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Posts posted by Procyon

  1. Here's a simple version of a recipe we do using coffee, great for cold days:


    30ml of gianduia

    30ml of fresh hot coffee

    20ml of brandy (of course, you can double, triple... <_< )


    mix them um gently, top with chantilly and voila! You have coffee and are drunk at the same time!

  2. Here I go:


    1. No Man's Land - Dwarven District

    2. Human Dextroid - Poles

    3. Lah Narrad - It's Always Sunny...

    4. TRE - Penso

    5. Divine Force - I Feel You mix (Schiller)

    6. Alchemy Circle - Into The Void

    7. What Lies Beneath - The Universe Within

    8. Goamora - Look Deeper

    9. Exelization - Neurotrip

    10. Audio Se7en - Deep Rain


    I have to say that all chill-out tracks are good, very hard to pick one.

  3. Well, I have this doubt, that I think may do a difference about Sideffect: some days before his passing, Sideffect said he was with a terrible flu, in the "what are you doing now?" topic, two posts above mine. Is it possible that he self-medicated himself and made a unintentional mistake? Sorry to bring this subject to surface, but as his cause of death was not cited (and should not, imo), I thought if it was an accident, IF it involved medicines. As I have some kilometers walked inside hospitals, I have seen this happen a lot: person is in pain, take a medicine, it doesn't work, take it again in a double dose and next, he/she is found unconscious and people think, wrongly, it was a suicide attempt. I myself had to take Tylex 4 times a day last year, due to a excruciating pain after breaking my leg. Tylex is a strong derivate from morphem, and if taken in a wrong dose it can cause accidental cardiac arrest within minutes.


    RIP, anyway, and I hope it was unintentional. Reading some of his last posts, he was cheerful, it doesn't make sense.

  4. imho yes. it tastes great, complements almost any kind of cake nicely, it complements the taste of cigarettes just as well, and the caffeine can get you going in the morning or keep you awake and concentrated for long car rides.

    also if i drink one cup of coffee when coming down from the previous one, i get a slightly euphoric, "entactogen" high (but this ceases to work when you got a tolerance).

    the withdrawal syndrome with headaches is ime easily avoided by keeping your daily coffee intake at an acceptable level, but i'm not sure if i'm the right person here, as i get gastritis if i drink more than one cup per day on average for 2 months.

    :D LOL. I don't know if your positive view on coffee is that "positive": it's good with sugar, cigarretes and it causes euphoria ups and downs. I may testify that sometimes coffee may have the opposite effect it's drank to: instead of energizing, it crashes the body to a sleep point. It happens to me a lot.


    I haven't learned to drink coffe yet. Am I missing out?

    No. Caffeine is highly addictive, causes osteoporosis, yellow teeth and if (in my case) you don't have it in a 24h period, it causes the most horrible headaches. But it's good, mainly on a chilling day!

  6. I've been on absolute coffee strike for almost 2 years now, after almost 20 years of daily consumption. Not that there's anything fundamentally wrong with (good) coffee, it just started to make me feel totally like shit so I thought why bother. The first month was the worst, withdrawals and all that shit (nice DJing gigs in that state of being :) but it soon settled. I don't think I can go back anymore, even drinking tea seems to be out of the question nowadays... :(


    I avoided coffee for some time, but ended up returning to it, for social reasons. Plus, coffee in right daily doses is good for the health. On the other hand, I can't drink any alcohol anymore, just don't feel like drinking.

  7. While my boyfriend attends architecture college, I am full employed as house maid (yes, I clean the house and do the laundry), dog owner, dish washer/cashier/bartender in our lounge bar. I need a vacation in Aspen :)

  8. Well, I wish Mars full recovery. My mom underwent bone marrow transplant and chemo 15 years ago and she's strong as old oak now. If Filipe is in full paranoia, then it's useless trying to ask normalty from him in this stage. I would suggest that the offended ones to not take his atracks seriously, and hope his craziness leads to good music. Joao Gilberto, the master of bossa nova is said to be 'the shit' in person, but everything is forgotten when he starts singing.

  9. Pondering if I should buy a MacBook Air or an iPad with a detachable cover/keyboard. I like MBA best, it's really sleeky and light, but I have read in tech blogs that more and more people are leaving notebooks for the tablet/keyboard couple.

  10. I am but disappointed after I discovered a friend DJ is talking on my back. He thinks I had to pay him more than we agreed after a small party. If he only knew I lost money on the party with all the expenses...what awes me is why he didn't come to talk about instead of just creating a destructive opinion.

  11. omg i spread hate on nothing.. let evreyone listen to what he wants to liste for.. that's the idea of this. if i love killahh kicks and fat basses and you love vintage kicks and fancy args both of our favorite tracks will be in..

    You didn't spread hate at all. This is a forum, a musical one and people have different tastes for music. Under the psychedelic trance umbrella there are more than 10 subgenres. Not an easy task to elect ten tracks as "best of". Not even Astral Projection were happy when they releases their - supposedly - 10 best remixes.


    really ?? so, tell me why should it be a good thing to only understand halfway what people told you ?


    btw, i like the surface and handiness of itunes to let look your collection like a jukebox !

    I was trying to be humorous, that's it. I think iTunes works perfect.

  13. well shit...i should start selling hoddies to japanese guys then.


    prices for any clothes marketed to the psytrance crowd are laughably over priced, but seriously though....$200+ for a hoodie is just plain insanity.

    Japanese people are rich, they can afford incredible things that most of us can't. I suggest you to visit the country and go to department stores. It is mind blowing. No wonder goa/psy scenes there are one the best: they spend loads of money on deco, sound system and outfits to match them.

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