you follow some concrete rule when you make music or you just let emotions lead you? Basically(IMO) the difference between comersial and classic is in this question.


    no concrete rule.. i have some very basic rules that are very "fragile" however and try to experiment and not follow a typical formula every time.

  2. I always mix my tracks as I go along making them. This way you'll end up with very little adjustments to do once it's ready.  It's recommenable.


    you're right i have mixed them in a way but i have crappy speakers/sound card so will do the final adjustments in another system. btw what's your opinon on the track ?

  3. The motherfucker speaks again, Learn to give positive feedbacks and encourage musicians what the fuck do u know about quality poop sucker, u are one of those kids who like sitting in front of the computer coz u ain;t got nothing to do, Big-time loosers , u ain;t got the skills, lamer just shut the fuck up or expect a denial of service anytime!!!!


    Hope u understand !!!!


    And the rest of the brothers over the forum, kids like these need to be treated these ways !!!




    giving positive feedback always? he said he likes the stuff, but the quality isnt that good,and he wasnt the only one to say so.

    btw feedback is about making tracks better. harsh critics would be the best imho.

  4. goa isnt just "music for stupid acid heads". and of course they are tracks[mainly oldskool] that have this "magic" that let your mind travel away...


    party music does not deliver feelings. How could anyone party with a music that makes you sad or angry?

    wtf are you saying? goa isnt just party music. party music is skazi nowadays.and yeah, his music sux.

    but emotions cant always been expressed. sad, angry, happy. oh yeah, happy is an emotion too.

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